Nutting no plans to sell the Buccos...........

Like you I bought the BS they were feeding the fans about spending when they had the window. I even bought the bridge to n where year BS

Turns out it was just a master con job by Nutting. I can’t blame him though there are still plenty of suckers in the burg willing to shell out money to watch that mediocre product and are still drinking the Koolaide
I'm still trying to figure out what that bridge year was to.Hel# apparently.
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$100 million won’t get you much in an era where mediocre middle relievers are getting $8 and $9 million per year deals.
They need to implement a Salary Floor if they refuse to have a salary cap. Every team needs to spend at least $100,000,000 on their 25 man roster.

The Pirates are essentially at 100 million in payroll. $100,000,000 is not enough with the way other teams are spending.There should be a max and a floor.

As for the $50 to $75 million, here is what Nutting said in regards to those fund from a Rob Biertempfel tweet. By the way, Biertempfel is a douche also but regardless.

Nutting re: #Pirates plans for $50M MLBAM payout coming early next year: "I think we’ll probably be patient. Patient, disciplined, focused, process-driven — none of those are popular words, (but) those are the core building blocks for a great organization to be successful."

In other words, the fans won't benefit from that $50 million at all as it is not going into payroll. It will be put back into Nuttings pockets. He will come out and say they reinvested it into the franchise which simply means he continues to pay down the debt he owes on the franchise making it more valuable commodity to himself.
Bob Nutting is an all-time loser. Daddy's lil boy. I went to high school with a former Pirate and he told me a few great Nutting stories.

They were in spring training and Nutting addressed the team trying to give an inspirational speech. He said he believed in the team, they had a lot of talent, and this would be the year they finally win the NL EAST! He didn't even know what division they were in!

After he was traded because Nutting didn't want to pay him, Bob called a left him a short voicemail. Bob didn't leave a number to call him back on the VMail, so he dialed the number where the call came from. It just went to a generic Wheeling newspaper. Never did speak with him.
Mr. Nutting has one plan for the Pirates, and one plan only:
Use the franchise to improve his own personal wealth.
He will lie, he will cheat and he will steal to accomplish that one plan.
He will do anything, say anything, promise anything to get Pirates fans, his newspaper subscribers, those who visit his "resorts" to part with their money.
He will use and abuse his employees, be they players or reporters or waitresses, and toss them aside the instant he can find another somebody who in some way can bump up his bottom line the least little bit.
And he cares zero how the consequences of his actions affect anyone else. Absolutely zero.
That jackhole laughs at Pirate fans all the way to the bank every single day.
It's all about the money with him -- your money becoming his money.
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Even my hardcore sabermetrics friends who used to be mild Nutting apologists can't defend this anymore. It's so clear when a team could be sold for a billion profit compared to the buying price and makes money year after year, there is no excuse not to increase the payroll, especially when they were close. Whatever losses (and I'm not sure there had to be any?) that the team would have had by trying to make a run when it had the chance (yes sometimes you have to overpay for a player and it's worth it if they're literally better than the player you're underpaying for) would have paid for themselves by the sale of the team or profits in leaner years.
Even my hardcore sabermetrics friends who used to be mild Nutting apologists can't defend this anymore. It's so clear when a team could be sold for a billion profit compared to the buying price and makes money year after year, there is no excuse not to increase the payroll, especially when they were close. Whatever losses (and I'm not sure there had to be any?) that the team would have had by trying to make a run when it had the chance (yes sometimes you have to overpay for a player and it's worth it if they're literally better than the player you're underpaying for) would have paid for themselves by the sale of the team or profits in leaner years.

Attendance did go significantly down, and with it, one would assume, so would merch profits.

But, he is obviously making money, so why sell? They are pretty much on a precipice though. If we tank this season, they will lose the attendance they built over the past decade.
What blows my mind is that everyone in PGH gets excited over the newest set of clowns the Pirates accumulate and convinces themselves this new mess is the answer every spring but won't give Pitt two sniffs.

At least Pitt manages to avoid stringing together a couple dozen losing seasons in a row.
Nutting's are hated in WV , they were cheap liars when they ran the papers in the state. They have been this way since birth , and it won't change. That's what anyone else who still supports this family needs to understand, this is who they are to the core , there is no other way this family does business.