OT: Chesney Concert

I wish I could unearth the tweet from Friday or Saturday morning that was four photos of fighting at past Chesney shows. And the second photo was a dude in a block Pitt T-shirt with no sleeves and no neck with some dude laying in front of him like he just got knocked out.

Because that dude was redneck as you could get and it was hilarious to see.
Why is hilarious to see someone get knocked out, especially when you know nothing about the situation?

Seems you should be evaluated for your obvious thirst for raw violence.
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Lol, I was thinking the same thing. Weird freakin statement.
Lots of upside-down thinking these days. Even worse, so many race to support such thinking for fear of looking out of the “mainstream” or just to get their “virtue signaling” cookie.
They sure went through a lot of trouble to make country folk look bad judging by the pictures.
Is it country folk or just white college and high school kids? Just because they have jean shorts doesn’t mean they are from Greene county. They sell tank tops in Allegheny county too

I think there are plenty of people from Allegheny County who identify as rednecks who go to this trashfest.

Did you see that video of that drunk woman passing out on the escalator causing a pile up with some getting stomped. 2 things came to my mind: "This is America" and Idiocracy
I think there are plenty of people from Allegheny County who identify as rednecks who go to this trashfest.

Did you see that video of that drunk woman passing out on the escalator causing a pile up with some getting stomped. 2 things came to my mind: "This is America" and Idiocracy
Have you ever been outside of America?
I think there are plenty of people from Allegheny County who identify as rednecks who go to this trashfest.

Did you see that video of that drunk woman passing out on the escalator causing a pile up with some getting stomped. 2 things came to my mind: "This is America" and Idiocracy
Have you ever been outside of America?

Lots of times
I think there are plenty of people from Allegheny County who identify as rednecks who go to this trashfest.

Did you see that video of that drunk woman passing out on the escalator causing a pile up with some getting stomped. 2 things came to my mind: "This is America" and Idiocracy
I didn’t SMF, I’m really sorry I missed I. It sounds Like something we should all go out if our way to see.
I think there are plenty of people from Allegheny County who identify as rednecks who go to this trashfest.

Did you see that video of that drunk woman passing out on the escalator causing a pile up with some getting stomped. 2 things came to my mind: "This is America" and Idiocracy
I didn’t SMF, I’m really sorry I missed I. It sounds Like something we should all go out if our way to see.

I was like "really, you cant make this stuff up."
Both of my kids said their tailgate of 25 totally cleaned up their area and sealed all garbage up in black bags. When they got back to their truck the bags were ripped open and the garbage was spewed everywhere. My son, who had to work at 6:00 am on Sunday morning, left with four songs to go to get a jump on traffic and witnessed all kinds of homeless guys ripping sealed garbage bags in search of aluminum cans.
Both of my kids said their tailgate of 25 totally cleaned up their area and sealed all garbage up in black bags. When they got back to their truck the bags were ripped open and the garbage was spewed everywhere. My son, who had to work at 6:00 am on Sunday morning, left with four songs to go to get a jump on traffic and witnessed all kinds of homeless guys ripping sealed garbage bags in search of aluminum cans.
If this is true, maybe the parking companies should shift their spending to security and save on the trash collection.
Can we promise to have this same exact thread after next years Chesney concert? I mean it’s 4 years in a row with same people saying the same thing, we might as well make it a tradition.
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Can we promise to have this same exact thread after next years Chesney concert? I mean it’s 4 years in a row with same people saying the same thing, we might as well make it a tradition.

Well that's just it. People feel compelled to live up to the idiocy. I lived in Morgantown during the fire glory days of the RichRod era. My friends would blame it on the Pittsburgh media for coming down and covering it, and I laughed and said, 25% of these kids graduate each year, and each year are replaced by another group. It is like they think it is a rite of passage to act like a retard after a big win. That is not on the media.
Yeah, white young people suck, don’t they HTP?

All this thread needs is SMF chiming in, telling us all how scared we’d be if 45k black youth met at one place and we’d be complete.

I never said they where all white. Even at a rap show, the trouble makers will almost certain be younger morons.
I hope the city makes a lot of money from that concert, because it seems to me to not be worth it.
Outside of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson, I think country music sucks, especially contemporary country, so why is Chesney in particular a Yinzer favorite?
I never said they where all white. Even at a rap show, the trouble makers will almost certain be younger morons.
young kids drink too much and act dumb. get 40k of them together, immature, obnoxiousness, drunkenness happens. it's not the end of the world. if it annoys you (Which it would annoy me), stay away (Which I do).
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Outside of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson, I think country music sucks, especially contemporary country, so why is Chesney in particular a Yinzer favorite?
I went to a David Allen Coe show at the pepsi roadhouse (little mickey mouse venue close to star lake) about 15+ years ago. You boys want to see rednecks, come to this show. College aged kids wearing tank tops with a Dixie flag bandana is not red neck, this show is redneck. I loved it, had a blast but damn if you don't feel like a pilgrim in unholy land.

I did it once and that was enough for me. Loved my man David Allen Coe but the crowd is a crowd where you don't get too loud and definitely want to stay "under the radar."
I went to a David Allen Coe show at the pepsi roadhouse (little mickey mouse venue close to star lake) about 15+ years ago. You boys want to see rednecks, come to this show. College aged kids wearing tank tops with a Dixie flag bandana is not red neck, this show is redneck. I loved it, had a blast but damn if you don't feel like a pilgrim in unholy land.

I did it once and that was enough for me. Loved my man David Allen Coe but the crowd is a crowd where you don't get too loud and definitely want to stay "under the radar."
I would definitely see DAC, that would be a riot. But I like extreme stuff, he's extreme redneck.
Outside of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson, I think country music sucks, especially contemporary country, so why is Chesney in particular a Yinzer favorite?
I've been getting into some of George strait's older stuff, I like that guy. i'll openly admit some of Chesney songs are catchy, a pop music with a country twinge to it. everyone likes different stuff.

the more music I listen to the more I describe my tastes as "I like a little bit of a lot of music but I don't like a lot of any specific music." There isn't one genre of music that I won't get sick of in a few days time if I listen to too much of it.
I've been getting into some of George strait's older stuff, I like that guy. i'll openly admit some of Chesney songs are catchy, a pop music with a country twinge to it. everyone likes different stuff.

the more music I listen to the more I describe my tastes as "I like a little bit of a lot of music but I don't like a lot of any specific music." There isn't one genre of music that I won't get sick of in a few days time if I listen to too much of it.

I became a fan of Johnny Cash the day he died. I was in Walmart and I saw his greatest hits album for $5, and said what the hell, and was hooked from day 1, since then I've bought about 8-10 Cash CDs, because for some reason, they are everywhere and cheap, I got a double live album for $1.99. A triple CD package with lesser known songs for $5. But in general I'm not a country guy, outside maybe Skynyrd, The Outlaws, Eagles, the stuff known as Country Rock
I became a fan of Johnny Cash the day he died. I was in Walmart and I saw his greatest hits album for $5, and said what the hell, and was hooked from day 1, since then I've bought about 8-10 Cash CDs, because for some reason, they are everywhere and cheap, I got a double live album for $1.99. A triple CD package with lesser known songs for $5. But in general I'm not a country guy, outside maybe Skynyrd, The Outlaws, Eagles, the stuff known as Country Rock
im the same way, I jumped on that Johnny Cash bandwagon WAY too late. I feel like how everyone jumped on the Morrison / Doors bandwagon when the movie came out in early 90's, I kind of did the same with "Walk the line" and of course his death. oh well, better late than never.

I liked country music for a bit but after awhile I found every damn song was about alcohol/whiskey and it became a tad pathetic. talking about how your kiss is as sweet as jack daniels? WTF? I've drank jack and ive kissed a girl, I don't get the analogy.
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I became a fan of Johnny Cash the day he died. I was in Walmart and I saw his greatest hits album for $5, and said what the hell, and was hooked from day 1, since then I've bought about 8-10 Cash CDs, because for some reason, they are everywhere and cheap, I got a double live album for $1.99. A triple CD package with lesser known songs for $5. But in general I'm not a country guy, outside maybe Skynyrd, The Outlaws, Eagles, the stuff known as Country Rock
The best way to describe the crowd at a David Allen Coe concert is to go to a Skynard concert, find the biggest redneck there, then imagine that guy's black sheep uncle who he's ashamed of and who he denies being related too. Then multiply him by about 1500, that's a David Allen Coe concert.
Are you suggesting that the city fabricates the amount of garbage?
Yes, they most definitely do fudge those numbers and then publicly disseminate the fake numbers. When I worked for the PA Resources Council they just counted dumpsters for every event but they assigned different weights to different events for every dumpster. What was the rationale for the different weights? Only the Druids know.
Yes, they most definitely do fudge those numbers and then publicly disseminate the fake numbers. When I worked for the PA Resources Council they just counted dumpsters for every event but they assigned different weights to different events for every dumpster. What was the rationale for the different weights? Only the Druids know.

So they could be under counting?
Why is hilarious to see someone get knocked out, especially when you know nothing about the situation?

Seems you should be evaluated for your obvious thirst for raw violence.
ok now can we all sit down and sing Kumbaya and then toast our moral superiority with low fat lattes ?

sorry, I thought this was a football board and not the weekly meeting of the Sunshine Gals Quilting Club. ...dude gets knocked out with photo provided..some one finds the humor in it....I'm ok with that and feel no need to lecture them. get me a beer and not some snobby microbrew ipa crap with fruity undertones..
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Dude, you're angry.
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I guess someone has to like it for it to be that big of a deal. Also, I really don't care what someone chooses to like. Just know it's terrible.
to each his own my man, some people like cherry pie, some people like apple pie, some people like dudes wearing a dress and thigh highs.. Let it go and move on.
to each his own my man, some people like cherry pie, some people like apple pie, some people like dudes wearing a dress and thigh highs.. Let it go and move on.
don't get me started on those cherry pie douches...
ok now can we all sit down and sing Kumbaya and then toast our moral superiority with low fat lattes ?

sorry, I thought this was a football board and not the weekly meeting of the Sunshine Gals Quilting Club. ...dude gets knocked out with photo provided..some one finds the humor in it....I'm ok with that and feel no need to lecture them. get me a beer and not some snobby microbrew ipa crap with fruity undertones..
Why do you direct this to me? Go talk about football. :)
get me a beer and not some snobby microbrew ipa crap with fruity undertones..
you have no idea how much I agree with this last sentence. here I am telling y'all to let others be, who cares what they like, let them be but yeah, with this IPA craft garbage, I hear someone talk about this, I want to punch them in the face. You guys bash people for liking Chesney, call them low lifes or whatever, that's how I feel about a guy who prefers craft IPA filth over real beer.

IPAs are for women who want to hang out with their boyfriends and drink beer but don't like the actual taste of beer but want to drink beer.
Why do you direct this to me? Go talk about football. :)
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you were the one whining about the possible mental issues associated with "raw violence" enjoyment on a football (the epitome of raw violence for enjoyment sake) board . I choose then to make sport of you because of the irony in it. That is why....
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Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you were the one whining about the possible mental issues associated with "raw violence" enjoyment on a football (the epitome of raw violence for enjoyment sake) board . I choose then to make sport of you because of the irony in it. That is why....
You are way over thinking this and clearly thinking is not your forte.

There is a big difference between whining and a simple comment. A literal example of whining would be what you just wrote.

You have been corrected.

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