OT: Citizens arrest

Most local municipalities won't go near marijuana arrests for a variety of reasons. The drug is already functionally legal. The only way you have any case is if you have evidence on video of reckless endangerment. That is what he would be arrested for, the being high would just be an add-on. That's been my personal experience anyway.
Like many of you, I order from Amazon a few times per week. The driver who drops off many items (not in an Amazon truck but a personal car) is definitely high on marijuana. It is so bad that my packages reek of marijuana. He must drive around and take the drug. He is going to kill someone or drive off the road. Someone is going to get hurt. I am ordering some items which will arrive tomorrow, and I plan on making a citizen’s arrest.
Your honor I would like to enter exhibit 1 into evidence.
this thread is probably a very low point, rock bottom, for pantherlair.
How quickly people forget that there was once an entire forum pretty much dedicated to promoting the Great Replacement conspiracy with posts every time certain members found a Facebook video of non-white people committing crimes.
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How quickly people forget that there was once an entire forum pretty much dedicated to promoting the Great Replacement conspiracy with posts every time certain members found a Facebook video of non-white people committing crimes.
man i miss the locker room forum.
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This is a horrendous idea. You cannot prove that he's high or has been smoking. You have reasonable suspicion based on the smell but not probable cause for an arrest. You can land in some big trouble.
How quickly people forget that there was once an entire forum pretty much dedicated to promoting the Great Replacement conspiracy with posts every time certain members found a Facebook video of non-white people committing crimes.

Yea I think the low point was when that Alabama Democrat won that run-off, that KanePA dude (who claims to be a cop), went on a racist tirade. It was so bad that I think many were concerend about his safety as he took the loss of a relatively meaningless (in the big picture) Alabama runoff that seriously
Anyone with questions about citizens arrest can message me privately. I'm a volunteer sheriff's deputy in Lackawanna County
As maybe the only attorney on the board, my legal advice as your counsel is that you not perform a citizen's arrest. Ever.
Thanks for the advice.

Now as someone who did not attend law school or any other institute of higher learning ,
I will add that people who do not listen to their lawyer, are stupid.
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Jivecat you're a bad guy. You know this guy is driving under the influence endangering all the people in your neighborhood. Yet you keep ordering from Amazon. Jivecat is OK risking the lives of all the children on his street. He'd rather do that than drive to the store to buy his preparation H.
Jivecat you're a bad guy. You know this guy is driving under the influence endangering all the people in your neighborhood. Yet you keep ordering from Amazon. Jivecat is OK risking the lives of all the children on his street. He'd rather do that than drive to the store to buy his preparation H.
those amazon DSPs are contractors, not getting benefits, making 150 - 200 stops a day. a little weed is fine with that job. i'd almost like to see amazon buy it for them or allow them to expense it
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The Amazon drivers are a notch below the UPS add FedEx drivers though. The trucks in our neighborhood don’t exactly reek of weed…but definitely are very sloppy drivers. Frequently they drive over curbs, and cut it too fast turning around in people’s driveways (the act itself is a no-no for the other services), leaving tire treads on lawns.

And the Amazon drivers in our neighborhood frequently blast music in their trucks, which doesn’t particularly bother me but just not anything I’ve noticed the others do.

To their credit Amazon guys seem to deliver much later in the day/evening than the aforementioned rival services. Whether that’s just because they are more diligent, or that they half-assed it all day and are running late, I couldn’t say. But you’ll see their trucks as late as 9pm and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen that with the others.

I’ll say this. Regardless of how much whining the above might sound, I greatly appreciate these guys hustling about as they do and delivering all this sh*t. Especially in extreme weather. I never imagined how much we’ve come to rely on that, even before the enforced lockdowns sent that into orbit … and what we get nothing compared to the incredible amounts of things some of our neighbors have delivered. One family across from our home has like 10-12 sizable boxes dropped off and piled up at their door every day, and that doesn’t count the door dash , etc. that they get. Either they are making meth in there, or they have literally every single little thing they consume delivered.
The Amazon drivers are a notch below the UPS add FedEx drivers though. The trucks in our neighborhood don’t exactly reek of weed…but definitely are very sloppy drivers. Frequently they drive over curbs, and cut it too fast turning around in people’s driveways (the act itself is a no-no for the other services), leaving tire treads on lawns.

And the Amazon drivers in our neighborhood frequently blast music in their trucks, which doesn’t particularly bother me but just not anything I’ve noticed the others do.

To their credit Amazon guys seem to deliver much later in the day/evening than the aforementioned rival services. Whether that’s just because they are more diligent, or that they half-assed it all day and are running late, I couldn’t say. But you’ll see their trucks as late as 9pm and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen that with the others.

I’ll say this. Regardless of how much whining the above might sound, I greatly appreciate these guys hustling about as they do and delivering all this sh*t. Especially in extreme weather. I never imagined how much we’ve come to rely on that, even before the enforced lockdowns sent that into orbit … and what we get nothing compared to the incredible amounts of things some of our neighbors have delivered. One family across from our home has like 10-12 sizable boxes dropped off and piled up at their door every day, and that doesn’t count the door dash , etc. that they get. Either they are making meth in there, or they have literally every single little thing they consume delivered.
A nation of hermits???
I've never had an Amazon driver hit my fence with their truck, but I can't say the same for Fedex. Point for Amazon there.