OT: Getting back to normal

Sean Miller Fan

Lair Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2001
As we move closer to "normal," I finally remembered what its like to be "sick." With masks and social distancing, nobody in my family had gotten "sick" since before Covid. Amazing how great masks + social distancing worked for regular routine viruses but now I have this summer cold or whatever you call it. I mean its not that bad but I forgot what it was like to be actually sick. I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience?

Also, FWIW, I think I am done eating in restaurants permanently. We used to eat in restaurants quite a bit pre-Covid, more than we should have but 1 thing Covid has made me realize is man that is pretty stupid. We've eaten out 3-4 times since being vaccinated and its annoying beyond belief to actually have to sit there and wait for someone to take your order, bring your food, bring your check. We went out for Father's Day and it took 25 minutes from the time we got there to the time we ordered. Felt like 2 hours. And the place seemed well stuff and not really busy as there was no wait for a table.

Covid have any other unintended consequences for yinz guys?
Very similar. No more $13 glasses of wine, and $100 plus tip dinners. We eat at trendy unsophisticated restaurants, and have loved the change. Besides we watch a lot of cooking shows, print the recipes, and have a great meal with a $13 “bottle” of wine.
My wife still won’t eat inside. El Fresco only.
Still nice to get out a couple times a week, at a fraction of what we used to spend.
Haven’t had a cold in 2 years.
I've enjoyed going out again but I know a lot of folks in the food service industry and like supporting them and the places at which they work or manage. Spending a lot of cash again kind of sucks but is what it is...

I've enjoyed going to bars again too but spending a lot there sucks even more. Still... It's fun and generally good to great company.

I don't mind waiting to order or eat within reason because I'm with good company and we're catching up while waiting so that's no a big deal to me at all.

Uber/Lyft prices being astronomical lately stinks but that'll likely go back to the norm in a few months.

Have enjoyed not being sick unless I drank too much and I'm just hungover.
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Haven’t had a cold in 2 years.
For the first time ever, my kids did not miss a day of school due to being sick. Just one of those things you wouldn't have thought about in March 2020. So, yea, there's this virus killing old people all over the place but if you dont get Covid, you won't get any other sickness. My kids were in class 5 days/week most of the year with probably just the minimum amount of social distancing and there were no other sicknesses going around. Just amazing.
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bars being closed forced me and my neighbors to do the cul de sac drinking and socializing since last spring.. now, we are accustomed to it and well it's fun and all but yeah, definitely increased my weekly beer intake..

i never enjoyed restaurants on busy days like mothers day, fathers day, etc. now that bars are back open, ill go in and sit down at one and drink a few 4 dollar milly lites and wonder why the heck i just dont do this outside with my neighbors for 1/10th the price..

non bar related, safe to assume many immune systems are shot to heck with this shutdown and what used to be the sniffles or common cold will be worse. i was pounding Vitamin D and havent worn a mask for 6 months and not scared of my shadow so i'll be good..'

not an amazon or online fan but a year off from the malls and retail box stores has led me to finally admit that the retail store model is dying a slow but steady death and getting everything delivered is the way to go. i even bought a driver online vs the dicks/golf galaxy store. a risky buy that im still not convinced was a good one..

shaking strangers hands is a bit taboo as well and i cant say that im not glad for this "new normal." if i never have to shake a strangers hand again, im ok with this.
bars being closed forced me and my neighbors to do the cul de sac drinking and socializing since last spring.. now, we are accustomed to it and well it's fun and all but yeah, definitely increased my weekly beer intake..

i never enjoyed restaurants on busy days like mothers day, fathers day, etc. now that bars are back open, ill go in and sit down at one and drink a few 4 dollar milly lites and wonder why the heck i just dont do this outside with my neighbors for 1/10th the price..

non bar related, safe to assume many immune systems are shot to heck with this shutdown and what used to be the sniffles or common cold will be worse. i was pounding Vitamin D and havent worn a mask for 6 months and not scared of my shadow so i'll be good..
I feel like a lot us started taking Vitamin D. Haha. Now I still take it too. Wonder if other just made it part of their supplement regiment like I did.
One thing it is still a bit slow to business travel (companies are now using it as an excuse to not see vendors and/or people are working from home) but it is so nice now....and many of you were not affected by this. But going out to eat or having a beer like a normal person, without all the gesticulations is just so....."normal". That is a good thing. It is a good thing for the economy for me to travel, for people to fly, people to go on vacations, etc....
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As we move closer to "normal," I finally remembered what its like to be "sick." With masks and social distancing, nobody in my family had gotten "sick" since before Covid. Amazing how great masks + social distancing worked for regular routine viruses but now I have this summer cold or whatever you call it. I mean its not that bad but I forgot what it was like to be actually sick. I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience?

Also, FWIW, I think I am done eating in restaurants permanently. We used to eat in restaurants quite a bit pre-Covid, more than we should have but 1 thing Covid has made me realize is man that is pretty stupid. We've eaten out 3-4 times since being vaccinated and its annoying beyond belief to actually have to sit there and wait for someone to take your order, bring your food, bring your check. We went out for Father's Day and it took 25 minutes from the time we got there to the time we ordered. Felt like 2 hours. And the place seemed well stuff and not really busy as there was no wait for a table.

Covid have any other unintended consequences for yinz guys?

Yeah… Now that people are removing their masks, I’m reminded how many ugly people there are….
Some dumb-arse from Australia flew to NZ from Sydney while sick. Of course still went to crowded bars and museums. Pretty much did what you would do if you wanted to spread Covid. And on their return to Sydney tested positive. So Wellington now in a degree of lockdown. This could be really bad, with only about 5% of NZ vaccinated and the delta variant being responsible for the Sydney cases. NZ voluntarily delayed vaccine shipments on their contracts so the vaccines could go to higher need nations as there was little to no Covid here. Well, opening up the border to Australia where the public health of the country relies on the honesty and sensibilities of Australians is a policy absolutely destined to fail. Exception granted to Australian kickers and punters who commit to play at Pitt. Those guys are great.
One thing it is still a bit slow to business travel (companies are now using it as an excuse to not see vendors and/or people are working from home) but it is so nice now....and many of you were not affected by this. But going out to eat or having a beer like a normal person, without all the gesticulations is just so....."normal". That is a good thing. It is a good thing for the economy for me to travel, for people to fly, people to go on vacations, etc....
Companies are using covid as an excuse not to see the annoying vendors 😁.
One thing that I’ve absolutely changed since Covid has hit has been my eating habits for the good. My wife works overnight in the ER. I would leave work and usually grab something quick to eat so I could spend more time with her before she left for work.

Now since I’ve gone full work from home with a few travel days every month this past year; shes taught me how to cook and I’ve noticed a complete difference in my energy levels and my reliance on caffeine. Now I will say, we turned the one bedroom into a complete “office” around February because for some reason I was struggling to turn off work in her words and that’s really helped a lot.

This summer/spring, I’ve spent a lot of nights on the golf course with her and others when we have time instead of going out. Her and I haven’t gone out drinking with friends at bars much or at all really. . Instead we’ve done more house party type deals and honestly I’ve loved it.
One thing that I’ve absolutely changed since Covid has hit has been my eating habits for the good. My wife works overnight in the ER. I would leave work and usually grab something quick to eat so I could spend more time with her before she left for work.

Now since I’ve gone full work from home with a few travel days every month this past year; shes taught me how to cook and I’ve noticed a complete difference in my energy levels and my reliance on caffeine. Now I will say, we turned the one bedroom into a complete “office” around February because for some reason I was struggling to turn off work in her words and that’s really helped a lot.

This summer/spring, I’ve spent a lot of nights on the golf course with her and others when we have time instead of going out. Her and I haven’t gone out drinking with friends at bars much or at all really. . Instead we’ve done more house party type deals and honestly I’ve loved it.
Very few positives but your last paragraph hits home. A lot more socializing with the neighbors, house party’s over the last 14+ months, hanging in the front yard and throwing down some beers instead of just going to a bar and staring at a tv watching the game.
Very few positives but your last paragraph hits home. A lot more socializing with the neighbors, house party’s over the last 14+ months, hanging in the front yard and throwing down some beers instead of just going to a bar and staring at a tv watching the game.
Before we would head out to like Carson City Salloon or Red Beards for college football. Now we’re going to a buddies or everyone is coming over and it’s so much more enjoyable.
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Honestly my life didn't change too much during Covid. I never went out much before Covid so I didn't miss that. I still got together with my family so no change there.

Basically the only thing that changed was I work from home now, so that allowed me to growing a few veggies in pots to having an actual garden which is very welcomed at my house. So last year I missed vacation and sporting events (mostly my son's sports). So it is nice getting those back.
Yeah, I started a garden last year, and now again this year. Fairly decent sized. So shortly will have access to alot of fresh veggies. What I really like aside from obviously tomatoes off the vine vs store, is the access to fresh lettuce and arugula to make salads. It is the ultimate "organic" stuff because I grow it my own and don't put chemicals on it.

Though can't wait next week. Just a simple business trip to Cleveland for a few days will feel like normal.
My life did not change much during Covid. Much time in Florida. Practiced social distance and only masked when required. Maybe lucky or otherwise.