OT: Just for Fun - Favorite Rock Band Quartet

Oct 25, 2021
Okay, I took ten popular rock bands/artists who formed in each of four decades (60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's) and then used a random number generator to assign each to a group. Each group has one band from each decade (they're in sequential decade order within that group). Choose your favorite group of the ten (or list a top three or something if you'd like to go beyond that). And also choose your least favorite. The groups are:

1) CCR, The Eagles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
2) Black Sabbath, The Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oasis
3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
6) The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Metallica, System of a Down
7) Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair
8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
9) Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Nirvana, Tool
10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer

Additional Notes:

I. A lot of these bands formed in a different decade from when they became popular, so that's why some may look quirky (and a few might just be outright incorrect, since I used quick Google searches on ones I wasn't sure of). But you obviously get the music from their entire careers - not just any one particular decade.

II. In the case of artists who had both solo careers and careers with a band (e.g. Tom Petty), just assume you get the entire catalogue.
Wow this must have taken some time to compile ........ Bravo!

I will choose 1) as my favorite "team" and 3) as my 2nd favorite "team"
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Wow. They way you slotted these groups makes it really difficult. Because some of my favorite bands are also paired with some not so favorite.

For sure. I saw Pink Floyd and Queen and was hopeful. Followed by two of my least favorite in Guns & Roses and the Foo Fighters. Hard to wrap my head around it.
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If I had to pick a favorite from these groupings, pretending this was some kind of weird concert lineup, I'd have to go with 5. And then I can just leave halfway through.
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Wow this is tough. I cups probably be talked into 7, 8, or 9.
Okay, I took ten popular rock bands/artists who formed in each of four decades (60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's) and then used a random number generator to assign each to a group. Each group has one band from each decade (they're in sequential decade order within that group). Choose your favorite group of the ten (or list a top three or something if you'd like to go beyond that). And also choose your least favorite. The groups are:

1) CCR, The Eagles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
2) Black Sabbath, The Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oasis
3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
6) The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Metallica, System of a Down
7) Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair
8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
9) Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Nirvana, Tool
10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer

Additional Notes:

I. A lot of these bands formed in a different decade from when they became popular, so that's why some may look quirky (and a few might just be outright incorrect, since I used quick Google searches on ones I wasn't sure of). But you obviously get the music from their entire careers - not just any one particular decade.

II. In the case of artists who had both solo careers and careers with a band (e.g. Tom Petty), just assume you get the entire catalogue.
Kudos to you for the amount of work and the thought put into this exercise! Very impressive, indeed!

One queston - Why aren't Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young included?
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Here's my issue.
1) AIC and Pearl Jam? Hell yeah. CCR, blah. Iggles? Double blah.
2) I actually like all of these. Chili Peppers especially, but Oasis? I don't know.
3) Again, the first 3, who doesn't like I love? And no to Linkin Park
4) Toughest for me. Love the Who. U2? From 1978-1993 absolutely is my favorite group of all time. But after? Not so much. Love the Pumpkins, not a DMF fan at all.
5) This is strong for me, but GNR? Ok. I like all of these, do I love?
6) Respect the Beach Boys and Springsteen. But they are not artists I seek out. Not the biggest Metallica fan. System of a Down incredibly underrated.
7) I mean Zeppelin. But not an Aerosmith fan. Not that big STP and Silverchair had one album of any import.
8) Stong group in my opinion.
9) Meh on the first two....YAY on the second two.
10)Like the Stones over the Beatles, think Green Day is way overrated. Not a Kiss fan though nostalgic for my youth. Really like Weezer.
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Kudos to you for the amount of work and the thought put into this exercise! Very impressive, indeed!

One queston - Why aren't Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young included?

It actually didn't take very long. I only thought of it at 9:00, so it was about 25 minutes by the time I started working on it.

Funny you mention them specifically, because they were literally the one I was going to go back and insert. But, alas, I left Fleetwood Mac ride since I watched a live performance of theirs last night, lol. The toughest part was thinking of more bands that actually began in the 90's. I just threw in bands like Linkin Park (not my favorite), because I figured there would be some fans of them on here.

There are actually a lot of bands on the list I don't care for. My favorites would be Springsteen, Dylan, STP, and Alice in Chains.

I'd rank #6 as my top choice just for Bruce alone (but I also dig System of a Down), and I think the weakest group for my tastes would probably be #5 (but I also find #10, #4, and #2 to be pretty weak for me personally). STP salvages #7 for me, but it's pretty blah for my tatses other than that.
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Funny you mention them specifically, because they were literally the one I was going to go back and insert. But, alas, I left Fleetwood Mac ride since I watched a live performance of theirs last night, lol. The toughest part was thinking of more bands that actually began in the 90's. I just threw in bands like Linkin Park (not my favorite), because I figured there would be some fans of them on here.

Pre Nicks/Buckingham Fleetwood Mac I enjoy. They got commercially successful in the 70s but far less interesting, IMO.

I'd probably slot Yes ahead of a few of those other 60s bands. I like prog though.
Okay, I took ten popular rock bands/artists who formed in each of four decades (60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's) and then used a random number generator to assign each to a group. Each group has one band from each decade (they're in sequential decade order within that group). Choose your favorite group of the ten (or list a top three or something if you'd like to go beyond that). And also choose your least favorite. The groups are:

1) CCR, The Eagles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
2) Black Sabbath, The Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oasis
3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
6) The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Metallica, System of a Down
7) Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair
8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
9) Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Nirvana, Tool
10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer

Additional Notes:

I. A lot of these bands formed in a different decade from when they became popular, so that's why some may look quirky (and a few might just be outright incorrect, since I used quick Google searches on ones I wasn't sure of). But you obviously get the music from their entire careers - not just any one particular decade.

II. In the case of artists who had both solo careers and careers with a band (e.g. Tom Petty), just assume you get the entire catalogue.
#1 works for me since CCR is my favorite band.
Okay, I took ten popular rock bands/artists who formed in each of four decades (60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's) and then used a random number generator to assign each to a group. Each group has one band from each decade (they're in sequential decade order within that group). Choose your favorite group of the ten (or list a top three or something if you'd like to go beyond that). And also choose your least favorite. The groups are:

1) CCR, The Eagles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
2) Black Sabbath, The Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oasis
3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
6) The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Metallica, System of a Down
7) Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair
8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
9) Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Nirvana, Tool
10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer

Additional Notes:

I. A lot of these bands formed in a different decade from when they became popular, so that's why some may look quirky (and a few might just be outright incorrect, since I used quick Google searches on ones I wasn't sure of). But you obviously get the music from their entire careers - not just any one particular decade.

II. In the case of artists who had both solo careers and careers with a band (e.g. Tom Petty), just assume you get the entire catalogue.

Why I wouldnt

1) Nice except for Pearl Jam-Just hate grunge
2) I would beat Oasis' ass
3) Best group except for the thieving Stones
4) DMB ZZZZZzzzzz
5) Not too bad, Is Axl a problem?
6) Meh. Musically great, odd personalities aplenty
7) Best house. And the one with which Id like to jam with. Hopefully Weiland isnt too messed
8) Domestic drama, Radiohead is awful. Rage is the shit but cant imagine living with Zak- prob a huge buzzkiller
9) Hate Nirvana. Maynard is weird, Dylan speaks in tongues
10) Not too bad. Is Yoko part of the deal? Hard Pass if so
Okay, I took ten popular rock bands/artists who formed in each of four decades (60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's) and then used a random number generator to assign each to a group. Each group has one band from each decade (they're in sequential decade order within that group). Choose your favorite group of the ten (or list a top three or something if you'd like to go beyond that). And also choose your least favorite. The groups are:

1) CCR, The Eagles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
2) Black Sabbath, The Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oasis
3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
6) The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Metallica, System of a Down
7) Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair
8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
9) Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Nirvana, Tool
10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer

Additional Notes:

I. A lot of these bands formed in a different decade from when they became popular, so that's why some may look quirky (and a few might just be outright incorrect, since I used quick Google searches on ones I wasn't sure of). But you obviously get the music from their entire careers - not just any one particular decade.

II. In the case of artists who had both solo careers and careers with a band (e.g. Tom Petty), just assume you get the entire catalogue.
I was thinking you meant favorite rock bands that were quartets, like Led Zeppelin.
1 10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer
-The Beatles is legendary, I'm a fan of Green Day, Weezer has some solid stuff, and while not a big fan of Kiss, they would at least put on a good show.

2. 3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
-The Rolling Stones are probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite band on the list, Tom Petty is good, and Linkin Park has a few songs I like.

3. 4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
-U2 is my favorite band on this list. The Who isn't too bad, the rest are meh.

4. 5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
-Seeing Queen live would be awesome. I like the Foo Fighters as well.

5. 8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
-I was good with Fleetwood Mac and Journey, not really a fan of the other two.
Okay, I took ten popular rock bands/artists who formed in each of four decades (60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's) and then used a random number generator to assign each to a group. Each group has one band from each decade (they're in sequential decade order within that group). Choose your favorite group of the ten (or list a top three or something if you'd like to go beyond that). And also choose your least favorite. The groups are:

1) CCR, The Eagles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
2) Black Sabbath, The Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oasis
3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
6) The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Metallica, System of a Down
7) Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair
8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
9) Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Nirvana, Tool
10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer

Additional Notes:

I. A lot of these bands formed in a different decade from when they became popular, so that's why some may look quirky (and a few might just be outright incorrect, since I used quick Google searches on ones I wasn't sure of). But you obviously get the music from their entire careers - not just any one particular decade.

II. In the case of artists who had both solo careers and careers with a band (e.g. Tom Petty), just assume you get the entire catalogue.
Where is Van Halen?
It’s #6 for me because of The Beach Boys and Bruce. You could have put Coldplay and MC Hammer with them and I’d still go with them.

i am showing my age here, but the first two groups in each “quartet” are almost always my two favorites of the four. The exceptions would be Guns N’ Roses and Linken Park, who I really liked.
Okay, I took ten popular rock bands/artists who formed in each of four decades (60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's) and then used a random number generator to assign each to a group. Each group has one band from each decade (they're in sequential decade order within that group). Choose your favorite group of the ten (or list a top three or something if you'd like to go beyond that). And also choose your least favorite. The groups are:

1) CCR, The Eagles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam
2) Black Sabbath, The Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oasis
3) The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Soundgarden, Linkin Park
4) The Who, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Dave Matthews Band
5) Pink Floyd, Queen, Guns & Roses, Foo Fighters
6) The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Metallica, System of a Down
7) Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Silverchair
8) Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine
9) Bob Dylan, AC/DC, Nirvana, Tool
10) The Beatles, Kiss, Green Day, Weezer

Additional Notes:

I. A lot of these bands formed in a different decade from when they became popular, so that's why some may look quirky (and a few might just be outright incorrect, since I used quick Google searches on ones I wasn't sure of). But you obviously get the music from their entire careers - not just any one particular decade.

II. In the case of artists who had both solo careers and careers with a band (e.g. Tom Petty), just assume you get the entire catalogue.

I'd go with #8 in first, #4 2nd, and #10 3rd.
Where is Van Halen?
I know, right??

I mean, it’s music so no one’s opinion is wrong, but many music historians and fans believe Van Halen is the greatest, if not top 5 “american rock n roll” bands of all time. you’d think there would be a spot for them somewhere in the OP.
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If I had to pick a favorite from these groupings, pretending this was some kind of weird concert lineup, I'd have to go with 5. And then I can just leave halfway through.
Yeah. That’s how I’m trying to pick. I’m trying to look at it as an eventful or iconic concert, fully realizing that some of the bands are not my cup of tea but their influence on the business can’t be denied, but I’d buy a ticket just so I can say I saw them live. Some of the groupings start out so promising looking at things through that prism. 6,7,8,9 start out promising and then end in a God awful way.

maybe I’d do #10. Not sure Weezer is iconic (maybe they are) but the other 3 certainly are and it’s hard to deny their influence.
Man I was just thinking the same thing actually. Is rock dead? Or are we all just getting old?
I think folks are getting old. Musical tastes are pretty solidified by the time someone hits their 20s so I suspect a lot of it is that people stop seeking out new music.
I think folks are getting old. Musical tastes are pretty solidified by the time someone hits their 20s so I suspect a lot of it is that people stop seeking out new music.
Are new rock bands selling out 18K arenas and stadiums? I guess maybe they are. I just don’t know who they are. Any time I hear of a big show, it’s a country artist, pop artist, hip hop, rap, or older rock acts from the 70’s and 80’s.
I think folks are getting old. Musical tastes are pretty solidified by the time someone hits their 20s so I suspect a lot of it is that people stop seeking out new music.
I know alot of people like this...that their music exploration died when they turned 20.

I do think I have the genre's that I like (and hate) and explore new artists within those boundaries. But in many of these, they aren't as overtly abundant as they were 25 years ago.

Others, I mean I am never going to like a Cardi B, regardless of era, but Billie Elish, yeah I like her stuff.
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Saw Springsteen & the E street band in concert a couple times, spanning about twenty years.

The fast party rocker songs, no band touches them IMO.

but when he slows it down for the poignant dirge numbers preface by the rambling story, oy vey, time for a soft pretzel.
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Are new rock bands selling out 18K arenas and stadiums? I guess maybe they are. I just don’t know who they are. Any time I hear of a big show, it’s a country artist, pop artist, hip hop, rap, or older rock acts from the 70’s and 80’s.
Nostalgia sells

stadium country is unlistenable
Man I was just thinking the same thing actually. Is rock dead? Or are we all just getting old?

I think music legitimately sucks now. I've tried so hard to get into many modern bands. Just can't do it. Even the "new music" (as in new to me) I discover nowadays is music that is decades old. It was just better.
#5, just because it has Queen. Pink Floyd is good, but Queen is in a league of their own among all of those bands. The rest....meh.
A tie ..... between all of them. I'd be okay with any pair of the first and second ones as the best, and I don't know anything about any of the third and fourth ones to choose the worst.