i dont know, i think we are getting past the days of tiger carrying the ratings. Would tiger and to a lesser extend, Phil in the last pairing really help ratings that much in 2020? IF it was 2013, absolutely but now?
Truth is, the best golfers in the world currently were in the mix for the masters this year.. DJ is the # 1 golfer, Rahm the big oaf is too, as is justin thomas, cantley, Rory, Koepka. I mean this masters had so many of the top golfers in the mix. DeChambeau not really but he wasnt too far out.
I love Phil and i actually do root for Tiger but i think the days of them needing to be in on it on Sunday for viewership is outdated. these younger guys are the future and the Present of the tour.. kinda sucks cause i dont even really like any of them..