OT: New Post-Gazette PSU Beat Reporter

Every newspaper is doing that. The diminished quality that comes from not having journeyman reporters is painfully obvious.
It’s also never been more acceptable, heck, mandatory, to show blatant bias. That used to be kept strictly to op-eds and columnists but is now common in what is pushed as the actual “news” as well ( and sometimes the bias is in the outright censorship of inconvenient facts, as the Pgh media is performing with the latest PSU football scandal).

Objectivity won’t get ratings or eyeballs. Consumers are certainly at least part to blame, we don’t have patience to wade through straight facts. We want our beliefs supported. I’ll certainly admit my bitterness at the Pgh media is at least partly the scorn that they aren’t kissing the tail of MY school vs being fanboys for other programs, more than it is my quest for fairness.
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It’s also never been more acceptable, heck, mandatory, to show blatant bias. That used to be kept strictly to op-eds and columnists but is now common in what is pushed as the actual “news” as well ( and sometimes the bias is in the outright censorship of inconvenient facts, as the Pgh media is performing with the latest PSU football scandal).

Objectivity won’t get ratings or eyeballs. Consumers are certainly at least part to blame, we don’t have patience to wade through straight facts. We want our beliefs supported. I’ll certainly admit my bitterness at the Pgh media is at least partly the scorn that they aren’t kissing the tail of MY school vs being fanboys for other programs, more than it is my quest for fairness.
Bingo. People no longer want the truth. They want what they want to be as the truth. No one wants objectivity. Even on these boards, it is the same.
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Bingo. People no longer want the truth. They want what they want to be as the truth. No one wants objectivity. Even on these boards, it is the same.
It would be expected on sports message boards. You would expect the PSU football boards to hide the latest rape story. But when the entire media base of WPA also do so, that’s when it becomes more scary. Hey, tbh we’re happy in a general context to see them having troubles there but cutting through the BS, these are real lives and this is a troubled program that seriously violates its participants. That’s serious stuff and for a media base to hide it completely because the region’s power mongers are supporters of the school, that’s dangerous.

Parents and students in this region, whether big time football players or not, currently considering that school, really need to know these things. They can each add up all these toxic incidents together, and the sum may make them seriously reconsider that place. Or it may not. That’s for each family to decide. But they have to know the facts in the first place, to make that decision properly.

“You just want football recruits to go to Pitt and not to PSU.” Well, sure I do. But I’m entirely realistic. No amount of bad PR or even outright sanctions on PSU (there’s a laugh) would be helpful for Pitt football. We exist in different universes, sports wise. It’ll more likely benefit other football factory programs that they compete with more directly. An Ohio State or Michigan might end up with recruits that might rule them out for this. Pitt has nothing to gain from this.

In fact it’s been proven what is LIKELY to happen is that PSU will have more lawsuits slapped (rhythmically) upon them, which they will pay heartily to settle, which the robot PA legislature will funnel State tax money to cover…money almost certainly that will reduce Pitt’s PA appropriation. All of us who reside in PA and especially those of us that support Pitt are the ones who REALLY felt the pain in the rear during the Sandusky scandal, and it’s likely to be the same here as well.
I think the facts are out there.
Cult members isolate themselves from facts.
Its straight up an issue with the media here though even going as far as not even questioning bad on the field play ever.
Interesting they sent the newbie to cover Big 10 media days in person. First report was a story on Whipple and Nebraska. Of course. PG really wants to reset the whole PSU experience this year.