OT: "Nobody saw this coming..."

I'd sign him for the minimum, on the condition that he gets a psych eval that results him him being supervised 24 7.
How much did he make in his career? $30 million? How can any person spend $30 million in 15 years and only have $50K in assets left? That's near impossible.
How much did he make in his career? $30 million? How can any person spend $30 million in 15 years and only have $50K in assets left? That's near impossible.

Curt Schilling says, "Hold my bloody sock." If those numbers are accurate, then I'm actually shocked AB got 15 years out of only 30 million.
How much did he make in his career? $30 million? How can any person spend $30 million in 15 years and only have $50K in assets left? That's near impossible.
I met a guy in a bar once who installed pools for a living in Pittsburgh. AB originally had a pool installed at his house and something went wrong. So he called this guy in a to fix it and this guy explained to him what appeared to be the problem and that AB needed to go back to the original contractor and either have him fix the problem or get an attorney. AB wanted no parts of that and just wanted to pay this guy 60k to put in a new pool.

It’s this kind of mindset and stupidity that has you blowing through millions in a short amount of time. To the OP’s point, we all saw this coming 10 years ago.
How much did he make in his career? $30 million? How can any person spend $30 million in 15 years and only have $50K in assets left? That's near impossible.
Not nearly impossible. People who get a lot of money quickly, like lottery winners and rich athletes, go broke all the time.
Not nearly impossible. People who get a lot of money quickly, like lottery winners and rich athletes, go broke all the time.

Its pretty hard to spend that type of money and have nothing to show for it. You would think there would at least be some houses, cars, jewelry.
Its pretty hard to spend that type of money and have nothing to show for it. You would think there would at least be some houses, cars, jewelry.
I gotta think he was not the type to be enamored with expensive tangible assets and most of it went to St. Jude's Children's Hospital...He probably over extended his credit limits on homes, cars and jewelry etc. such that after helping the kids he went into debt...
Honestly, it’s just sad at this point. Something is messed up with him mentally and he’s driven everyone out who could help. Hopefully this is a much-needed wake up call.
Unfortunately, he needs waaaay more than a wake-up call. He needs someone to manage his affairs for him. This will only get worse.
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