OT: Opinion on OU's Mixon?


All Conference
Dec 6, 2004
So the talented running back from Oklahoma is going pro after going for like 180 from scrimmage in the bowl game...a performance reminiscent to Le'veon Bell for the Steelers. He is the kid that blasted a girl in the face and broke her jaw, nose, and orbital after she grabbed and pushed him during an argument. The video was brutal. Many claim she called him the N-word also, which is ignorant but you can't cave her face in for that...

First question, if you are a Steelers fan, what is your opinion on if they stole this guy in like the 5th or 6th round of the draft? Would you be okay with him being a Steeler (or whatever NFL team you are a fan of)? He does seem to be rehabilitated and is saying the "right things".

Second, What if this happened at Pitt when he was a five star recruit and this happened the first week on campus? Would you be okay with a one year suspension or is expulsion the only response? I am pretty sure he would have been gone to WVU about 5 minutes after Pitt found out about it and threw him off campus.
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I'm torn on this one. At first, I was totally in the expulsion man should ever hit a woman (that fact never changes for me). After watching the video I was a little less than 100%. I'd still probably be calling for his expulsion if he went to Pitt. As far as the Steelers, it wouldn't be the first time they've drafted someone with a dubious past. If this happens while he is in the NFL than sure, possible lifetime ban like Ray Rice. The fact that this happened over two years ago and the video was just released makes it a little hard to go back and levy more punishment after the fact.

With regards to the video, it is still unclear what started the whole thing. Was it something racist as he claims? Did he say something offensive to her gay friend? It is unclear. Maybe both occurred. It is largely irrelevant as the physical contact is all that really matters. He did not instigate the contact so I think the awfulness of what he did is an 8 or 9 out of 10 as opposed to a 10 if he had just gone over and hit her. Not absolving him at all. He should have definitely received punishment for that (I think he should have seen some jail time). I hope he got some anger management classesas well. But he got the punishment he got (suspension, fines, deferred sentence, etc...). I still don't like people going to bat for the kid as if he has done something good. He apologized and apologies are easy.

Mixon is going to make good money in the NFL. If he were smart he would pledge to give a certain amount of his first contract to the victim and another % to a women's shelter for victims of domestic violence, etc...
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So the talented running back from Oklahoma is going pro after going for like 180 from scrimmage in the bowl game...a performance reminiscent to Le'veon Bell for the Steelers. He is the kid that blasted a girl in the face and broke her jaw, nose, and orbital after she grabbed and pushed him during an argument. The video was brutal. Many claim she called him the N-word also, which is ignorant but you can't cave her face in for that...

First question, if you are a Steelers fan, what is your opinion on if they stole this guy in like the 5th or 6th round of the draft? Would you be okay with him being a Steeler (or whatever NFL team you are a fan of)? He does seem to be rehabilitated and is saying the "right things".

Second, What if this happened at Pitt when he was a five star recruit and this happened the first week on campus? Would you be okay with a one year suspension or is expulsion the only response? I am pretty sure he would have been gone to WVU about 5 minutes after Pitt found out about it and threw him off campus.

I don't necessarily agree he's rehabilitated. Apparently he's been tweeting things like "this season is for ya'll haters" and crap like that. While it's understandable he'd be upset of all the "hate" tweets he probably gets on a daily bases, he obviously doesn't seem to understand why he'd get those. He was also seen egging on Auburn fans when they were chanting "he beats women" at him (classless chant but he needs to ignore it completely). And his teammates were pretend punching him on the sidelines. That shows me a young man who doesn't understand the gravity of what he's done.

As far as the N word accusation. I believe (I could be wrong) that was debunked. Allegedly what happened he walked into the restaurant where the lady was sitting with a gay guy. He (Mixon) hurled a slur at the gay guy. She got up and slapped him. That's when he clocked him. Again I could be wrong as I was obviously not there but that's what I've read and heard on talk radio (must be true right :)). Given the kid's behavior when he's not reading a prepared statement, it makes the most sense to me though.

All that being said, it's ALMOST understandable this kid doesn't "get it." Before that video came out, OU's president, AD, and coach all saw that video and decided to "suspend" (redshirt) him for a year. Also the Norman police slapped him on the wrist with community service. Had this kid been kicked out at school and gone to a place like "Last Chance U CC from Netflix" perhaps his actions would have sunk in a bit and he'd be less likely to tweet back to his "haters." But Stoops didn't want this kid reemerge at another Big 12 program a year later so kept him around.

As a Steeler fan I'm not sure I'd want him on the team but if he's drafted by them it's not like I'm going to start rooting for them all the sudden. It's not like they are a team of choir boys. And perhaps some of the yinzers who ignore transgressions of dem Stillers and are quick to point out those of other teams will shut the f@#k up for once.

I think Pitt proved with Chapman and Haywood that any time domestic violence happens there will be 0 tolerance. Fair or not that's their policy.

I guess I can sum my rant up with this. Mixon deserves a second chance. But he should have been expelled from OU and sought that chance elsewhere. He was enabled and to me does not seem remorseful of his actions. So that's where I'd be leery of him becoming a Steeler.
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So the talented running back from Oklahoma is going pro after going for like 180 from scrimmage in the bowl game...a performance reminiscent to Le'veon Bell for the Steelers. He is the kid that blasted a girl in the face and broke her jaw, nose, and orbital after she grabbed and pushed him during an argument. The video was brutal. Many claim she called him the N-word also, which is ignorant but you can't cave her face in for that...

First question, if you are a Steelers fan, what is your opinion on if they stole this guy in like the 5th or 6th round of the draft? Would you be okay with him being a Steeler (or whatever NFL team you are a fan of)? He does seem to be rehabilitated and is saying the "right things".

Second, What if this happened at Pitt when he was a five star recruit and this happened the first week on campus? Would you be okay with a one year suspension or is expulsion the only response? I am pretty sure he would have been gone to WVU about 5 minutes after Pitt found out about it and threw him off campus.
I'm all for second chances, but no on both counts - for the Steeler's and no being ok if he had just gotten a one year suspension at Pitt. I don't care WHAT she said or how she said it, he cold cocked that girl in the face.
Well, I think it's up to the judicial system to punish him and then it's up to the potential employer whether or not they want to take on that baggage. He definately should not be expelled from school, as I believe every kid deserves a right to an education. Should he be on scholarship and playing football? I wouldn't want it at Pitt, but I won't hold it against another school if they want to give him a shot. Obviously he would be on the thinnest of ice and if there was any crossing of the line...cya.

As far as would I want him on the Steelers...honestly if he helps them win games and doesn't cross the line...yes, I would take him. He would be 3 years removed from the incident and would have stayed out of trouble for 3 years, so give him a shot.....with a short hook.

Ray Rice on the other hand was an adult making a terrible decision, Mixon was a kid who should have the opportunity to right himself. I don't think a 16 or 17 year old should have his life tossed in the trash for making a dumb decision that didn't destroy another person's life. The girl got punched, not raped, not murdered etc.
I'm all for second chances, but no on both counts - for the Steeler's and no being ok if he had just gotten a one year suspension at Pitt. I don't care WHAT she said or how she said it, he cold cocked that girl in the face.

100% agree with you. What he did was horrible. It's not like he just shoved her or something. He viciously broke bones in her face. It's sickening that he wasn't kicked off the team. I would be appalled if Pitt only suspended a player for one year if he did something similar.
I'm sick of public apologies. People do want they want, then think they can make a public apology and that absolves them of responsibility for what they did. Don't commit the crime in the first place. If you do commit a crime, apologize to the victim privately. If the victim thinks you are sincere, she can let the public know.

I don't know how anyone who watched Mixson celebrating the way he did, with his teammates throwing punches, can think he truly feels sorry.
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I'm all for second chances, but no on both counts - for the Steeler's and no being ok if he had just gotten a one year suspension at Pitt. I don't care WHAT she said or how she said it, he cold cocked that girl in the face.

I agree. Playing football is a privilege. People who commit a crime deserve a second chance to lead a normal life. They don't deserve a privilege.
Why wasn't the girl also arrested for assault? Where is your outrage for that? She is also a convict drug offender, yet is still in school.. Not outrage for that either. Hmmmm
Seriously? I never said anything about the girl or her culpability, but yeah, sorry, my outrage is over the fact that this man viscously punched this woman in the face, breaking bones. In no scenario is this okay unless his life was in danger, which it clearly wasn't.
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Screw this Mixon guy and I'm confident the Steelers won't draft him. I do admit I wanted the Steelers to draft LaGarrette Blount in the seventh round back when he was coming out despite his punch on the Boise player. The Boise kid was taunting him and both guys learned a lesson from the incident.
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Seriously? I never said anything about the girl or her culpability, but yeah, sorry, my outrage is over the fact that this man viscously punched this woman in the face, breaking bones. In no scenario is this okay unless his life was in danger, which it clearly wasn't.

It appears that the post you are responding to was quickly removed, but I think she was busted for marijuana. Mixon's attorney used that arrest to question her character. And she slapped a male football player 100 lbs heavier than her for an unprovoked verbal attack on her gay friend. That's some cause for outrage in comparison to shattering her face.
I was on the fence about this guy but now that I have read all of these responses, I totally agree the guy doesn't deserve another chance and shouldn't be a Steeler. In my opinion, a person has to have a mental deficiency to punch someone of the opposite sex so viciously like that, no matter if she pushed or slapped him. I could maybe forgive him if he stiffly pushed her away from him, but a crushing right hook was inexcusable. He may have only been 18, but there is something wrong with you to hit a woman like that.
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So the talented running back from Oklahoma is going pro after going for like 180 from scrimmage in the bowl game...a performance reminiscent to Le'veon Bell for the Steelers. He is the kid that blasted a girl in the face and broke her jaw, nose, and orbital after she grabbed and pushed him during an argument. The video was brutal. Many claim she called him the N-word also, which is ignorant but you can't cave her face in for that...

First question, if you are a Steelers fan, what is your opinion on if they stole this guy in like the 5th or 6th round of the draft? Would you be okay with him being a Steeler (or whatever NFL team you are a fan of)? He does seem to be rehabilitated and is saying the "right things".

Second, What if this happened at Pitt when he was a five star recruit and this happened the first week on campus? Would you be okay with a one year suspension or is expulsion the only response? I am pretty sure he would have been gone to WVU about 5 minutes after Pitt found out about it and threw him off campus.

Punching a woman is inexcusable and indefensible. The only adequate punishment is to be kicked off the team. If Pitt's top recruit did this, I'd want them off the team.

Other stuff I dont care much about. Drugs, skipping class, bar fights, petty theft. Make them run extra sprints for that stuff.
if the gay guy slapped him in the face instead of the girl and he retaliated would this be a story?
So the talented running back from Oklahoma is going pro after going for like 180 from scrimmage in the bowl game...a performance reminiscent to Le'veon Bell for the Steelers. He is the kid that blasted a girl in the face and broke her jaw, nose, and orbital after she grabbed and pushed him during an argument. The video was brutal. Many claim she called him the N-word also, which is ignorant but you can't cave her face in for that...

First question, if you are a Steelers fan, what is your opinion on if they stole this guy in like the 5th or 6th round of the draft? Would you be okay with him being a Steeler (or whatever NFL team you are a fan of)? He does seem to be rehabilitated and is saying the "right things".

Second, What if this happened at Pitt when he was a five star recruit and this happened the first week on campus? Would you be okay with a one year suspension or is expulsion the only response? I am pretty sure he would have been gone to WVU about 5 minutes after Pitt found out about it and threw him off campus.
Hells long as he is a winner and can put up 1,500 + yards who cares what he did to that chick at Applebees or whatever that was like four years ago. Cops did not think much of it. I don't care if he beats twenty chicks and kicks his dog with an iron boot daily as long as he stays out of jail and helps get the W's

uh, Sorry, just wondered what it would be like to be Pitt79 for a post.
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Say the guy that mixon had the verbal spat with actually was the one to stand up and confront mixon. I guess I'm asking is if you defend yourself against a gay guy is that treated the same way as defending yourself against a woman
Nobody wanted Ray Rice after he knocked out his girlfriend, and he was a proven NFL running back. My guess is that Mixon will find the same lack of opportunity, or at least that's what "should" happen.

There simply isn't much stomach for this sort of thing, nor should there be.
If you lay your hands on somebody, expect hands returned to you. I don't care if the other party is a man, woman, tranvestite etc. Both parties are to blame and need to learn respect.
If you lay your hands on somebody, expect hands returned to you. I don't care if the other party is a man, woman, tranvestite etc. Both parties are to blame and need to learn respect.
not if a lady lays hands on a gentleman and not a coward bringing a cheap shot...never, ever a need to punch an unarmed woman in the face with all your might...Exactly, how much "respect" has this Mixon dude garnered by laying out a 130 pound girl with a sucker punch?
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I was on the fence about this guy but now that I have read all of these responses, I totally agree the guy doesn't deserve another chance and shouldn't be a Steeler. In my opinion, a person has to have a mental deficiency to punch someone of the opposite sex so viciously like that, no matter if she pushed or slapped him. I could maybe forgive him if he stiffly pushed her away from him, but a crushing right hook was inexcusable. He may have only been 18, but there is something wrong with you to hit a woman like that.
How about it's unacceptable when you hit anyone like that? What if it were a man who is the same size as the girl and he broke the guy's face?

Would you feel any differently if the aforementioned smaller in stature man slapped him first?
If you lay your hands on somebody, expect hands returned to you. I don't care if the other party is a man, woman, tranvestite etc. Both parties are to blame and need to learn respect.
Same line of thinking as where I was going with this... what if it was the gay male who got punched after slapping him? Probably doesn't change much and people would feel the same way.

What if it was a straight, but physically smaller male? People would probably say, well, he hit him first, so it was justified.
I do admit I wanted the Steelers to draft LaGarrette Blount in the seventh round back when he was coming out despite his punch on the Boise player. The Boise kid was taunting him and both guys learned a lesson from the incident.

I wouldn't know about the other guy, inasmuch as I never heard of him again, . . . but are you sure about Legarrette "Blunt":?
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He could have killed her and people are trying to justify it ? If a woman slaps him and he doesn't like it, go call 911. Let it be sorted out. Especially if you are a *public figure* whose actions will be scrutinized. Ultimate act of selfishness. "I can't let a girl slap me and get away with it"

Should she have slapped him? Absolutely not. But he had options and chose the worst one IMHO.
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not if a lady lays hands on a gentleman and not a coward bringing a cheap shot...never, ever a need to punch an unarmed woman in the face with all your might...Exactly, how much "respect" has this Mixon dude garnered by laying out a 130 pound girl with a sucker punch?

That's your was not a cheap shot, she initiated the confrontation. A person doesn't earn the right to go and put their hands on whomever they want just because they are a woman. Her mother and father should be ashamed of their daughter.
I'm all for second chances, but no on both counts - for the Steeler's and no being ok if he had just gotten a one year suspension at Pitt. I don't care WHAT she said or how she said it, he cold cocked that girl in the face.
I'd say he has a puncher's chance of making All-Pro next year....
That's your was not a cheap shot, she initiated the confrontation. A person doesn't earn the right to go and put their hands on whomever they want just because they are a woman. Her mother and father should be ashamed of their daughter.
Maybe you can point to any post in this thread that defended what this girl did???? He clearly demonstrated a level of aggression that was out of proportion to the event. The man has a problem and I hope he has gotten help. A normal man does not react that way.
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Maybe you can point to any post in this thread that defended what this girl did???? He clearly demonstrated a level of aggression that was out of proportion to the event. The man has a problem and I hope he has gotten help. A normal man does not react that way.

How does anybody know he hasn't got help? He's been nist fine for 2 years now. I don't think he deserves to have the game of football taken from his life for defending himself. Everybody else is trying to make him out to be some monster that beats his wife on a daily basis. She lost her "don't hit a woman" card the moment she initiated a fight with him.
How does anybody know he hasn't got help? He's been nist fine for 2 years now. I don't think he deserves to have the game of football taken from his life for defending himself. Everybody else is trying to make him out to be some monster that beats his wife on a daily basis. She lost her "don't hit a woman" card the moment she initiated a fight with him.
Um, ok.

If either of my sons viciously punched a woman in the face in a situation like this, I would be horrified and consider my job as a mother a failure.
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Well he didn't help the perception of him receiving help by egging on the crowd.
And the fake punching after he scored with his teammates was lame.
But it was as if he showed no contrition for his actions. Act like Larry Fitzgerald and show some class.

No I don't want to see football taken away from him. America loves a successful rehab story. I just think he did himself a disservice by not showing some humility.

But he still shouldn't have hit her. A slap does not equate to a "life threatening" situation.
Hell, he's lucky it wasn't my wife who carries. IMHO she would have had more reason to claim fear of bodily harm and life threatening circumstances and shot him after the punch that rearranged her face than he does after a slap.
Um, ok.

If either of my sons viciously punched a woman in the face in a situation like this, I would be horrified and consider my job as a mother a failure.

We were raised differently then. My mother raised us all to never bring home bruises from a fight. I'm not saying either is correct, but that's why we have a difference of opinions. I'm done with this topic.
Who cares about him? I wonder how the girl is doing.

Simple as this for me... if he were to hit my kid,sister,girlfriend, etc like he hit that young woman his career would be over.

I hope he gets hit by a bus, slips tears his ACL, falls and splits his head open like a melon.

He's a punk.
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That's your was not a cheap shot, she initiated the confrontation. A person doesn't earn the right to go and put their hands on whomever they want just because they are a woman. Her mother and father should be ashamed of their daughter.

Just hope any woman you know doesn't have to defend herself or friend to a man(in this case a punk).

That's right the parents of the girl should be ashamed... howabout the d-bag that hit a woman ? Do you blame his grandparent, aunt, sister, etc.. hard to believe you actually think that way.

As a man, the best way to avoid a confrontation especially with a young woman is not to have one.
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As soon as he gets his first 100 yard game as a pro, all will be forgotten. Lagarette Blount is a hero in NE after cold cocking a player and walking out on the Steelers. T Braadley is looked on as a defensive genius after looking the other way. Sports is king and as they said in the movie "Cocussion", the NFL is bigger than the church on Sunday.
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As soon as he gets his first 100 yard game as a pro, all will be forgotten. Lagarette Blount is a hero in NE after cold cocking a player and walking out on the Steelers. T Braadley is looked on as a defensive genius after looking the other way. Sports is king and as they said in the movie "Cocussion", the NFL is bigger than the church on Sunday.

I just hope he has only one 100 yard game and is carried off on a stretcher..
Um, ok.

If either of my sons viciously punched a woman in the face in a situation like this, I would be horrified and consider my job as a mother a failure.
I agree with you there, but I think it's just as sexist to say that it's wrong just because it was a woman that he punched.

If he had broken the face of a guy, would you feel as strongly as you do?

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