Trump is pushing to ban all anti homophobic laws, much to the disdain of several Islamic countries in Middle East. There are literally countries where being gay is against the law. Trump trying to change that.
What in the world does a liberal do here?
The Trump administration is only pushing for it [now] as an attempt to isolate Iran, since their attempts last week to do so in Poland failed spectacularly.
You haven't and won't see much effort domestically, because he'd risk losing the Evangelicals.
Trump has done so many things that liberals should embrace, but their hatred clouds their vision.
I mean? Think about it. Because he wants a wall, they say walls don’t work. And they truly have convinced themselves that walls don’t work. They lose all logic.
Such as?
Steps towards Criminal Justice reform are about the only thing. Which as ironic, given how he presents a Tough on Crime mantra.
As for the wall, Trump was offered $25 billion last summer, remember. And he initially accepted. But then the Great Dealmaker listened to Stephen Miller, the Freedom Caucus, and the other kooks and then decided to kill it.
People don't like to negotiate with a bad faith negotiator.
Just look at the state of the union address. He literally went back and forth showing support on issues that Dems normally embrace and what cons normally embrace. Yet he couldn’t get smiles and approvals from the Dems. They don’t want to give the impression that he is actually reaching across the aisle. It kills their narrative.
Again, such as?
"Rejecting the politics of revenge", even though he just orchestrated the longest shutdown in history because he refused to compromise.
"I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, so legally", even though his administration has actively worked to also cut legal immigration.
How he pledged to lower the cost of health care and protect preexisting conditions, even though his policies have caused 7 million people to lose health insurance, and how he tried to get legislation passed to end protections for preexisting conditions
How an infrastructure bill is "not an option" but "a necessity", even though it's been Infrastructure Week every week for two years now, with nothing to show.
Mostly because he speaks exclusively in lies -
And has done nothing in practice and execution to indicate he’s anything but a right wing nut
He's quite good at throwing raw meat towards his base.
Let's not forget that Trump hated the speech, and actually wanted it to be meaner to Democrats, before being convinced otherwise.
Free markets in education and medicine are better than your government solution.
And good luck getting every building in this country retrofitted before the courts overturn your dem President.
The irony being, that a free market health care plan was passed in 2010 - The Affordable Care Act. Republicans spent 7 years trying to get rid of it. As if they had spent as much effort trying to improve it and make it work as they did trying to cripple and kill it, there wouldn't be a push for Medicare for All.