The thing is, I don't care about the quality of play at all, I watch GU14 like 20-30 games a year, and I like MLS. Maybe it's garbage league, but I can relate to the cities for one thing. I don't know how some people do it, "Get Excited" about rooting so adamantly for some English or Spanish city's team? I root for Olympiakos of Greece too, but I have family reasons as to why, I'm connected to their city in a serious way, I even lived there for 8 months once-but even they are a 3rd or 4th rate league. So I have an easy time rooting for DC United, I've been to their games, they are less than an hour from me, my local tv package has all of their games, and they come on in the evening, not at 8am on a Saturday or noon on a weekday... relating to the cities or easy access to broadcasts is more important to me than quality of the league. If I lived in Pittsburgh, I'd probably get Riverhounds season tickets and HAVE FUN now before it gets popular and gets expensive, lol. Hell, I even go to Baltimore Blast indoor soccer, just because WE HAVE FUN THERE, who cares if the players are 4th rate? To be honest, I think the soccer snobbery of fans that would rather watch "the very best" from the EPL rather than get into the MLS is what will keep the MLS as a garbage league for the long haul.