PG: We are..

Hey..the 1st amendment guarantees that you are free to express your opinion. It also applies to your employers...if they don't like them , they can exercise their freedoms to be rid of you so long as it isn't for discriminatory reasons.

In essence, you are free to be as big a fool as you desire, but it does not insulate you from consequences.

Deal with it Rob.
I don’t have a lot of sympathy for him either. He has a new employer, who has a distinctly different editorial process than what he was used to, as well as a slightly different political bent, and became a bad fit. The P-G made a financial decision that he was no longer worth the trouble. That’s entirely their right. Sometimes, that’s just how it goes.

Personally, I think it’s important to have strong opinions on your editorial pages – even when you don’t agree with their POV. For years, syndicated conservative columnists like George Will and William F. Buckley were featured on the pages of the P-G. Nowadays, that is verboten. These Days everything’s an echo chamber and of course we are all worse off for it.

However, I think people would be wise to keep this in mind the next time they scream and moan about the “liberal media.” Conservatives control just as much of the media (or more) and have for a long time.

They get mad at the liberals when they dissent because dissent is dangerous to people in power.

Both sides are equally guilty of it. They’re each constantly trying to silence the other while simultaneously trying to maintain the moral high ground.


They’re both just as thin-skinned as the other, both are obsessed with controlling narratives through demonization and each exercises its own form of political correctness – which puts emotions over logic and reality. Also, in most instances, their followers don’t even realize that they’re doing in their listings about 90% of the time.

Basically what I’m saying is the zealots on both sides are classic snowflakes and very rarely good critical thinkers.
I don’t have a lot of sympathy for him either. He has a new employer, who has a distinctly different editorial process than what he was used to, as well as a slightly different political bent, and became a bad fit. The P-G made a financial decision that he was no longer worth the trouble. That’s entirely their right. Sometimes, that’s just how it goes.

Personally, I think it’s important to have strong opinions on your editorial pages – even when you don’t agree with their POV. For years, syndicated conservative columnists like George Will and William F. Buckley were featured on the pages of the P-G. Nowadays, that is verboten. These Days everything’s an echo chamber and of course we are all worse off for it.

However, I think people would be wise to keep this in mind the next time they scream and moan about the “liberal media.” Conservatives control just as much of the media (or more) and have for a long time.

They get mad at the liberals when they dissent because dissent is dangerous to people in power.

Both sides are equally guilty of it. They’re each constantly trying to silence the other while simultaneously trying to maintain the moral high ground.


They’re both just as thin-skinned as the other, both are obsessed with controlling narratives through demonization and each exercises its own form of political correctness – which puts emotions over logic and reality. Also, in most instances, their followers don’t even realize that they’re doing in their listings about 90% of the time.

Basically what I’m saying is the zealots on both sides are classic snowflakes and very rarely good critical thinkers.

I can't remember if it was the Press or Gazette that featured two opinion columns with opposing views of the same subject. I always enjoyed that because it was at least an opportunity to "hear it out".

Me too as they have so many staters on the payroll, The Collegian is like their farm system.
I don’t have a lot of sympathy for him either. He has a new employer, who has a distinctly different editorial process than what he was used to, as well as a slightly different political bent, and became a bad fit. The P-G made a financial decision that he was no longer worth the trouble. That’s entirely their right. Sometimes, that’s just how it goes.

Personally, I think it’s important to have strong opinions on your editorial pages – even when you don’t agree with their POV. For years, syndicated conservative columnists like George Will and William F. Buckley were featured on the pages of the P-G. Nowadays, that is verboten. These Days everything’s an echo chamber and of course we are all worse off for it.

However, I think people would be wise to keep this in mind the next time they scream and moan about the “liberal media.” Conservatives control just as much of the media (or more) and have for a long time.

They get mad at the liberals when they dissent because dissent is dangerous to people in power.

Both sides are equally guilty of it. They’re each constantly trying to silence the other while simultaneously trying to maintain the moral high ground.


They’re both just as thin-skinned as the other, both are obsessed with controlling narratives through demonization and each exercises its own form of political correctness – which puts emotions over logic and reality. Also, in most instances, their followers don’t even realize that they’re doing in their listings about 90% of the time.

Basically what I’m saying is the zealots on both sides are classic snowflakes and very rarely good critical thinkers.

I can't remember if it was the Press or Gazette that featured two opinion columns with opposing views of the same subject. I always enjoyed that because it was at least an opportunity to "hear it out".
Yeah, and that’s exactly what’s missing now. I can’t tell you how many times I had an opinion on an issue and would read that point/counterpoint and that would change my opinion - or at the very least give me a much greater appreciation for the complexity of it. That was very important! We don’t do that now and that is a real shame for all of us.

Most of these issues are highly complex, nuanced issues with 4 million subdivisions to them. However, we live in a soundbite culture and people pick sides before they bother to learn what’s actually happening. They define themselves as a liberal or a conservative going in and therefore they just follow their team’s talking points. That’s the biggest problem we have right now – too much shouting past each other and not enough listening or critical thinking.

The other night on FOXNews, Tucker Carlson apparently told his followers (not viewers, followers) to just assume that anything they see or hear that is not on FOXNews is a lie. That type of insularity and open hostility to any opposing views is a dangerous thing for any culture - just ask Penn State.

I’m sure I could find a liberal example as well. That’s just something that I read tonight that gobsmacked me. It’s amazingly brazen on his part and equally astounding that people are dumb enough to buy that horseshit.

“I am the world‘s only honest used car salesman. Every other used car salesman in the world is nothing but a lying, cheating scumbag. However, you can trust me – scouts honor.”
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I tweeted to him that this actually helps him out, because he becomes a martyr to the Left. He is a hero. I wasn't being sarcastic when I said this either. He will be a national figure now.
I personally find it sad that the Press is now becoming the story and only reach for “fantastic” headlines or quotes instead of fact based, impartial, information. They have become as bad, if not worse than politicians.

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