I can't get a feel for this one, I kinda think we come out strong and motivated but I can also see us coming out half asleep and scoring 7 points in the first 10 minutes
Actually this one was a wiseguy burial. The public doesn’t fall over themselves betting these overnight numbers, especially in a low profile game like this. Books wouldn’t move it that much anyway based over some casino players bets.
Full disclosure, a guy who I’ve worked for on and off for years was all over Wake both last night and this morning, and so were a couple other known players. I also heard the guy who runs the William Hill operation on local radio this morning talking about the games and he mentioned there had been quite a bit of “sophisticated“ action on Wake.
The sharper guys probably hit somewhere around 55-58% in college basketball over the course of a season, but they were on the wrong side of this game.