On the flip side, our kicker misses FGs in 3 straight games now after being perfect in the 1st 7 games.“Longest of his career”
Every damn time
Kicker struggling but hits against us
Does this surprise you? I'm going to write a book about the history of Pitt football called "Reversion to the Mean - How to Have your Heart ripped Out year after year"On the flip side, our kicker misses FGs in 3 straight games now after being perfect in the 1st 7 games.
This whole team, players and coaching staff, peaked in the 1st 7 games and have been spiraling down since.
IF you're a long time Pitt fan the answer is thousands.I don’t know how many more daggars to the heart I can take.
Been a fan since 1978, so yes, I know whatyou mean.IF you're a long time Pitt fan the answer is thousands.