Pitt issues public reprimand for Capel

Using officiating in any way as an excuse for losing games, by the coach or the fans, is the trademark of losers. Yes, we know the officiating isn't always equitable. Nothing in life is equitable. Deal with it. Poor officiating is seldom if ever a reason for a team to lose a game. Poor teams and poor coaching is always the reason games are lost. That's what we have now at Pitt.
He didn’t blame calls on losses
Holy shit
The issue as I tried to explain in a previous comment is that the accuracy of calls really has never been better, but that makes the few bad calls stand out even more. I personally remember many games in the Big East where fans were incredulous over guys like Tim Higgins. I'm not sure how anyone can objectively say that calls are worse in 2021 than they were in 2006.

As I said, I think it is fine if Capel is mad enough about a few potentially bogus technical calls to comment on it and risk personal repercussions. I don't agree it's a wise thing to do, or a great example for his players, who you note already have a reputation for arguing with refs, but he's an established ACC coach and maybe he knows what he's doing. I just think posing this as some sort of righteous crusade is laughable.

Pitt loses games because Pitt is a bad team. If they lost a single game attributable to bad refereeing, that means they still had 21 other games that went just fine.
I understand the point you’re making and agree with it.

As far as Capel’s comments, I don’t agree with his insinuations although many on here obviously did. But that can be debated and discussed as far as how true they may or may not be.

Main point I was making, which I hadn’t seen anyone comment on previously, was how hypocritical and irresponsible his comments were given that he had just majorly threw X under the bus for his on-court behavior. If he felt there was this big double standard against Pitt, why didn’t he mention it when discussing X as a way of showing some support for his player instead of completely hanging him out to dry.
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I understand the point you’re making and agree with it.

As far as Capel’s comments, I don’t agree with his insinuations although many on here obviously did. But that can be debated and discussed as far as how true they may or may not be.

Main point I was making, which I hadn’t seen anyone comment on previously, was how hypocritical and irresponsible his comments were given that he had just majorly threw X under the bus for his on-court behavior. If he felt there was this big double standard against Pitt, why didn’t he mention it when discussing X as a way of showing some support for his player instead of completely hanging him out to dry.
I do believe he complained loudly last season about both X and Trey not getting the calls they were getting early in the season.

He complains and looks for excuses quite a bit.
Main point I was making, which I hadn’t seen anyone comment on previously, was how hypocritical and irresponsible his comments were given that he had just majorly threw X under the bus for his on-court behavior.
I think it is not just hypocritical, but a potential cause of the issue being discussed.

I highly doubt any ref says to himself, "I really hate Justin Champagnie and plan to find any reason to call some technical fouls against him tonight."

However, if JC (or more likely XJ) is whining and complaining about every play, barking back at the ref, and cursing under his breath, that same ref might say, "I could overlook this one particular action and let play continue, but by the book, this is a T and I'm going to call it."

The staff even mentioned after Champagnie was called for slapping the backboard that they repeatedly told him to stop doing that, even though refs hadn't penalized him yet.
I'm tired of his lame excuses and his politics as well. I had COVID too and it was not a mild case. That didn't give me an excuse to not do my job, even if it was from home. I was still responsible for results. He'll be a better coach when and if he someday takes responsibility for his results or lack of them and quits making excuses for his poor performance.

If he worked in private industry in a corporate job and had the miserable results we've seen from him, he would have been fired long ago. Fortunately for him, he works in the sheltered environment of a university and its athletic programs so he can get away with it.
He didn’t blame calls on losses
Holy shit

I wonder if you even know sometimes what planet you're on right now. I never said what you implied I said. In fact, it's the reverse.

And it's his typical whining and trying to find excuses for his and his team's poor performance. His team loses games because they play poorly, are coached poorly, aren't prepared to play, and don't perform well in any facet of the game. Officiating has nothing to do with it. I would think a head coach in 2021 would know that, but apparently not.
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I wonder if you even know sometimes what planet you're on right now. I never said what you implied I said. In fact, it's the reverse.

And it's his typical whining and trying to find excuses for his and his team's poor performance. His team loses games because they play poorly, are coached poorly, aren't prepared to play, and don't perform well in any facet of the game. Officiating has nothing to do with it. I would think a head coach in 2021 would know that, but apparently not.
He didn’t say that officiating was to blame for our losses.
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