Pitt - Louisville PRIMEtime

Well we get screwed at Louisville again. Our offense sucks, but still we shouldn’t have calls like that. The on field refs have been decent and I don’t even blame them for calling it a catch. But there is replay for a reason and when half the guys foot is on the white it isn’t a catch
Decent players. Bad schemes. How many times will we get to see db’s chasing receivers down field. Really, the only time they aren’t trailing is when they completely blow a coverage, which they’ve done a couple of times tonite.
I am so in shock about that pass, called inbound, if even after a review, they say “all yeah, that is good, we need that to be a completion”, and half his foot was out of bounds, this game is foul.
No pass interference there???

shouldn’t be surprised after that inbounds ruling
Narduzzi wants to run the whole show. His apologists continue to back him. I got severely blasted by questioning the Cig hire. Pathetic display of football.
What is this announcer talking about!? The ball was gone and he hit him. Clear roughing.
We're getting all the calls and still losing to a lame duck coach-having JUCO team.

You happy now, Narduzzi? You happy, you f*cking dunce? The ball doesn't go in the air as much anymore. Hope this is what you want, you f*cking shit stain.

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