Our RPI is 161. NET rank is 94.
Why the huge difference? RPI is too simplistic. It looks at who you played and did you win or lose. Our SOS is 301 but it doesn't factor in "how" you played. Are you beating these bad teams by 50 or by 1? How's your efficiency (adjusted)?
At the risk of this being labeled a Dixon post, I would like to use TCU to illustrate this point further. Jamie has gamed his way to #18 in the RPI by beating some ok teams but nobody really good. Their NET rank is 39.
I couldn't believe the vitriol spewed at this new ranking system when it came out. Anything is better than the RPI. The problem I have with NET is that it doesn't give the formula but I believe it's going to be much better than RPI
Why the huge difference? RPI is too simplistic. It looks at who you played and did you win or lose. Our SOS is 301 but it doesn't factor in "how" you played. Are you beating these bad teams by 50 or by 1? How's your efficiency (adjusted)?
At the risk of this being labeled a Dixon post, I would like to use TCU to illustrate this point further. Jamie has gamed his way to #18 in the RPI by beating some ok teams but nobody really good. Their NET rank is 39.
I couldn't believe the vitriol spewed at this new ranking system when it came out. Anything is better than the RPI. The problem I have with NET is that it doesn't give the formula but I believe it's going to be much better than RPI