Rank these in order of your excitement

Oct 25, 2021
1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Pitt Football 2024
5. Upcoming Penguins season

That's my order, with 2 and 3 subject to flip on any given day.
1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Pitt Football 2024
5. Upcoming Penguins season

That's my order, with 2 and 3 subject to flip on any given day.
Good topic. I’d put hoops at the top and not just because Pitt Hoops is my favorite sport.

After that, I’d follow your list the rest of the way.
It's pirates 1....until Aug 31.

Then it's pitt football, pirates, pitt basketball....all others
That’s also a good response … or at least through this weekend with the Diamondbacks.
1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Pitt Football 2024
5. Upcoming Penguins season

That's my order, with 2 and 3 subject to flip on any given day.

1. Pitt hoops
2. Steelers
3. Pirates
4. Pitt football
5. Pens
1. Pitt hoops
2. Steelers
3. Pirates
4. Pitt football
5. Penguins
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1. Steelers
2. Pirates
3. Pitt Hoops
4. Pitt Football
5. Penguins

Normally Pitt football would be a clear #2 for me, I just don't have much hope for the season after last year. I want them to prove me wrong.
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1. Steelers
2. Pirates
3. Pitt Hoops
4. Pitt Football
5. Penguins

Normally Pitt football would be a clear #2 for me, I just don't have much hope for the season after last year. I want them to prove me wrong.

Pitt football has been my #1 for a while, but something just seems off right now. I'm actually looking forward more to watching other teams play in college football than I am to watching Pitt this season.
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Pirates. Enjoying them being competitive and playing games that matter for the first time in over a decade

Pitt FB. Looking forward to seeing the offense under Bell and the defense rebounding

Pitt Hoops. Only because they don’t start until baseball is over and Pitt football will be near completion. Pitt hoops really doesn’t get interesting until the conference games start. But I’m reallly looking forward to seeing how this programs continues to improve
1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Pitt Football 2024
5. Upcoming Penguins season

That's my order, with 2 and 3 subject to flip on any given day.
1. Hoops
2. Steelers
3. Pitt Football
4. Pirates
5. Penguins
Since I don’t live in my fears , I am going with the pirates.

Then Pitt basketball. I think the two football teams local to the area are going to be fairly average.
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1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Pitt Football 2024
5. Upcoming Penguins season

That's my order, with 2 and 3 subject to flip on any given day.
And this has nothing to do with what sport/team is favorite, but just my excitement/optimism level.

1) Pitt Hoops. I think Lowe, the growth of the Twins and the Serbian kid (who will be much better than we thought) leads them to an NCAA berth.
2) Pirates. They will be in it until the end but I think come up a bit short.
Really....the other three you can shake up in a barrel and pick any at random.

The Steelers and Penguins.....just are so stale. Okay in saying this, I like the Steelers draft. I think QB will be improved so let's put them at 3.

4) I mean the Pens.............if Karlsson and Graves have bounce back seasons then maybe.

5) Pitt football. Lowest I am feeling over 25 years.
1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Pitt Football 2024
5. Upcoming Penguins season

That's my order, with 2 and 3 subject to flip on any given day.
As a Pitt Alum who only lived in Western PA (including Pitt years) for 12 years with no interest in baseball or hockey---

1. Pitt Hoops 2024-25
2. Pitt Football 2024
3. 2024 Steelers
4. ---
5. ---
1. Steelers
2. Pitt Football
3. Pitt Basketball
4. Penguins
5. Pirates

You’re all giving the Pirates too much credit.
This is a .500 team, with no hopes of going anywhere this year. The Penguins at least may be above .500, have some players worth watching, and might make some interesting trades.
1. Steelers
2. Pitt Football
3. Pitt Basketball
4. Penguins
5. Pirates

You’re all giving the Pirates too much credit.
This is a .500 team, with no hopes of going anywhere this year. The Penguins at least may be above .500, have some players worth watching, and might make some interesting trades.
OK. What makes you excited for Pitt football, aside from you obviously liking Pitt football? I mean, maybe I read the OP wrong and just the sports in order of being favorite. I was merely being objective as to current state.
1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Pitt Football 2024
5. Upcoming Penguins season

That's my order, with 2 and 3 subject to flip on any given day.
(1)Pirates(for now at least)
(2)Pitt Football
(3)Pitt Hoops
(4)Steelers(because they will suck as long as Tomlin is head coach)
(5)Penguins(no interest in hockey)
1. Pitt hoops - this is the most excited I’ve been for a season since 2013-2014, if not earlier.

2. Pitt football - I don’t think they’re going to be any good but I’m really looking forward to seeing whether Kade Bell’s offense works in the P5.

3. Steelers - They’re going to be slightly above average. Same as it ever was.

4. Pirates - I’m not able to watch most of their games but it will be interesting to follow the race to the playoffs from afar.

Don’t really follow the Pens these days.
OK. What makes you excited for Pitt football, aside from you obviously liking Pitt football? I mean, maybe I read the OP wrong and just the sports in order of being favorite. I was merely being objective as to current state
I wasn’t trying to rank them in terms of personal favorites (although it’s hard for me not to be a little biased in favor of Pitt football.)
I honestly think the Pirates have the lowest celling of the five, so I’m the least excited about them. I don’t expect anything great from the Steelers or Pitt footfall, but there is at least a possibility which makes me rank them higher. Would I be surprised if they both finished below .500, no. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if the Steelers made the playoffs, or if Pitt went 8-4, and played in a half decent bowl game. Maybe I should have ranked Pitt basketball higher, but I can’t help but think of their ceiling as being one win in the tournament. Of the five, Pitt basketball is the one that I wouldn’t be surprised if 6 months from now I look back and say “what the heck were you thinking.”
And this has nothing to do with what sport/team is favorite, but just my excitement/optimism level.

1) Pitt Hoops. I think Lowe, the growth of the Twins and the Serbian kid (who will be much better than we thought) leads them to an NCAA berth.
2) Pirates. They will be in it until the end but I think come up a bit short.
Really....the other three you can shake up in a barrel and pick any at random.

The Steelers and Penguins.....just are so stale. Okay in saying this, I like the Steelers draft. I think QB will be improved so let's put them at 3.

4) I mean the Pens.............if Karlsson and Graves have bounce back seasons then maybe.

5) Pitt football. Lowest I am feeling over 25 years.

The Steelers have been stale for a while, but I think they're starting to build toward relevancy again. No surprise, really - that's how a sport with a salary cap is supposed to work.

But I say this often: they need to stop playing each team in the division 2x/season. Like, we'll play the Ravens twice... both games will likely be in the teens... flip a coin as to who wins. That was cook for a while, but there isn't enough player turnover to justify seeing it this often (sometimes 3x/year). I could only take so much Ben vs Flacco.
I wasn’t trying to rank them in terms of personal favorites (although it’s hard for me not to be a little biased in favor of Pitt football.)
I honestly think the Pirates have the lowest celling of the five, so I’m the least excited about them. I don’t expect anything great from the Steelers or Pitt footfall, but there is at least a possibility which makes me rank them higher. Would I be surprised if they both finished below .500, no. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if the Steelers made the playoffs, or if Pitt went 8-4, and played in a half decent bowl game. Maybe I should have ranked Pitt basketball higher, but I can’t help but think of their ceiling as being one win in the tournament. Of the five, Pitt basketball is the one that I wouldn’t be surprised if 6 months from now I look back and say “what the heck were you thinking.”
How do you think the Pirates have the lowest ceiling? They are in a race for the playoffs, have the best pitcher in baseball, one of the 3-4 best pitching staffs and some decent players. How is this ceiling lower than Pitt football, coming off a 3-9 season with like, few guys who even resonate as "All ACC"?

That's just blind fandom, no obhjectivity.
How do you think the Pirates have the lowest ceiling? They are in a race for the playoffs, have the best pitcher in baseball, one of the 3-4 best pitching staffs and some decent players. How is this ceiling lower than Pitt football, coming off a 3-9 season with like, few guys who even resonate as "All ACC"?

That's just blind fandom, no obhjectivity.
I certainly don’t expect Pitt football to have a great season, but if I had to place a bet on which team was more likely to finish above .500, I’d take Pitt Football.
I just view the current Pirates differently than you. I think they’re more likely to finish 78-84, than they are to make the playoffs. Just how I view them.
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1. 2024 Steelers season
2. Pitt Football 2024
3. Pitt Hoops '24/'25
4. Upcoming Penguins season
5. Remainder of 2024 Pirates season
Used to watch the Stillers when they had Kenny but no interest now.
Just like you'll quit being an Inter Miami fan when Messi leaves, if you haven't quit on that already. So are you an Eagle's fan now? Or not until Hurts gets injured :)
None of these excite me. All teams listed are just muddling through without any realistic chance of competing for a championship. I'm in "wait until next year" mode on all of them.

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