Here's a question to those who were born and raised in Western PA. Unless you are over 70 or uneducated, why don't you follow the Penguins or like hockey? Especially when that franchise has been by far the most successful team in Pittsburgh over the last 35 years and it is not particularly close. I mean you can take the number of championships won by the Steelers/Pirates and both Pitt entities over the last 35 years, and get this, double them, and still not reach the the number the Penguins won. And they weren't flukey, and pretty much for over 75-80% of the last 35 years, the Penguins had the best player in their sport.
So why? I mean soccer geeks, I get it, last pick in gym class, everyone gets a trophy, but you would think there is some crossover here. And I get it, poor football river town never played the sport. But still..... I am really curious to know why? I believe some are completely jealous because the Pens have outshined their favorite teams that they have usurped media coverage. I hope it is not a race thing. I am just curious as to why?