Based on what. Show us you know basketball by presenting an actual argument.
We all know you won’t. Because you can’t. You just make declarative statements with no support and then tout your basketball knowledge.
Here's a text convo I just sent to the biggest diehard Pitt bball fan I know. I challenge any of you to do this anonymously. Anonymously, this is no contest.
Based only on their careers at Pitt, who would win this game: (Sean Miller, K. Benjamin, Sam Young, Blount, Adams) vs James Robinson, Garrick Thomas, Clyde Vaughn, Chris Gant, Jaime Peterson
Sean miller team would kill them
Break it down
Best point guard miller would control game over 10 points and 10 assists. Sam young would score 25. Blount and Adams would kill them on glass. Benjamin would lock down garrick Thomas who is their only shooter how would the other team score