People complaining about traffic are funny. It's apparent those folks don't get out much, so just stay home.
Games on campus are a weekend event for a lot of folks who travel in. This includes visiting fans. They stay in North side or downtown now, rather than Oakland.
Get out and go to some away games. See what it's like on other campuses the Friday before a game. See what's it's like parking there, then get back to me about traffic.
The only relevant excuse to not build the stadium is money. That's it. Everything else is noise. Solve that and everything else can be managed.
It's the money. Other schools make football a priority and invest for long-term success. At Pitt, football is simply a tool to use to get money to pay for the non revenue sports. The irony is that if Pitt hadn't deemphasized football success going back over 30 years ago, they very well might been in line to earn tens of millions more per year for those other sports. Idiots.