I am not an anti vaxxer. I was thrice vaxxed for Covid and now since I am older, generally get flu shots and just reupped my shingles vaccine.
Where I had a problem when Covid started morphing into other variants and really it started to lose it punch, it was realized the vaccine neither stopped one from getting it or spreading it. It became essentially a flu shot. At that point, all mandates should have been lifted anyone who lost their job reinstated, but they still pressed on for a period of time on the mandates. That was wrong.
Secondly....it was Trump who fast tracked the development of vaccines, yet he gets no credit from the left. In fact Kamala was on record of not taking a vaccine "rammed through under Trump" (sound familiar?). Yeah I know "bleach", "invectamine" etc....but the fact is, Trump was looking for solutions whether you liked it or not. Trump should have done what none of you would have allowed him to do and that was banning travel from foreign countries where Covid was already rampant...but you know RACIST! XENOPHOBIC!! Trump could do only one thing to appease many of you and that is...well die.
I agree with much of what you say here. What I posted really wasn't political, just how placebo controlled vaccine trials are impractical in most circumstances. For significant conditions where existing effective therapy exists, withholding treatment for the purposes of testing another treatment is considered unethical. Those trials need to compare the two treatments head-to-head (Usually done using a type of study called a non-inferiority trial, or an equivalence trial, or a superiority trial).
Clinical trials research is in my wheelhouse. I'm supposed to be writing up my own research ethics application for a clinical trial right now, but instead I am wasting my life on ex-Panther-Lair.
My experience of Covid is very different than most posters here. We did hard lock-downs and border closures here in NZ. We had hotels turned into quarantine facilities and people ratting out their neighbours for not wearing masks.
Much of what we were told turned out to not be true. The authorities may have thought some of it was true and turned out it wasn't. But I think some of this was known to be ineffective and churned out anyways for whatever reasons. The vaccine probably saved lives and reduced disease severity, but it did not prevent spread (as we were told it would). So mandates really weren't protecting "the herd". It probably reduced the burden on the healthcare system so the system could continue to function and provide other essential services. You can't perform neurosurgery, cardiac and some cancer surgery if the ICUs are full of Covid patients. Does that justify vaccine mandates? Not sure about that.
We were tracked everywhere we went. To enter the grocery, or anywhere, you had to scan a QR code to a phone tracking app for contact tracing. That's helpful when there are only a few cases. When it is rampant it is useless. Masks were required. Masks probably did very little.
But some things did help, and Covid didn't rip through here hard until 2022.
I changed the words to Pink Floyds "The Wall" during those times. I knew an ophthalmologist who refused the vaccine and ended up getting deported back to the UK. They stripped his medical license...basically destroyed him and his family. At a time when people were losing their eyesight due to there not being enough eye surgeons in NZ. So dumb!
I included him and the then Health Minister (and then former PM) in my song.
We don't need no vaccination.
We don't need no QR codes.
No contact tracing in the classroom.
Hipkins leave Deepak alone.
Hey Hipkins. Leave Deepak alone.
(How can you have any pudding if you didn't get your shots!)