Who are moms reporting it to ?Fair trade is equalizing barriers between countries.
DOGE is an agency to implement the policies. This isn't as hard as you want to make it.
I'm happy that states run education. Then the DOE isn't needed, just as I want. Glad that you agree.
I want laws against transitions under 18. Just like there are laws against cutting off the healthy arm of a minor.
Moms will report violations. This is simple.
Good. 47 will have even more.
How will they validate the genitals if someone in a stall ?
The DOE provides Pell grants and funds school lunch programs, which the states administrate .
Just like Medicaid.
Doge isn’t an agency . It’s costing more than it’s saving its latest lot has to fix 7/8 top savings projections because of basic math problems .
. Congrats !