Fede averaged 5 rebounds a game in 23 minutes. His problem was more the last 3 games.
He's not a bad rebounder, and when you have a guy who likes to block shots they often take themselves out of rebounding position. He needs to get better at recognizing when to go for the block and when he needs to maintain position.
Mo Gueye had a DR rebound rate of 19.1 with a block rate of 9.2 at Pitt.
Fede had a DR rebound rate of 13.3 with a block rate of 7.9. And he is a center. And his ACC conference only stats were worse.
He is bad on the defensive glass because:
1) He doesn't box out anywhere near well enough.
2) He isn't strong enough and maybe poor conditioning played a part in that as the season went on.
3) His hands simply fail him to snag rebounds, as the ball bounces off his hands into another players arms.
4) This goes with point 2. He is no where near physical enough, and is way too passive on the defensive end. He struggles to get adequate positioning when the shot is going up because of poor awareness.
5) Lastly, he was exposed badly by any team that could pull him away from the basket with a post player that could shoot the 3. Because not only did he fail repeatedly to close on the 3 point shooters like in the Virginia Tech game for example, his recovery to rebound under the basket was also poor because often times he found himself trapped in poor positioning either to defend or to rebound.
Fede is going to get better and has a great attitude. But let's not pretend like he doesn't have serious defensive rebounding issues. His partner behind him in Diaz Graham also had a 17.4 DR rebound rate with a 7.4 block rate, which is almost the same block rate as Fede. So the defensive rebounding was significantly better with Diaz Graham than it was with Fede. Which means the issue is Fede.