You don't think this could lead to other issues? Say Pitt goes on a run in the ACC. Maybe Clemson Ford comes in and says we'll give you $1 million to come here next year, but you have to leave the team immediately. Clearly nobody has any real authority to stop that.
I totally get your point, just thought it was funny you chose Clemson as your example. They’d be the last school I’d be worried about stealing transfers.
You don't think this could lead to other issues? Say Pitt goes on a run in the ACC. Maybe Clemson Ford comes in and says we'll give you $1 million to come here next year, but you have to leave the team immediately. Clearly nobody has any real authority to stop that.

Holstein paid to not play, haha. Sounds like something that would happen in a Disney movie. Then, at halftime, he comes back to the team, apologizes, says his head was in the wrong place and he doesn't need that stinking money after all, and suits up/leads the team to a comeback win.
lol, his brother said that Sluka passed on multiple big P5 and G5 written offers to sign with UNLV on a verbal offer if he manages to win out the starting job against the other transferring QBs.

I have no inside information but I don't believe there is even a 1% percent chance that's true.
It's possible he passed on written offers, but they surely were a heck of a lot lower than UNLV's verbal offer.
Holstein paid to not play, haha. Sounds like something that would happen in a Disney movie. Then, at halftime, he comes back to the team, apologizes, says his head was in the wrong place and he doesn't need that stinking money after all, and suits up/leads the team to a comeback win.
If you become a script writer, you have a solid idea there 😆
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Matthew Sluka’s agent, Marcus Cromartie of Equity Sports, first introduced himself via email to UNLV collective officials in late August, Sine says.

Cromartie wrote to officials that he was seeking more NIL opportunities thru the collective for his client. However, Sine said Cromartie is not a registered agent in the state of Nevada. Because of this, he advised Cromartie/Sluka to discuss the situation directly with the coaching staff until Cromartie registers in the state.

Sine says he has email exchanges with Cromartie.
Looks like we have what may be the first NIL holdout? UNLV’s QB sitting out due to unfulfilled promises.

It was only a matter of time until someone would decide that they are more important then the rest of the team that they play for. I would have thought that when the "playoffs" neared that this would have happened, but to see it so early in the season, it is a little surprising. Then again, all you need is one super douche bag to make it an issue and well, UNLV Matthew Sluka is yours.
If any of you think that this will be the only one this year, you would be wrong. What happens if a 12-0 Top 5 team qualifies for the "playoffs" and then their starting QB decides I want more money. He says he will hold out and prepare for the NFL unless he is given an additional $5 million dollars to play. I am willing to bet that just about every school will pay.
I used to love college football, much better in my opinion to the NFL, but not any more. The GREED of the entire sport disgusts me. The schools (ALL OF THEM,) their conferences, their media partners, the players, the agents, all of them suck for ruining college sports for all of us.
Back to Mr. Sluka. I have no idea of what you asked for or what you were promised to go to UNLV, it really doesn't matter. You SUCK and I hope that every other college football program sees what you have done to UNLV and your former teammates. You should never be offered a spot on any college football team ever again. You have shown that you were and always will be a self-centered jagoff and had no real interest on being a member of the UNLV football team. It was all about YOU and that is wrong.
It was only a matter of time until someone would decide that they are more important then the rest of the team that they play for. I would have thought that when the "playoffs" neared that this would have happened, but to see it so early in the season, it is a little surprising. Then again, all you need is one super douche bag to make it an issue and well, UNLV Matthew Sluka is yours.
If any of you think that this will be the only one this year, you would be wrong. What happens if a 12-0 Top 5 team qualifies for the "playoffs" and then their starting QB decides I want more money. He says he will hold out and prepare for the NFL unless he is given an additional $5 million dollars to play. I am willing to bet that just about every school will pay.
I used to love college football, much better in my opinion to the NFL, but not any more. The GREED of the entire sport disgusts me. The schools (ALL OF THEM,) their conferences, their media partners, the players, the agents, all of them suck for ruining college sports for all of us.
Back to Mr. Sluka. I have no idea of what you asked for or what you were promised to go to UNLV, it really doesn't matter. You SUCK and I hope that every other college football program sees what you have done to UNLV and your former teammates. You should never be offered a spot on any college football team ever again. You have shown that you were and always will be a self-centered jagoff and had no real interest on being a member of the UNLV football team. It was all about YOU and that is wrong.

While I agree greed has ruined it for the most part, the fans continue to watch and spend the money, so the beast keeps getting fed.

I refuse to watch the big or sec. I only really watch Pitt. I donate because that is the system we have. But when a few million watch these super matchups, it shows we support this.
You don't think this could lead to other issues? Say Pitt goes on a run in the ACC. Maybe Clemson Ford comes in and says we'll give you $1 million to come here next year, but you have to leave the team immediately. Clearly nobody has any real authority to stop that.

That would be so awesome if it happens to someone other than Pitt. I so hope somebody does this.
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I have no inside info, but from reading some stuff, it's possible both of these are true:

1) The QB was 'officially' promised a certain NIL number by the collective/boosters/head coach/etc. All those in the know of where the NIL is being distributed. And the QB was given the $$ as promised so they feel all obligations were met.

2)Without the authority/access to $ to do so, an assistant coach made promises to the QB of additional $$ that were not covered in #1 above and then was not able to produce. From the QBs perspective the assistant coach's promises were broken and he did not get everything he was expecting.

Normally, I'd say this a little convenient for the people in charge to have deniability and blame an assistant for being out of place. However, there is reason to believe in this case that the assistant would make false promises.
This sounds like the plausible answer given what's being written.
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Fingers pointing at Marion to no one's surprise.
Father claims that Sluka was offered $400-500,000 from P5 schools including B1G and SEC schools but went to UNLV at an 80% discount.

My money is still on the unregistered (in Nevada) sports agent making promises he couldn't keep, spinning a wild tale of his connections, deals he can make, and offers he received. With all claims now being "verbal" the only real way to find out what happened now is if the President of the UNLV collective releases the emails he claims to have.

Edit: Agent is now saying that Sluka can return to UNLV if Barry Odom pays up more than the $3,000/month that the collective offered.
Fingers pointing at Marion to no one's surprise.
Father claims that Sluka was offered $400-500,000 from P5 schools including B1G and SEC schools but went to UNLV at an 80% discount.

My money is still on the unregistered (in Nevada) sports agent making promises he couldn't keep, spinning a wild tale of his connections, deals he can make, and offers he received. With all claims now being "verbal" the only real way to find out what happened now is if the President of the UNLV collective releases the emails he claims to have.

Edit: Agent is now saying that Sluka can return to UNLV if Barry Odom pays up more than the $3,000/month that the collective offered.

I don't see how they bring him back now. It's bad precedent to give in to an in-season power play.

They need to find out who, if anyone, made bullshit promises to Sluka and deal with that. QB should just be next man up going forward.
I don't see how they bring him back now. It's bad precedent to give in to an in-season power play.

They need to find out who, if anyone, made bullshit promises to Sluka and deal with that. QB should just be next man up going forward.
Yup Regardless of whether promises were broken or not it would be an awful precedent for a team to allow a kid to hold out like this in mid season, Hes not even that good to even justify doing so, Kid is either getting horrible advice or has an over inflated ego and is a moron Im going with both.

Ill ask again who hires and pays an agent for small time deals like this?
Fingers pointing at Marion to no one's surprise.
Father claims that Sluka was offered $400-500,000 from P5 schools including B1G and SEC schools but went to UNLV at an 80% discount.

My money is still on the unregistered (in Nevada) sports agent making promises he couldn't keep, spinning a wild tale of his connections, deals he can make, and offers he received. With all claims now being "verbal" the only real way to find out what happened now is if the President of the UNLV collective releases the emails he claims to have.

Edit: Agent is now saying that Sluka can return to UNLV if Barry Odom pays up more than the $3,000/month that the collective offered.

An FCS QB that was rated a 3* in the portal, was offered 400k to 500k, and he took an 80% discount to go to some nobody school?

There’s no way anybody can believe this.
No one is going to back off this kid because he quit the team for more money. He will get what his market value is in the portal. His issue is that he is a running QB and not really a passer so he will only be attractive to certain teams. I love what this kid is doing. More kids need to do this. College football does not enforce pay for play NIL deals so I want to see more of this stuff happen. And since they are not employees and have no contracts, they are free agents every year. I want to see more kids who are overperforming hold-out for more money. I want it to be more of a farce that it already is.
I agree with this. I no longer have faith in the game's "integrity".

We will see more of this. We may also see NFL prospects from weak, going nowhere teams simply quit by week 6.

I get the feeling this is about to become an annual thing elsewhere now. God I hope this is the thing that finally get this all sorted out with collective bargaining.

edit: Allen clarified that his transfer is in no way related to NIL, but to being the 3rd string RB and he wants that extra year of eligibility.
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Marcus Cromartie, Sluka's agent, is doing an interview right now on XM 84. He called out the UNLV OC as the person that made the promises. The promises were made without consent of HC Odom or the collective.
Well if you can't trust the word of an unlicensed sports agent that never contacted the athletic department, NIL collective, or head coach and claimed the FCS QB had half-million dollar SEC offers, then tries to renegotiate after his client publicly withdraws from his school, then whose word can you trust?
Even though Addison ended up at USC, not Texas, there is no doubt that Marion encouraged him to get out of Pitt and get the biggest bag he could get. That may well have actually been sound advice, but Marion also was being petty and looking to harm Pitt anyway he could on the way out the door & also to build his own rep by at least getting a TX visit from Addison. I don’t think Marion has many people around here that will give him the benefit of the doubt.
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Whether it’s over this or something else, Marion has a show-cause penalty coming his way at some point in the future. He is the Todd Bozeman of college football. Absolute self-promoting dirtbag.

Whether it’s over this or something else, Marion has a show-cause penalty coming his way at some point in the future. He is the Todd Bozeman of college football. Absolute self-promoting dirtbag.

Yea. I hear he will get his show-cause right after Sean Miller gets one. If anything, Marion deserves a promotion for landing this kid. The NCAA created this. Not Marion.

Also, what's the deal with Western PA guys and NCAA stuff: Miller, Cal, Sonny Vaccaro, that South Side, Marty Blazer, now Marion? We are over-represented.
What’s really kinda funny is this story has taken a totally irrelevant player that nobody has ever heard of at a totally irrelevant program that has never mattered, ever, and made him the central story in college football this week.
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Well if you can't trust the word of an unlicensed sports agent that never contacted the athletic department, NIL collective, or head coach and claimed the FCS QB had half-million dollar SEC offers, then tries to renegotiate after his client publicly withdraws from his school, then whose word can you trust?

Actually, Cromartie contacted the NIL collective. And he wasn't the person that made the claims about offers from SEC schools.

Whether he's licensed in the state of Nevada or not doesn't really have anything to do with the credibility of his story.

Obviously, there were text or email exchanges in this situation, so there's going to be receipts.
Actually, Cromartie contacted the NIL collective. And he wasn't the person that made the claims about offers from SEC schools.

Whether he's licensed in the state of Nevada or not doesn't really have anything to do with the credibility of his story.

Obviously, there were text or email exchanges in this situation, so there's going to be receipts.
He contacted them in late August 2024, about a deal that was supposedly struck in December 2023. And I think an agent illegally performing his duties despite there being an easy path to legitimacy just further speaks to laziness or shadiness on his part.
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It was only a matter of time until someone would decide that they are more important then the rest of the team that they play for. I would have thought that when the "playoffs" neared that this would have happened, but to see it so early in the season, it is a little surprising. Then again, all you need is one super douche bag to make it an issue and well, UNLV Matthew Sluka is yours.
If any of you think that this will be the only one this year, you would be wrong. What happens if a 12-0 Top 5 team qualifies for the "playoffs" and then their starting QB decides I want more money. He says he will hold out and prepare for the NFL unless he is given an additional $5 million dollars to play. I am willing to bet that just about every school will pay.
I used to love college football, much better in my opinion to the NFL, but not any more. The GREED of the entire sport disgusts me. The schools (ALL OF THEM,) their conferences, their media partners, the players, the agents, all of them suck for ruining college sports for all of us.
Back to Mr. Sluka. I have no idea of what you asked for or what you were promised to go to UNLV, it really doesn't matter. You SUCK and I hope that every other college football program sees what you have done to UNLV and your former teammates. You should never be offered a spot on any college football team ever again. You have shown that you were and always will be a self-centered jagoff and had no real interest on being a member of the UNLV football team. It was all about YOU and that is wrong.

I agree. College football is a complete mess now. It's becoming unwatchable. I went to the Pitt-YSU game last Saturday and I'm just not that interested in Pitt or college football that much any longer, all because of NIL and the overpaid primadonnas and entitled brats playing. All major programs are at fault, including Pitt. And these kids are greedy and don't care about the program or school at all. I can't support that because it's just another version of the corrupt NFL. If and when they ever get back to playing real college football again, I'll reconsider.