Update on the three amigos

A final few points. If you think the three from Penn State are going to roll on each other, you're sadly mistaken. They would have already done that. They've been offered 3 plea deals and turned them down. You simply don't roll during a trial, but before, so you don't go to trial. That's just common sense. As far as delays? Judge Hoover sat on motions for over 2 years. Let's not pretend like the judicial system in PA isn't corrupt.

Perfect for the bwi crew and your line of bs.

Its not a lie
I'm near certain that sanctions will be brought
Out and it's extremely likely that the current staff including James Franklin get a 5 year show cause. That's how this is going to go down. There is no way the NCAA does not send a message after the University and the Paternos sued them. I will be LMAO when Miles Sanders, Kevin Givens, and Lamont Wade are begging to come back. Pat better make them beg and set an example of what happens to kids who give us the finger.
I have it on good authority that the prosecution has evidence that proves Spanier and Paterno were involved in 9-11. Forget about a show cause. James Franklin will most likely be sent to Guantanamo Bay
More update:
On March 1, a JOINT REQUEST by all 3 defendants to immediately appeal the inclusion of a felony charge was denied.
The denial means the trial date stands.

There are those on this Board (mostly Penn Staters) who foolishly claimed that if any one of the 3 were to have turned in the other 2, it would have occurred long ago.
Those were the thoughts of fools.
The 3 have one common enemy.... an actual trial... and those 3 will fight like Hell to keep that from coming.
But they won't succeed.
Now the battle shifts...instead of spending money, time and effort against their common enemy, they have to focus in one thing.
And that means the age old rule applies... ITS EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF
The wisest defendant will cut the first deal....were I defending one of these cats, I would believe that only one person is going to get a deal...1 person bringing down 2 others makes sense.
None of these 3 is a kingpin so to speak....there is no the prosecution will likely try to get one to crack.

Who will it be?
Curley. I could be wrong about this as he well might want to secure maryter status among the Funko Harris' of the world, but since his health is poor, he might want to make peace now.
Spanier is the sleeze king here and might be more likely to rat out the other two.
Sergeant, I see nothing, Schultz is the wildcard. Law enforcement types tend to not do well on the other side of those bars.... Is his sphincter tight as a drum now in anticipation of potential infiltration at a later date?
Stay tuned sports fans.... the teams are warming up.
"Saboteur, post: 1824955, member: 5688"]More update:
On March 1, a JOINT REQUEST by all 3 defendants to immediately appeal the inclusion of a felony charge was denied. The denial means the trial date stands.There are those on this Board (mostly Penn Staters) who foolishly claimed that if any one of the 3 were to have turned in the other 2, it would have occurred long ago.
Those were the thoughts of fools. The 3 have one common enemy.... an actual trial... and those 3 will fight like Hell to keep that from coming. But they won't succeed.
Now the battle shifts...instead of spending money, time and effort against their common enemy, they have to focus in one thing. SAVING THEMSELVES! And that means the age old rule applies... ITS EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. The wisest defendant will cut the first deal....were I defending one of these cats, I would believe that only one person is going to get a deal...1 person bringing down 2 others makes sense. None of these 3 is a kingpin so to speak....there is no the prosecution will likely try to get one to crack. Who will it be? Curley. I could be wrong about this as he well might want to secure maryter status among the Funko Harris' of the world, but since his health is poor, he might want to make peace now. Spanier is the sleeze king here and might be more likely to rat out the other two. Sergeant, I see nothing, Schultz is the wildcard. Law enforcement types tend to not do well on the other side of those bars.... Is his sphincter tight as a drum now in anticipation of potential infiltration at a later date? Stay tuned sports fans.... the teams are warming up.
Good post and more accurate based are still few unknowns:

1. Stated a while ago, let the Criminal Trials play out. This is the time in most Criminal Trials Plea Deals are extended to the one the comes forward first. Schultz's Lawyer is well known for cutting such Plea Deals one minute before the Trial begins. It was Schultz that stated it was time to go to authorities first based on all read. Until the Trials begin tough to know all and urge caution to see how the Prosecution will now present the cases since the change in 5 AG's and subsequent dismissal of serious charges as well as changes in Judges.

2. The Penn State Three have to face the difference between their Testimony before at Grand Jury and Paterno's that had his own Lawyer and did testify what he was told and it was not Horseplay as the other Three. This is a serious difference, Paterno Testified exactly what he was told, and the other Three stated Horseplay.

3. Graham Spanier was the President of Penn State and responsible for all Laws, Rules, and Regulations unlike Schultz and Curley. Schultz & Curley were first indicted if one recalls first and Paterno was not due to his testimony. It was Freeh that found the Emails and corrected the PAOAG Presentment that was in Error. Spanier was indicted subsequently and filed a Civil Lawsuit of Defamation but that was more Tactical for Criminal Discovery purposes than Substantive. The Clery Act, Title IX & NCAA Rules with Sanctions have all stood up with Findings of Athletic Integrity Non-Compliance with Multiple Verifiable Violations and Fines holding the President of the University for Sole Responsibility! Graham Spanier may be the last man standing due to his position of responsibility and could go for all or nothing and go for broke or vindication?

4. The Lawyers for Schultz & Curley will do what is best for them and Spanier as well. Together that have been a formidable Defense Team, but again, each Defendant and their Lawyers are near the time to take a deal or go to Trial. Right now the Judge, Defense and Prosecutions are deciding Pre-Trial Stipulations that will set the Rules what can be said and heard before a Jury. This often makes the Defense Teams rethink what is best for each Defendant on their own!

5. All the Civil Lawsuits have come to a slow stall as well since the PMA-PSU Revelations and the Paterno's themselves have decided they will run for Trustees that is change in strategy. This is due to what can come out at the Criminal Trial and still pending Public Disclosure in the PMA-PSU Lawsuits Confidentiality Redacted Disclosure still pending. The Clery Act and Title IX Investigation and Findings have been quite damaging and not refuted. It was posted last year the Civil Lawsuits Settlements will start to happen after the Criminal Trials are over.

The University still has many pending Civil Lawsuits and Issues among themselves within the Trustees. However, the University Football Program is in full Athletic Integrity Compliance and that is all the Fans care about now.

We shall see on what happens?

The only defense they have is that they weren't in charge or were being shielded from enough information to act definitively.
I met a Former Penn State Player that was recruited and played under Rip Engle and during the Engle-Paterno Transition. I was quite amazed how he did not care for Paterno and was quite blunt about how he felt Joe was not liked as much as many think by the Players. He also told me since Joe knew in 2001 as told and did not do much he knew then for sure.

I asked him how could he conclude that since Sandusky that fooled Children Victims, used The Second Mile, molested his own Family Adopted Children and lied to Paterno's too? He responded how could Joe not know by 2001 when he was directly told?

He went on to say Joe brought much of this upon himself by how he acted and just continued to think he was always right and ended up believing it too. He went on to say Joe help create his own mess and many PSU Fans fell for it and still do.

I asked him aren't you a PSU Fan now and he said yes, but of the University not about one man or coach. He was as harsh as I ever met about the Penn State Scandal. He said Rip Engle was the better coach and always will be to him and did not make PSU Football about himself, always the Players and University not himself like Paterno
. He agreed Joe stayed way too long.

I finally asked him, you do agree Joe was a Great Coach? He responded, Joe was a good coach but Great Coaches don't leave the Programs in Scandal and he said Joe knew at some point and did nothing.

There are a number of PSU Alumni that think this way, but fewer in number. So, just goes to show many can have different views.
There aren't views of the truth! Joe and the 3 top administrators knew and did nothing....actually by colluding to not tell they did a really bad thing!

I met a Former Penn State Player that was recruited and played under Rip Engle and during the Engle-Paterno Transition. I was quite amazed how he did not care for Paterno and was quite blunt about how he felt Joe was not liked as much as many think by the Players. He also told me since Joe knew in 2001 as told and did not do much he knew then for sure.

I asked him how could he conclude that since Sandusky that fooled Children Victims, used The Second Mile, molested his own Family Adopted Children and lied to Paterno's too? He responded how could Joe not know by 2001 when he was directly told?

He went on to say Joe brought much of this upon himself by how he acted and just continued to think he was always right and ended up believing it too. He went on to say Joe help create his own mess and many PSU Fans fell for it and still do.

I asked him aren't you a PSU Fan now and he said yes, but of the University not about one man or coach. He was as harsh as I ever met about the Penn State Scandal. He said Rip Engle was the better coach and always will be to him and did not make PSU Football about himself, always the Players and University not himself like Paterno
. He agreed Joe stayed way too long.

I finally asked him, you do agree Joe was a Great Coach? He responded, Joe was a good coach but Great Coaches don't leave the Programs in Scandal and he said Joe knew at some point and did nothing.

There are a number of PSU Alumni that think this way, but fewer in number. So, just goes to show many can have different views.
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I met a Former Penn State Player that was recruited and played under Rip Engle and during the Engle-Paterno Transition. I was quite amazed how he did not care for Paterno and was quite blunt about how he felt Joe was not liked as much as many think by the Players. He also told me since Joe knew in 2001 as told and did not do much he knew then for sure.

I asked him how could he conclude that since Sandusky that fooled Children Victims, used The Second Mile, molested his own Family Adopted Children and lied to Paterno's too? He responded how could Joe not know by 2001 when he was directly told?

He went on to say Joe brought much of this upon himself by how he acted and just continued to think he was always right and ended up believing it too. He went on to say Joe help create his own mess and many PSU Fans fell for it and still do.

I asked him aren't you a PSU Fan now and he said yes, but of the University not about one man or coach. He was as harsh as I ever met about the Penn State Scandal. He said Rip Engle was the better coach and always will be to him and did not make PSU Football about himself, always the Players and University not himself like Paterno
. He agreed Joe stayed way too long.

I finally asked him, you do agree Joe was a Great Coach? He responded, Joe was a good coach but Great Coaches don't leave the Programs in Scandal and he said Joe knew at some point and did nothing.

There are a number of PSU Alumni that think this way, but fewer in number. So, just goes to show many can have different views.

I knew a few guys that played for Paterno in the 90's that didn't say much good about Joe. One told his brother (who went on to start at another P5 school) to not even visit PSU. Now I know a few that liked him too so it's not all bad but I'd say the ratio was 3:1.
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Now that push has come to shove, we will see who squeals first.
My bet in on Curley. He is sick and probably has been blackballed to
no end by the cult
Just have to wonder what Mike McQueary will have to say at this trial?
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I knew a few guys that played for Paterno in the 90's that didn't say much good about Joe. One told his brother (who went on to start at another P5 school) to not even visit PSU. Now I know a few that liked him too so it's not all bad but I'd say the ratio was 3:1.
I have met the same at times. Even the one I met above was part of the Engle-Paterno Transition. Paterno bench his Seniors and went with Younger Players so might be some Sour Grapes. He also confirm Joe brought in 30 to 35 Redshirts and that was to get over the 25 Scholarship Limit Big Four Agreement with WVU, PITT, & CUSE that limited to 10 Medical Redshirts at that time. Pitt ended that restriction on Pitt Coaches after 1972 to catch up to PSU rosters before the NCAA Limit came in 1975.

I agree with i found in conversations some players did not care for Joe calling him "BR" meaning "Biggie Rat"! Even Franco said, when he was being recruited Joe was like a Father after the Commitment was not the same man he knew when recruited. Yet, after many left they credit Joe for being tough on them. Yet, some like you say might have felt differently. The Sour Grapes might come in if one does not play or start to be fair.

Maybe a few PSU Posters that were Players will contribute more. I met Joe and few times and liked him and I respect his coaching and foresight in building the Penn State Program. Others can differ!

I just know this Ex-Player was rip not Joe Fan and close friend to Mike Reid and all agreed he Mike is great PSU Alumnus! The guy also felt Franklin is not a good fit for PSU either. Again, i was amazed at that too!

He is very proud Alumnus of the University and majored in Engineering doing quite well after Graduation. He told me he can't stand the Fans that believe Joe never anything wrong and ashamed of the ones that think that way and knows there are many.
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Now that push has come to shove, we will see who squeals first.
My bet in on Curley. He is sick and probably has been blackballed to
no end by the cult
Just have to wonder what Mike McQueary will have to say at this trial?
Disagree, being sick will get one a lighter sentence.

I still think if it happens, it will be Schultz, just a Hunch!

Spanier won't surrender being a South African Son of Abraham, claims to be an Abused Victim of his own Father, and works for National Security thinking he will get break.
The NCAA will be watching closely. Again what I am hearing is that there is a very strong likelihood that sanctions are brought forward again after the criminal trial concludes. Also, the present coach and staff will be brought up on LOIC items that have yet to be disclosed. This is stuff those in the know are aware of on this board Expecting.

I see UPS getting resanctioned, all 2016 vicotoroes being removed and a new staff made to
Come into place. Just watch
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The NCAA will be watching closely. Again what I am hearing is that there is a very strong likelihood that sanctions are brought forward again after the criminal trial concludes. Also, the present coach and staff will be brought up on LOIC items that have yet to be disclosed. This is stuff those in the know are aware of on this board Expecting.

I see UPS getting resanctioned, all 2016 vicotoroes being removed and a new staff made to
Come into place. Just watch
Pnnylying get some new Nics better than H2P#### nobody cares what you have say on the Lair or BWI or anywhere just laughing at you.
There aren't views of the truth! Joe and the 3 top administrators knew and did nothing....actually by colluding to not tell they did a really bad thing!

Well they told The Second Mile CEO, who had direct responsibility to all of the 2nd Mile children. So you are wrong that they colluded to tell anyone, and that reporting to the charities CEO/licensed psychologist/mandated reporter goes against any notion of a cover up.
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Well they told The Second Mile CEO, who had direct responsibility to all of the 2nd Mile children. So you are wrong that they colluded to tell anyone, and that reporting to the charities CEO/licensed psychologist/mandated reporter goes against any notion of a cover up.
Just curious - was there no police force in place during this time? Cause we hear that Joe is not to be blamed because he told Schultz and now these three guys aren't to be blamed because they told the 2nd Mile. It appears they all simultaneously forgot three little 3 digits: 9-1-1.
Anyone? Have you ever heard of reporting crimes to the police? What the hell goes on up there?

Well they told The Second Mile CEO, who had direct responsibility to all of the 2nd Mile children. So you are wrong that they colluded to tell anyone, and that reporting to the charities CEO/licensed psychologist/mandated reporter goes against any notion of a cover up.
There aren't views of the truth! Joe and the 3 top administrators knew and did nothing....actually by colluding to not tell they did a really bad thing!

Well they told The Second Mile CEO, who had direct responsibility to all of the 2nd Mile children. So you are wrong that they colluded to tell anyone, and that reporting to the charities CEO/licensed psychologist/mandated reporter goes against any notion of a cover up.

It's the callous indifference that disgusts everyone outside of your little bubble. They all knew, and they knew for years before 2001, had the power to stop it, and did not. Everyone with a conscious knows it. But keep bowing to your Paterno cardboard cutout in your basement.
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In a civil trial, money is king. Cases settle on the courthouse steps all the time.
In this case, 3 people and one institution are on trial. That is one reason why PSU pays the legal fees.
With 3 defendants there is going to be a ton of information, evidence (both direct and circumstantial) and publicity about Penn State.
This is where WE ARE means more than some chant.
All 3 of these creeps worked in high positions in State College. WE ARE = ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE.
The law calls that Respondeat Superior. It will bind the acts of those 3 to the school. You can't send PSU to jail, but you can send it's employees.
That is why the current civil suits (apart from McQuery's handsome judgment) are treading water.
Conviction here means $$$$ elsewhere. Even if the 3 appeal, the price of poker goes up.
If they skate, PSU saves tons of money.
PSU has much at stake here.
WE ARE.....
I'm near certain that sanctions will be brought
Out and it's extremely likely that the current staff including James Franklin get a 5 year show cause. That's how this is going to go down. There is no way the NCAA does not send a message after the University and the Paternos sued them. I will be LMAO when Miles Sanders, Kevin Givens, and Lamont Wade are begging to come back. Pat better make them beg and set an example of what happens to kids who give us the finger.

I don't believe you. I am sorry, we have seen the NCAA with absolutely red handed, smoking gun violations by some schools and nothing happens. After the USC/Bush debacle and then Penn State, they lack the fortitude, want and aren't anatomically correct to hand out serious sanctions, no matter what would be revealed.
I knew a few guys that played for Paterno in the 90's that didn't say much good about Joe. One told his brother (who went on to start at another P5 school) to not even visit PSU. Now I know a few that liked him too so it's not all bad but I'd say the ratio was 3:1.

If you see, Joe's staunchest defenders amongst players are from like 1970-1985, their glory years. But....what all Penn Staters, both football and just student got caught up into during all of this time, is this false narrative of "success with honor" and that they were essentially succeeding on the gridiron with Naval Academy like honor code and academics. I don't know how this narrative was promulgated through the media and then the land, but it was. And like most things, perception is reality moreso than reality is reality. And that is what Penn State and Paterno became. The media wanted a shining star, a white knight (pun intended and not intended) a hero in what was an obvious growing cesspool of college football and Penn State gladly accepted the role, just like the Cowboys accepted the role of "America's Team".

It is amazing, all that has come out over this trial, there is not ONE "gotcha" moment, there are dozens, dozens of moments and examples that behind the curtain, PSU was as bad, if not more insidious as any of the rogue programs. The NCAA acted in good faith, PSU responded in good faith, then everything went awry because a cult reacted and the NCAA blinked.

Look, I think it is fairly obvious to anyone not connected to PSU all that happened. Sandusky was a truly sick #### and was raping kids and grooming victims since likely the Nixon administration. And likely many times some evidence has come up and was brushed back. And the insular community of State College....emphasis on "STATE COLLEGE", when the town is named "STATE COLLEGE", there is no doubt who runs the local government, and when the "STATE COLLEGE" decided that the football business was their calling, and became the reason why anyone in the world would even recognize the name "STATE COLLEGE" and without it, PSU might as well be Bucknell, well nothing was going to bring that to a halt either.
If you see, Joe's staunchest defenders amongst players are from like 1970-1985, their glory years. But....what all Penn Staters, both football and just student got caught up into during all of this time, is this false narrative of "success with honor" and that they were essentially succeeding on the gridiron with Naval Academy like honor code and academics. I don't know how this narrative was promulgated through the media and then the land, but it was. And like most things, perception is reality moreso than reality is reality. And that is what Penn State and Paterno became. The media wanted a shining star, a white knight (pun intended and not intended) a hero in what was an obvious growing cesspool of college football and Penn State gladly accepted the role, just like the Cowboys accepted the role of "America's Team".

It is amazing, all that has come out over this trial, there is not ONE "gotcha" moment, there are dozens, dozens of moments and examples that behind the curtain, PSU was as bad, if not more insidious as any of the rogue programs. The NCAA acted in good faith, PSU responded in good faith, then everything went awry because a cult reacted and the NCAA blinked.

Look, I think it is fairly obvious to anyone not connected to PSU all that happened. Sandusky was a truly sick #### and was raping kids and grooming victims since likely the Nixon administration. And likely many times some evidence has come up and was brushed back. And the insular community of State College....emphasis on "STATE COLLEGE", when the town is named "STATE COLLEGE", there is no doubt who runs the local government, and when the "STATE COLLEGE" decided that the football business was their calling, and became the reason why anyone in the world would even recognize the name "STATE COLLEGE" and without it, PSU might as well be Bucknell, well nothing was going to bring that to a halt either.
Superb post.
Well they told The Second Mile CEO, who had direct responsibility to all of the 2nd Mile children. So you are wrong that they colluded to tell anyone, and that reporting to the charities CEO/licensed psychologist/mandated reporter goes against any notion of a cover up.

The mandatory reporter charges were dropped because of procedural filings claiming a time limit had expired. The AG wanted to argue it was ongoing and not subject to the limits but the judge disallowed it.

Some element of collusion occurred based solely on emails that were released and the GJ testimony. Red told Joe. Joe said he was going to talk to someone that week. Emails showed there was a conversation about it. Heck, the three even argued in court that Schultz wasn't "qualified" as head of the police to investigate.

The lack of a Second Mile investigation is purely to avoid dragging other high profile peds into the fray. Nobody in Harrisburg or Philly wants that.

You guys are so proud of your education but you have somehow convinced yourself that anything that doesn't fit your narrative is false.
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The mandatory reporter charges were dropped because of procedural filings claiming a time limit had expired. The AG wanted to argue it was ongoing and not subject to the limits but the judge disallowed it.

Some element of collusion occurred based solely on emails that were released and the GJ testimony. Red told Joe. Joe said he was going to talk to someone that week. Emails showed there was a conversation about it. Heck, the three even argued in court that Schultz wasn't "qualified" as head of the police to investigate.

The lack of a Second Mile investigation is purely to avoid dragging other high profile peds into the fray. Nobody in Harrisburg or Philly wants that.


Remember when Jose Canseco first came out on steroids and basically implicated McGwire and the other stars of the game and was laughed off as some kind of nutcase. And pretty much everything Canseco ended up being proven as true?

Remember that Philly male prostitute or drug dealer made out some claims over a systematic child sex ring that included alot of powerful people that led back to Sandusky and the Second Mile? He also was dismissed as an agenda driven nut case.

You can't help to wonder the lack of real enthusiasm and want to put these guys on trial combined with the speedy Sandusky trial was all part of trying to put this to bed, then burying it all in some sort of sealed cask buried in the ground, with no ability to leak out.

I am talking about Gricar, all of it, Corbett, some congressmen, high ranking PSU officials and some donors, etc...

Man, there is a story there that is probably as complex and insidious as anything that the Catholic Church was responsible for, but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) it is a story that alot of people don't want told. Like I said, Sandusky is frigging insane, but him "COMING CLEAN!" is perhaps the only way this would make it to the public eye. But Sandusky is nuts enough to think a) he is innocent and b) he will get a new trial. No doubt Sandusky was railroaded and poorly represented and was quickly tried and convicted. Also no doubt he was guilty, so considering these crimes, not many, even the most liberal of those defending civil rights care about this. Sandusky is Lee Harvey Oswald in many respects, yes he pulled the trigger but yes he was also "a patsy" and likely part of something much bigger than he may have known. Just to this point, there doesn't appear the need to have a Jack Ruby step in.
A question for the lawyers on board. Would the AG consider offering sandusky a deal for
turning states evidence in the case against the three consipators?
A question for the lawyers on board. Would the AG consider offering sandusky a deal for
turning states evidence in the case against the three consipators?

I am not a lawyer, but I doubt it.

A) Sandusky is a sicko and psycho and guilty as all hell. He is a pariah, what "deal" could you offer that is not political suicide?
B) A kind of negates anything with these three, and there are alot of people obviously not wanting us all to see behind the curtain.
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If you see, Joe's staunchest defenders amongst players are from like 1970-1985, their glory years. But....what all Penn Staters, both football and just student got caught up into during all of this time, is this false narrative of "success with honor" and that they were essentially succeeding on the gridiron with Naval Academy like honor code and academics. I don't know how this narrative was promulgated through the media and then the land, but it was. And like most things, perception is reality moreso than reality is reality. And that is what Penn State and Paterno became. The media wanted a shining star, a white knight (pun intended and not intended) a hero in what was an obvious growing cesspool of college football and Penn State gladly accepted the role, just like the Cowboys accepted the role of "America's Team".

It is amazing, all that has come out over this trial, there is not ONE "gotcha" moment, there are dozens, dozens of moments and examples that behind the curtain, PSU was as bad, if not more insidious as any of the rogue programs. The NCAA acted in good faith, PSU responded in good faith, then everything went awry because a cult reacted and the NCAA blinked.

Look, I think it is fairly obvious to anyone not connected to PSU all that happened. Sandusky was a truly sick #### and was raping kids and grooming victims since likely the Nixon administration. And likely many times some evidence has come up and was brushed back. And the insular community of State College....emphasis on "STATE COLLEGE", when the town is named "STATE COLLEGE", there is no doubt who runs the local government, and when the "STATE COLLEGE" decided that the football business was their calling, and became the reason why anyone in the world would even recognize the name "STATE COLLEGE" and without it, PSU might as well be Bucknell, well nothing was going to bring that to a halt either.

The mandatory reporter charges were dropped because of procedural filings claiming a time limit had expired. The AG wanted to argue it was ongoing and not subject to the limits but the judge disallowed it.

Some element of collusion occurred based solely on emails that were released and the GJ testimony. Red told Joe. Joe said he was going to talk to someone that week. Emails showed there was a conversation about it. Heck, the three even argued in court that Schultz wasn't "qualified" as head of the police to investigate.

The lack of a Second Mile investigation is purely to avoid dragging other high profile peds into the fray. Nobody in Harrisburg or Philly wants that.

You guys are so proud of your education but you have somehow convinced yourself that anything that doesn't fit your narrative is false.
What is a shame is if the Penn State Alumni & Fans would unite with the Divided Trustees and Administration and accept, admit, and support that something terribly went wrong as seen in the Clery Act, Title IX & NCAA/Big Ten Athletic Integrity Sanctions Investigations, Fines, and Oversight Monitor's that establish Procedures of Laws, Rules, Policies, and Employee-Student Orientations to correct what not in Proven Non-Compliance's it would be accepted by every outside Critics inside, at, of, by and for Penn State. It is the Denial Narratives that nothing happen at Penn State and even Paterno's Hindsight admitted that to his credit.

Along with how Penn State University created a Center of Children Victim Educational Center, how the NCAA Fine Money has been distributed throughout the Commonwealth, and how Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity with NCAA Oversight earned the reduced Sanctions.

This includes how Bill O'Brien & James Franklin has followed those New Freeh Recommendation 116 out 0f 119 Athletic Integrity Reforms and Players are treated as Students and some of have been dismissed and 2 were Suspended when badly needed for the USC-PSU Rose Bowl Game and proven they prefer Compliance With Winning!

Yet, the Civil Lawsuits continue to divide Penn State, as well as the Trustees In fighting and Penn State Alumni Fan Base insisting nothing went wrong. Even the Paterno's in Sue & Jay can see they need to become Trustees to seek out some settlement since the PMA-PSU Case revealed Confidential Under Oath Depositions even they do not want published.

Penn State Alumni have to understand the Time to Heal is upon them and now and they can be Proud they Won the Big Ten with Athletic Integrity unlike past Winning without it! Most Outsiders would accept that and time to accept Sara Ganim, Louis Freeh, John Mitchell, President Erickson, AD Joyner, Marsh Creek, Cruise 66 Bill O'Brien, John Amaechi and James Franklin Compliance Cooperation and many more that made Penn State Better today than yesterdays soiled past.

Americans, Media, & Outsiders always accept a Sinners Admission of the Sins with Subsequent Reforms put in to insure it Never Happen Again.

So long as some Penn State Trustees, Paterno's, Alumni & Fans choose the John Ziegler & Jerry Sandusky Narratives Deniers claiming they are the Victims they will always be Mocked and Healing is cannot even start let alone be accepted by outside those choosing the Defend True Victims Abuse, over those worried about Winning without Athletic Integrity Compliance?
A question for the lawyers on board. Would the AG consider offering sandusky a deal for
turning states evidence in the case against the three consipators?
So long as Jerry Sandusky has Constitutional Issues on Appeal on how the PAOAG investigated, prosecuted and his own Lawyer alleged failed him, at Trial, he won't cut any deals, even if his own son wants to cut a deal now and the other one was ready testify and now has his own Non-Profit Lecturing on Abuse.

In addition, the current Trial Judge is unlikely to allow such Testimony as a stipulation that it may be too Prejudiced against the Defendants and not fully germane for Jurors to hear on a Fair Trial Basis and could be another Interlocutory Appealed before the Trial.

Finally, it is not wise to have a Convicted Felon be a Witness for the Prosecution and subject to Cross Examination that undercuts their own charges especially since Sandusky has been lying to be a Child Predator and could not be trusted to be believed by anyone at anytime.
I am not a lawyer, but I doubt it.

A) Sandusky is a sicko and psycho and guilty as all hell. He is a pariah, what "deal" could you offer that is not political suicide?
B) A kind of negates anything with these three, and there are alot of people obviously not wanting us all to see behind the curtain.
If Penn State Alumni & Fans want True Healing it has to happen at Penn State and should begin with Sue & Jay Paterno.

There is no vice or downside in accepting, honoring, and thanking Penn State Alumnus Sara Ganim, President Erickson, Dr. Joyner, Louis Freeh, Patriot News, Washington Post, and Penn State Alumni Own Children Protective Lawyers being welcomed by them for helping stop Abuse and creating Goodwill in establishing the Center on Abuse Education.

Dropping the Lawsuits joining the Trustees knowing the ultimate result are that Children are protected now from Clever Convicted Predator like Jerry Sandusky that betrayed everyone at Penn State including Joe Paterno.

The Penn State 2012 Reforms are a repudiation of how President Graham Spanier that was responsible and accountable to the Trustees, NCAA, DOE, DOJ and Big Ten as all Presidents or Chancellors at University are designated with that responsibility and no one else.

The Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms were needed and made Penn State Better!
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Informing the second mile was a insular circle jerk. The lawyer was a PSU attorney who just "happened" to be the second mile figure head. Nothing was escaping the church of coverup. Only Sandusky being caught by a HS coach was the loose thread. Now we grasp just how massive the PSU secret was. It was decades of settlements and sealed records long before Sandusky started his pedophile inventory called the second mile.
I always wondered what happened to the fine UPS paid when it was brought back to the state...where did it go and who got it. I wonder because it seems to be ripe to wind up back at UPS under another name like the Thon money does. Someone did an excellent piece on following the Thon $$$ a while ago and I wonder if this UPS fine wound up in the same direction.
I always wondered what happened to the fine UPS paid when it was brought back to the state...where did it go and who got it. I wonder because it seems to be ripe to wind up back at UPS under another name like the Thon money does. Someone did an excellent piece on following the Thon $$$ a while ago and I wonder if this UPS fine wound up in the same direction.

Is the THON money not truly given to the patients and funneled back to the football program ?? Why aren't we discussing this and getting this out in the media. Good Morning America did a piece on it and was praising them for this. If all of this is a rouse to get money back to the program that would seem to be an issue and should also be sanctionable
By the NCAA ?
Just curious - was there no police force in place during this time? Cause we hear that Joe is not to be blamed because he told Schultz and now these three guys aren't to be blamed because they told the 2nd Mile. It appears they all simultaneously forgot three little 3 digits: 9-1-1.

McQueary first reported the incident, immediately after it occurred, to his father and his father's friend, a local doctor. Both testified under oath that what McQueary told them that night DID NOT warrant a call to the police, because McQueary acknowledged that he never saw anything. What makes you think McQueary told Paterno anything different?
McQueary first reported the incident, immediately after it occurred, to his father and his father's friend, a local doctor. Both testified under oath that what McQueary told them that night DID NOT warrant a call to the police, because McQueary acknowledged that he never saw anything. What makes you think McQueary told Paterno anything different?
BECAUSE OF JOE'S OWN GRAND JURY TESTIMONY. Forget about that inconvenient detail?
What is a shame is if the Penn State Alumni & Fans would unite with the Divided Trustees and Administration and accept, admit, and support that something terribly went wrong as seen in the Clery Act, Title IX & NCAA/Big Ten Athletic Integrity Sanctions Investigations, Fines, and Oversight Monitor's that establish Procedures of Laws, Rules, Policies, and Employee-Student Orientations to correct what not in Proven Non-Compliance's it would be accepted by every outside Critics inside, at, of, by and for Penn State. It is the Denial Narratives that nothing happen at Penn State and even Paterno's Hindsight admitted that to his credit.

Along with how Penn State University created a Center of Children Victim Educational Center, how the NCAA Fine Money has been distributed throughout the Commonwealth, and how Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity with NCAA Oversight earned the reduced Sanctions.

This includes how Bill O'Brien & James Franklin has followed those New Freeh Recommendation 116 out 0f 119 Athletic Integrity Reforms and Players are treated as Students and some of have been dismissed and 2 were Suspended when badly needed for the USC-PSU Rose Bowl Game and proven they prefer Compliance With Winning!

Yet, the Civil Lawsuits continue to divide Penn State, as well as the Trustees In fighting and Penn State Alumni Fan Base insisting nothing went wrong. Even the Paterno's in Sue & Jay can see they need to become Trustees to seek out some settlement since the PMA-PSU Case revealed Confidential Under Oath Depositions even they do not want published.

Penn State Alumni have to understand the Time to Heal is upon them and now and they can be Proud they Won the Big Ten with Athletic Integrity unlike past Winning without it! Most Outsiders would accept that and time to accept Sara Ganim, Louis Freeh, John Mitchell, President Erickson, AD Joyner, Marsh Creek, Cruise 66 Bill O'Brien, John Amaechi and James Franklin Compliance Cooperation and many more that made Penn State Better today than yesterdays soiled past.

Americans, Media, & Outsiders always accept a Sinners Admission of the Sins with Subsequent Reforms put in to insure it Never Happen Again.

So long as some Penn State Trustees, Paterno's, Alumni & Fans choose the John Ziegler & Jerry Sandusky Narratives Deniers claiming they are the Victims they will always be Mocked and Healing is cannot even start let alone be accepted by outside those choosing the Defend True Victims Abuse, over those worried about Winning without Athletic Integrity Compliance?

Let me correct one of the lies that you repeat ad nauseum: Of Freeh's recommendations, only 12 have to do with Athletics.
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Is the THON money not truly given to the patients and funneled back to the football program ?? Why aren't we discussing this and getting this out in the media. Good Morning America did a piece on it and was praising them for this. If all of this is a rouse to get money back to the program that would seem to be an issue and should also be sanctionable
By the NCAA ?
I did not mean it was given back to the football program but the Thon money winds back at Penn State. Someone here did a piece on it a while ago. I recall only a small amount (7%???) wound up with patients. The majority wound up in Penn State's coffers somewhere through a circuitous route. I wish I could find the story...perhaps someone else can repost it. I'm wondering if the $60M fine follows the same path.
thon and the related cash tree makes the Clinton foundation look legit. A lot of the money doesn't actually go to the families who come to Hershey Medical Center primarily for costs and lodging expenses. Crazy Paco has gone into depth on this and the Diamond entity. Suffice to say it is mostly PR for PSU.
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thon and the related cash tree makes the Clinton foundation look legit. A lot of the money doesn't actually go to the families who come to Hershey Medical Center primarily for costs and lodging expenses. Crazy Paco has gone into depth on this and the Diamond entity. Suffice to say it is mostly PR for PSU.

Why aren't we exposing this and going to the media on this. This should be national big time news fk expose them. It should all be public. I want some fing answers if this is all PR. We have done more With our recent donations and yet we don't get any publicity for this. Wtf
BECAUSE OF JOE'S OWN GRAND JURY TESTIMONY. Forget about that inconvenient detail?

So that's a YES? You believe that McQueary told Paterno a different version than what he told his own father immediately after? Do you also believe that an 80+ year-old Paterno was able to recall exact details of that conversation, 10 years later, without having his memory refreshed by McQueary, who was now trying to save his own ass due to various ongoing indiscretions.
Let me correct one of the lies that you repeat ad nauseum: Of Freeh's recommendations, only 12 have to do with Athletics.
Thank you for that Admission that Penn State did require 12 Athletic Integrity Reforms and from Freeh's Recommendations it supports that Penn State Athletics was not in Compliance does it not, by your own Admission? Now produce the Substance of your Claims:

1. Good, I welcome your Corrections but until you produce all 12 of Athletic Integrity Reforms so we all can see all them as you Claim?

2. I can Produce with LINKS More than 12 Policies Penn State did put in and they are located on Penn State University Website.

3. It is Penn State that says it implemented 116 of 119 Freeh Recommendations and I can link that too.

4. The Clery Act Investigations Final Report and $2.4 Fines can also be Linked and shows what went wrong at Penn State Football Program and Penn State paid the Fines without even attempting to refute it!

We will wait to see what Lies you can show, prove, and until you do, that is on you. I like anything that corrects any Errors and adds to Share to Learn on the Lair!
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