Couple things from Cincinnati:
- stadium was beautiful. NFL quality but smaller. I guess that's what you get for $250,000,000 for only 26K seats (which is big by MLS standards). Columbus was nice but wasn't "NFL quality."
- I have Sprint/T-Mobile and have for many years and I have never encountered an urban area without a signal. Yea, sometimes you cant get a signal in a stadium (like in Knoxville) but when I was outside of the stadium walking to and from the game, I couldn't get a signal. I actually had to follow road signs and my memory to get out of there until I could get a signal.
- This caused me to not be able to download my e-tickets. Tried their wifi and that wasnt strong enough so they just allowed me to go in. Then I realize well, I don't know where I'm sitting. I knew the general area but not exactly so I had to go to guest services and they had to call someone in from US Soccer to look up my seats. The FC Cincinnati people couldn't help me.
- I have never been in a concourse area as crowded as that one. They needed an extra 20 feet or something. I felt like I was in a mosh pit and that was thinking of that AstroWorld concert. I didn't fear for my life obviously but it made me think about what those people went through. I asked an usher if its like that for FCC games and he said yes.
- Was very surprised there weren't more Mexican fans. They did the tickets by a drawing and only US fans were allowed in but I don't know what "qualified" me as a US fan. I was surprised I was allowed in the lottery as I'm not a Supporter or a donor. There werent more than 1000 Mexican fans and probably not more than 500. There were about the same, if not more Costa Rica fans in Columbus. Ohio just offers the perfect location for games vs Central American teams. Very few immigrants and far enough way from large Mexican and Central American communities in Chicago, DC, Philly, and NYC.
- The crowd demographic at these games is funny. Its like 99% white, 90% ages 18-40, 80% male. Everyone there looks like a 38 year old attorney who played HS soccer in the 90s.
- stadium was beautiful. NFL quality but smaller. I guess that's what you get for $250,000,000 for only 26K seats (which is big by MLS standards). Columbus was nice but wasn't "NFL quality."
- I have Sprint/T-Mobile and have for many years and I have never encountered an urban area without a signal. Yea, sometimes you cant get a signal in a stadium (like in Knoxville) but when I was outside of the stadium walking to and from the game, I couldn't get a signal. I actually had to follow road signs and my memory to get out of there until I could get a signal.
- This caused me to not be able to download my e-tickets. Tried their wifi and that wasnt strong enough so they just allowed me to go in. Then I realize well, I don't know where I'm sitting. I knew the general area but not exactly so I had to go to guest services and they had to call someone in from US Soccer to look up my seats. The FC Cincinnati people couldn't help me.
- I have never been in a concourse area as crowded as that one. They needed an extra 20 feet or something. I felt like I was in a mosh pit and that was thinking of that AstroWorld concert. I didn't fear for my life obviously but it made me think about what those people went through. I asked an usher if its like that for FCC games and he said yes.
- Was very surprised there weren't more Mexican fans. They did the tickets by a drawing and only US fans were allowed in but I don't know what "qualified" me as a US fan. I was surprised I was allowed in the lottery as I'm not a Supporter or a donor. There werent more than 1000 Mexican fans and probably not more than 500. There were about the same, if not more Costa Rica fans in Columbus. Ohio just offers the perfect location for games vs Central American teams. Very few immigrants and far enough way from large Mexican and Central American communities in Chicago, DC, Philly, and NYC.
- The crowd demographic at these games is funny. Its like 99% white, 90% ages 18-40, 80% male. Everyone there looks like a 38 year old attorney who played HS soccer in the 90s.