If I'm an elite recruit and you hand me a bag with 50k in it and we're not in a sting operation and I don't place the money in the bank how are you going to prove anything ? It's your word against mine . Assuming I don't go out and buy an expensive new car or do something else that's stupid and tracible . Same as $100 handshake no ones asking for a receipt .Here's a better analogy.
In the town next to us some big money guys set up a high end hooker business in a local hotel. They eventually busted the big money guys.
Six months later it reopened with new big money buys of course.
So the police set up a sting,busted the new big money guys, plus every customer of the hookers. Both the big money guys plus the customers of the hookers were arrested, names released and published in the local papers. Guess what noone is interested in that service at this time so the hooker business folded up.
If the players and or players families are made an example of there wont be many players willing to take the risk of criminal prosecution or maybe no college basketball. If there arent players willing to take the money and the risk the pay for play business will just fold up!
Prostitution , drugs ,gambling and in this case paying for recruits will always exist . The smart ones get smarter and thrive . You think prostitution doesn't exist now in your community
now ?
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