Why Doesn't Rivals Have a Crystal Ball Section?

The CB section of 247 is actually pretty accurate. Why none here? Resources?
In 2014, Mike Farrell was carrying Rivals’ Crystal Ball. Unfortunately, he tripped and fell. The Crystal Ball went flying. Upon impact, it shattered into hundreds of little pieces. Mike’s been too cheap to replace it.
:confused:In 2014, Mike Farrell was carrying Rivals’ Crystal Ball. Unfortunately, he tripped and fell. The Crystal Ball went flying. Upon impact, it shattered into hundreds of little pieces. Mike’s been too cheap to replace it.
That is a little known story......thanks for sharing
They do. It is on the recruits profile under commitment forecast. They have Futurecast which is the recruiting gurus and FanFuturcast where fans vote.
Thanks for the heads up! Is there any way to look at only Pitt's future cast? I just went on the main rivals page and clicked on future cast but it looks to be sorted chronologically or by the writers only?
Pitt's Future Cast link is Here. Gorney, Friedman, Helmholdt and Wommack are ones you should pay attention to. Mike Farrell is off the HS recruiting beat and is more closely aligned with transfers now.
Pitt just started picking up a presence for recruiting again,I don’t believe they have had any for awhile
Maybe they have no idea who it is I don’t know,they also don’t crystal ball every player,mostly only the top recruits or so

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