Would UVa be the best defensive team in the NBA?

Wait, I missed that one because I don't "receive" his posts. That was a thing?

Yup. It's super hard to recruit to Vandy because their academic restrictions are so high. And the students' average SAT score is so staggeringly huge that the student body is clearly brighter than Pitt students and Pitt professors!
My experience with Harvard interns is that they're about as dumb as any other 21 year old and no where near the level of Pitt's mostly excellent faculty. They just have either the intellectual potential -- or the ability through "class signaling" with their degree -- to do more someday. Not sure why Vanderbilt would be any different.

Golden state shot 59.5 percent in tonight’s finals game and at a point in the 2nd it was over 70%. Maybe the Cavs should ask uva for some pointers?
I’m going to say either SMF doesn’t watch much NBA or doesn’t understand what he’s seeing.

The “NBA doesn’t play any defense” thing is one of the most uneducated takes in all of sports.
If there was no defense played in the NBA, the average game would be 165-160.
Defense was more optional in the NBA in like 1981. The bad boy Pistons changed everything, and now everyone tries to blanket their man because most starting players are a threat from 25 feet in to the basket. They have all sorts of statistics telling their coaches when to switch, who you can under against, what percent of the time they run Spain Pick and Roll to undermine the ICE defense, and so on. It's much more advanced than a pack line that takes advantage of the low shooting percentage of teenagers.

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