Wow. Lyke fired as ad

99% of truth regarding women seems chauvinistic to the modern man. I worked for evil incarnate at PNC years ago. This woman was more sociopathic than any man I've ever met. Don't feel bad for speaking truthfully.
Anecdotal evidence is clearly the best
you have just explained the difference between Pitt & the SEC. In the SEC, when things start tanking the boosters and/or fans come together and ask how much is needed to buy out this loser coach and set things right? At Pitt, it is I'm not donating until things are right.

Of course the people that say that aren't donating until they see a "commitment" to winning will never give anyways.
The biggest difference is that most SEC schools (boosters and alums) are first and foremost going to spend whatever it takes to sign high level talent. The ones serious about football make that a constant.
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you have just explained the difference between Pitt & the SEC. In the SEC, when things start tanking the boosters and/or fans come together and ask how much is needed to buy out this loser coach and set things right? At Pitt, it is I'm not donating until things are right.

Of course the people that say that aren't donating until they see a "commitment" to winning will never give anyways.
Pitt issued $275 million in new bonds in 2023 to help fund these projects. 20 year maturity. It last issued bonds in 2019.

Again, not all is debt financed. Some is from the budget or operational reserves. Pitt currently has $1.4 billion in issued bonds. About $280m in debt matured in FY2024.

Pitt's credit rating by Moody's is Aa1 and AA+ by S&P.

The university is very healthy. It is night and day where it was 30 years ago.
Thanks for the clarification for those of us who aren't plugged into these issues.
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I haven't read through this thread but this seems like it would have to be tied to her serious flirtation with Northwestern to be their AD.

When she was a finalist for that job my thought (and I'm pretty sure I said this here) and given the length of time left on her contract, I thought we were going to get an announcement of a contract extension within a day or two. And when that didn't happen, it seemed clear that something was going on.
Of course, there aren't any such actions.

If they don't win big, as all other 70 power conference schools are simultaneously attempting to do, then one can sit on their wallet because the anthropomorphized "University" won't demonstrate commitment...unless as in some boasts there is some unrealistic goal obtained, like an on-campus stadium... so their illusionary donation is safe and sound.

But then if they win big...the "University" has all the money in the world, then they don't need mine. Look at that $5 billion endowment!

It is the same people pinning for the days of the Golden Panthers but really for others to spend someone else's money. It's been a problem for decades. Well guess what, the Golden Panthers are back and it is legal and it is call Alliance 412 and they're begging for people to help with the bags of money. There is no excuse. Don't like NIL, then donate to the athletic department. Don't like the "University," well now you have Alliance 412. One either cares or they don't.
I know. I was just calling him out. Every time I do that with these clowns, they never have a coherent response.
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Late 80's. It was classic cafeteria fare served by lunch ladies. I would eat anything at that age, so it was fine by me, but definitely institutional.

Thanks for the link. That looks like a tremendous improvement. But still...$27.5 million?
I was there late 80s into the early 90s and the food in the caf was pretty grim. Got food poisoning from their baked scrod one time. At a certain point they opened up a dedicated burger and fries lane, and that was a welcome alternative to almost anything else they had cooking.

I think a year or two after I left they got a new caterer. I remember a friend who was still there telling that the freshmen still compiained about the food, but they had no idea what it was like before. Now of course it's fairly mindblowing the choices they have. I wonder a little if the resort-ification of colleges is a good thing, though.

At least Pitt hasn't gone the way of High Point University, which basically is a resort where you can take some classes too.