10 year anniversary of PSU scandal

What you apparently do not know about the law! “Unless you have first hand knowledge, actually witnessed the crime, you can be sued for making a hearsay statement.” Joe found that out the hard way several years before when he called the authorities and reported what he was told about Sandusky. When Sandusky was separated from his coaching job, Joe did not want him around the facilities and was told by the Administration that he had lifetime privileges. Try and know the facts before you throw stones .
You want an example of a nitter…this is it not me.

They are all vile trash.
You cannot be sued for reporting something to the police that isn't firsthand knowledge. Worst case, you get charged with making false reports but that has to be proven, as well.
If you do anything with kids nowadays, like teaching or coaching, you are obligated to report if you suspect something (mandated reporters). Maybe that law doesn’t apply at the PSU football facility
If you do anything with kids nowadays, like teaching or coaching, you are obligated to report if you suspect something (mandated reporters). Maybe that law doesn’t apply at the PSU football facility
I don't think that's what he was talking about. But TSM staff certainly dodged that one, didn't they? Then again, TSM is probably where the real story was but that one will never see the light of day.
I don't think that's what he was talking about. But TSM staff certainly dodged that one, didn't they? Then again, TSM is probably where the real story was but that one will never see the light of day.
My bad. I’m more of a skimmer than a reader, LOL
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There is an active thread on their BWI free board right now with people claiming Sandusky was 100% innocent and was framed.

It was the space lasers!

As horrible and terrible as all of this was, especially for the victims, and the victims families that their lives were forever changed, as a Pitt fan having to hear the sickening bs all the years about st joe and his complete hypocrisy, it gives a moral victory that one seldom ever achieves in life. Clearly, he was a complete unethical douche, and their fans have ever since been the laughing stock of the country, and many many media jokes. Forever, or at least as long as I live, I will know that we are... better than they are as humans.
Of course. Because......that is the ONLY way to truly absolve Paterno. People will believe anything, look at those idiots in Dallas gathering the past weekend thinking Donnie Trump was going to fly in with JFK Jr and return to the White House as Pres/VP. And people actually gathered and believed this. People, in many cases, have no real care about truth. Just what fits their beliefs.
What's even funnier/sadder is that hundreds of those people are STILL in Dealey Plaza *TODAY* .... waiting for the Great JFK JR..... to arrive.
What's even funnier/sadder is that hundreds of those people are STILL in Dealey Plaza *TODAY* .... waiting for the Great JFK JR..... to arrive.
WTF is wrong with people. Really? Every person there who is of child bearing age, should be chemically castrated so they don't reproduce.
Hard to believe that its been 10 years since Sandusky was arrested for child abuse, and the grand jury presentment with Paterno's damning statement about being told about Sandusky's actions.
In a few days, it will also be the 10 year anniversary of Cook's "Let the healing begin statement."

What was fascinating to me about the whole thing was the way the extreme Paterno defenders were willing to throw Paterno's intelligence under the bus to defend his moral integrity, publicly, and apparently, in their own minds. If you're younger and don't remember, for years (decades), PSU fans would wax on and on about how Paterno was SO MUCH MORE than a football coach. He was a highly educated, Ivy League graduate, who loved to read the classics. Huge contibutor to the university library, adamant that his players understood the value of an education, and interested in the issues of the day including politics (he spoke at Bush's nominating convention).

Then, when the scandal broke and Paterno's own words confirmed he been told about Sandusky, these fans parsed his words to argue that while he was told, he didn't understand what he was told because....he was just-a-football-coach. Other than football, Joe didn't know nuttin' bout nuttin'. He was the only adult in America that never heard of men preying on boys, offering up a stupid argument about how he grew up in a different time, and they didn't know about these sorta things. John McCain called BS on that by the way, because it was insulting to that whole generation...they knew then when they were young, and oh btw, if even they hadn't, they weren't living in a cave for the past 50 years and would've learned about it as everyone younger had.

The cleaner and simple way to defend Paterno would've been to say that Joe should've come forward but didn't, but that many others didn't either, in this and in many other similar incidents. Coming forward was not common then, and while he should've, he was far from alone.
But, since they had elevated Paterno to a perfect godlike icon, admitting any moral failure/shortcoming was unthinkable. So they defended him by reducing him to being the village idiot.
10 years already geez
What you apparently do not know about the law! “Unless you have first hand knowledge, actually witnessed the crime, you can be sued for making a hearsay statement.” Joe found that out the hard way several years before when he called the authorities and reported what he was told about Sandusky. When Sandusky was separated from his coaching job, Joe did not want him around the facilities and was told by the Administration that he had lifetime privileges. Try and know the facts before you throw stones .
I agree. It wasn't JoePa. It was the entire university. The entire university should have gotten the death penalty. Actually, the entire centre part of PA should have been bombed. After moving the innocent livestock out.
You nitters are sickening. You give lice nits a bad name.
I agree. It wasn't JoePa. It was the entire university. The entire university should have gotten the death penalty. Actually, the entire centre part of PA should have been bombed. After moving the innocent livestock out.
You nitters are sickening. You give lice nits a bad name.
His mentality is exactly the problem that occurred! Could have been legally dealt with upon first hearing or seeing but nooooooo!
Based on how much this has been swept under the rug and out of the minds of PSU fans, you'd think it happened 50 years ago.
I agree. It wasn't JoePa. It was the entire university. The entire university should have gotten the death penalty. Actually, the entire centre part of PA should have been bombed. After moving the innocent livestock out.
You nitters are sickening. You give lice nits a bad name.

Good retort!
The bigger problem was the TSM was a "slush fund" for the football program. Anyone that doesn't think the Pedo's don't and didn't pay players is naive and ignorant. They had to protect that at all cost. I truly believe that this ran deeper and bigger than just Sandusky. Gricar not ever being found tells that some powerful people where involved in this whole situation
The bigger problem was the TSM was a "slush fund" for the football program. Anyone that doesn't think the Pedo's don't and didn't pay players is naive and ignorant. They had to protect that at all cost. I truly believe that this ran deeper and bigger than just Sandusky. Gricar not ever being found tells that some powerful people where involved in this whole situation
I hadn't heard anyone call it a "slush fund" before. That's interesting. All I know for sure is that the Monday morning after the news broke, there were some very busy Shred-It trucks at TSM.
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The bigger problem was the TSM was a "slush fund" for the football program. Anyone that doesn't think the Pedo's don't and didn't pay players is naive and ignorant. They had to protect that at all cost. I truly believe that this ran deeper and bigger than just Sandusky. Gricar not ever being found tells that some powerful people where involved in this whole situation
Some people were going to break something like this...and then the story was quickly kiboshed. So...yeah. I am thinking there was much more. I think it killed Paterno when it was all realized.