Everyone has view and opinion and I accept they can post it too. However, being a Power conference is important and no amount of winning at Western Michigan or Boise or any other Non-Power Conference in previous years, ever got them near a CFB Playoff Selection even at 12-0.This MEANS NOTHING to me if WE'RE not the ones that are doing the winning! I'd rather be champion of a lesser conference than be an also ran in the best.
Pitt would be making more money in the Big Ten but Paterno and Penn State blocked them. Just like Ohio State wanted MSU over PITT in the 1950s to hurt Michigan. The Big Ten Money is now helping Rutgers, NW, Maryland, IU, Purdue, Minnesota, Illinois and others to grow their FB Programs now too. Yet, still hard to overcome OSU, UM, MSU, Iowa, PSU, and NU.
WVU is glad it is in Big-12 Power Conference and it cost then $20 Million to get in it, but has caused them many problems on location and traveled for their Student Athletes Logistic on Classes. Yet, they have done well being in the Top 25 in FB & BB in 2016 more than Pitt or Penn State. I still think they belong in the ACC but that ship has sailed.
Pitt is a good fit for the ACC and only has been there since 2013 with Two Chancellors, Two Head Coaches, Three Athletic Directors, and Four OC's and requires way more stability in attracting and selecting Good Leadership and stay at Pitt to Rebuild Football & Basketball Programs together.
Others can differ but this how Sports Lawyers tell Athletic Program are rebuilt in College Football and Basketball the two revenue Programs that provide most Income to rebuild All Athletics:
1. Chancellors Vision Must Commit To Have It
2. Circle of Boosters Giving & Advisers Must Have It
3. Power Conference Income Membership For Budget Stability
4. Great Coaching Selection & Stays At School For 10 Years
5. Great Athletic Director Selection Of Support Not Ego In Fighting
6. Coaching Develops Recruits Into Winning Teams
7. Winning Teams Over 3 Years Right Away
8. Winning In Top 25 Teams Over 10 Years Every Year
9. New Facilities Always Updated On Campus
10. Recruiting Without No NCAA Sanctions
11. Attendance That Fits Proper Stadium Capacity
12. Avoid Off The Gridiron Problems & Scandals
Once you can build the above in steps with Academic & Athletic Coaching Leadership as a Team together and win over 10 years in the Top 25, rebuilding a Football or Basketball Program must come first and foremost.
Men & Women Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Volleyball, Wrestling, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Rowing, Swimming, Hockey, even with National Championship and Olympic Champions won't rebuild any University Athletics Programs in Football or Basketball, they just will drain and divide resources unless proper management uses the power Conference Men's Football & Men's Basketball Money in finding and keeping Great Coaching and Athletic Leadership, but that starts with the Chancellor's Vision & Support he musters among Boosters that make sure they can attract and keep Great Coaching.
Pitt is a mostly Private Urban University but so is USC, Miami, NWU, Stanford, TCU, and other Smaller Private Universities in ND, Duke, Baylor, and Wake with far less Traditional FB History in Winning, All Americans, and National Titles.
Even Public Universities at UCLA, GT, ULou, UA, Cal, and some others have the same challenges as Pitt, but can commit to rebuild FB & BB with Great University Leadefship.
The importance of being in a Power Conference is paramount and thank Nordenberg in doing it but now up to Gallagher to grow Pitt Athletics by finding the right people like Posvar & Boosters Alumni did in 1972 and maintaining it for Pitt over 10 years.
Other Urban Universities that are not in a Power CFB & BB Conference can't maintain or rebuild Athletic no matter how much they win just ask Houston, USF, Temple, UCincy, UConn, BYU, Toledo, SDSU, Kent State, SMU, Ohio, Memphis, Buffalo or Hawaii.
Pitt Football was built on different Era's of Winning 1910-1939, 1950-1963, 1972-1989, 1996-2013 and now is capable of Rebuilding again 2013-Today-Beyond to Beyond with the Right People In Cathy's Academics & Football & Basketball Athletics that stay at Pitt to do it.
Like Owtie says, Up to Pitt to Do it, and I Agree & can Believe It can be Done!
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