Duke Game @ the Pete & Other Dribbles ...

I don't know what you are talking about. We are definitely a tournament team and we have most likely the ACC Player of the Year on our squad.
There’s nothing definite about it. Pitt could go and lose their next 4 games and it wouldn’t be statistically outrageous.

Let’s also not overlook that two of our big wins came after 39 minutes of losing.

Let’s hope our games go on as scheduled and we can keep the momentum.
There’s nothing definite about it. Pitt could go and lose their next 4 games and it wouldn’t be statistically outrageous.

Let’s also not overlook that two of our big wins came after 39 minutes of losing.

Let’s hope our games go on as scheduled and we can keep the momentum.

wins are wins. One was without are best player. can't win every game by 20. the fact that they're winning close games shows we're good and not the same old Pitt team that gets close and then blows it.
** Let’s just cut to the chase. We are BACK! There is NO doubt about it.

** I’m not getting ahead of myself. I’m not saying this is a great team. And I’m not thinking we should make Final Four plans.

** But we are once again relevant. Important even. We are now once again contenders. We are BACK!

** We will be able to once again argue about whether Joe Lunardi’s seed for the Panthers is as high as it should be.

** We should again be watching other tournament level teams from across the county so that we can start thinking about matchups in March.

** We can turn on college hoops shows on Saturdays and listen to them talking about how the Panther’s might be a tough out in the Dance.

** @NTOP even wants to start planning Gamewatches!

** It’s been awhile since we have been able to do these things. But we are BACK. And it’s GLORIOUS!

** I won’t even say we are back ahead of schedule. Hell … I don’t even care about the schedule anymore. I’m just so freaking happy to be here. Did I mention that we are BACK!

** OK … OK … OK … I’ll calm down now and talk a little bit about the basketball game that truly signaled we are back.

** There’s so many things to note about this game, so I’ll start with one that I don’t think others will. Coach K doesn’t play zone defense all that often. But he played it almost the entire game.

** Coaches played zone against the Panthers last year more than any other team in College Basketball except one.

** It would seem to me that Coach K came into this contest not believing this Panther team had turned the corner. He believed we were the same team we’ve been for the last two years.

** Turns out Hall of Fame K was wrong.

** For the first 45 minutes of this game, the Panthers ripped the Duke zone to shreds with penetration, execution, and a certain Panther named Justin who looks like he’s pretty good at this game of basketball.

** That’s as an impressive of a stretch as I’ve seen played by a Panther Team in quite some time. At least since a guy named Patterson strode the court. Probably before that even.

** But there’s a reason Coach K is a Hall of Famer and he countered by extending his zone much further out. I’m wondering if he actually switched to a 3-2 instead of a 2-3.

** Right around the same time, Xavier Johnson took a breather with his third foul and our 15 point margin soon after became just a bucket.

** Of course, Duke’s prize freshman recruit, among the 10 best in the country, had much to do with that. For the record, Jalen Johnson is really good.

** For most of the game, the Panthers defended really, really well. But there were times Jalen was better than the best we had to offer.

** But as good as Jalen Johnson is, he wasn’t even close to the game’s best player. Not even close.

** Ask yourself this. How many times didn’t you just shake your head in amazement watching Justin Champagnie today?

** If your answer is 5 or 6, you are either lying or you are really hard to impress. I think I lost count when I reached double digits.

** We’ve already marveled at Justin’s rebounding this year, and this game was no different. But today, he was nothing short of an offensive juggernaut, scoring in almost every way possible. There was not one thing Duke was able to do to stop him. In fact, I suspect that’s why Duke extended their zone, hoping they could keep him from getting the ball altogether.

** I’ve probably watched a little less College Basketball this year than I typically would have to this point. But nonetheless, that was the best offensive game I’ve seen any player play this year. Justin is playing for All-American at this point, and that’s no exaggeration.

** If there is any shame in Justin’s evening, it’s that it overshadowed one of the most hard-nosed, ultra-workmanlike Panther performances we have seen in a long, long time. Au’Diese is going to need to speed some time in whirlpool tonight. He’s got to be hurting, well beyond the cramp that scared the crap out of me in the final seconds.

** I remember some performances that really showed toughness. Think of Nasir and Brad at Villanova in 2011, Chevy at the Dome in 2005, or almost any game played by Jaron Brown. This was up there with any of them. Maybe beyond them all.

** Despite Justin the Superhero, AD scored 7 of our last 14 points, mostly just by powering to the rim and getting fouled.

** Rounding out our Big Three was another big effort by the guy who has clearly moved among the top point guards in the ACC. I suspect that Xavier made a few too many errors for some people’s tastes, but his aggression set the tone for the Panthers. We will continue to win lots of big games if he plays like this.

** And this year, he’s been making the plays when they count the most in crunch time.

** Let’s also give a shout out to our center “combo.” Terrell Brown had a nice impact in the first half, and AKC was really quite good in the second half.

** Of course I must mention my only real regret, which was that we couldn’t be there at the Pete to watch it. This game would have been right up there with the handful of great ones at the Pete we have been able to experience over the past 18 years.

** Side question -- @Atch … have you been invited to watch this or any other game in person? I hope so.

** While I’ve already stated that we are back, I’m hoping there’s one more poster who might chime in on the subject – that being @17-15 . Back in 2001-2002, early in that season he proclaimed “22-7 … at least” before so many of the rest of us saw such success. I wonder what he sees now.

** Of course, predicting an actual record for the season might be the hardest task at all, not knowing how many games we will actually be able to play. But I hope 17-15 and others will join in the idea that we are BACK!

** I’ll close with a short but meaningful thought to the man who promised be would bring us back. Thank you Jeff!

** One more time -- We’re BACK!

this is why I don’t even attempt to do this. You are the Justin Champagnie of game synopsis. Brilliant, I’d read this over a game recap in the trib any day
For the first time in many years, I was absolutely primed for a 9pm tipoff. Finished work right at 5pm and was just buzzing for the next 4 hours waiting to see the Panthers in action. And they didn't disappoint.

They're playing with superior effort and much better execution than we've seen in recent years. Loved to watch them.

The other thing that I noticed and which was kind of missed in here was Femi Odukale. Grabbed a number of huge rebounds down the stretch and was woofing at Duke the entire time. Loved that attitude.
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Somewhere and at some time the light bulb finally went on and we now look like we know what we are doing against the zone. We saw the same good ball movement against Syracuse, not all the shots went down but enough to win a game.

I thought we looked every bit prepared for what coach K was going to do.
Overall very exciting team to watch, and it sure feels great to see these kids win again! H2P!
There’s nothing definite about it. Pitt could go and lose their next 4 games and it wouldn’t be statistically outrageous.

Let’s also not overlook that two of our big wins came after 39 minutes of losing.

Let’s hope our games go on as scheduled and we can keep the momentum.
I love DTs post and the unbridled enthusiasm coming off this win, but like you, I'm waiting a little longer before I plant my buttcheeks firmly on the bandwagon. I don't know how many times I've felt like this only to get punched in the mouth and watch my teeth hit the pavement like a bunch of chiclets. If we continue this resurgence through the end of the month, I'll be asking someone to move over and give me a spot.

I'm crossing my fingers.
I love DTs post and the unbridled enthusiasm coming off this win, but like you, I'm waiting a little longer before I plant my buttcheeks firmly on the bandwagon. I don't know how many times I've felt like this only to get punched in the mouth and watch my teeth hit the pavement like a bunch of chiclets. If we continue this resurgence through the end of the month, I'll be asking someone to move over and give me a spot.

I'm crossing my fingers.

when was the last time you thought we'd be good and weren't?
The present is great and I am enjoying this immensely and the future is still bright. Once Toney, X and Champ move on we will still have Horton, Jeffress, Collier and Femi to continue develop and be the stars in the upcoming years. Looking forward to a 2021 class with a big (Fingers crossed) to replace Hugley. So excited for the rest of the season and returning to the an electric Pete sooner rather than later.
I love DTs post and the unbridled enthusiasm coming off this win, but like you, I'm waiting a little longer before I plant my buttcheeks firmly on the bandwagon. I don't know how many times I've felt like this only to get punched in the mouth and watch my teeth hit the pavement like a bunch of chiclets. If we continue this resurgence through the end of the month, I'll be asking someone to move over and give me a spot.

I'm crossing my fingers.
I suggest enjoying the ride.

Certainly could all fall apart - but this last couple of weeks have been 3 of the most fun performances in some time.
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I love DTs post and the unbridled enthusiasm coming off this win, but like you, I'm waiting a little longer before I plant my buttcheeks firmly on the bandwagon. I don't know how many times I've felt like this only to get punched in the mouth and watch my teeth hit the pavement like a bunch of chiclets. If we continue this resurgence through the end of the month, I'll be asking someone to move over and give me a spot.

I'm crossing my fingers.

I don't begrudge this notion in the least. It's wise especially knowing we have gone into a swoon the last two year. But it's been four years since we could even entertain exciting thoughts. So even if we poop out in a couple weeks, I will have at least had these two couple of week to say I enjoyed to their fullest.
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I love DTs post and the unbridled enthusiasm coming off this win, but like you, I'm waiting a little longer before I plant my buttcheeks firmly on the bandwagon. I don't know how many times I've felt like this only to get punched in the mouth and watch my teeth hit the pavement like a bunch of chiclets. If we continue this resurgence through the end of the month, I'll be asking someone to move over and give me a spot.

I'm crossing my fingers.

My buttcheeks never left the bandwagon. They just got severely bruised on the ride the past few years.
I guess we can never know for sure if Coach K (or I) was right or wrong with what he didn't do. LOL

What we DO know is that coaches use to zones last year (and the year before) and it simply shut us down. And this year in the past two game against Zones, we have had THE best offensive execution we have seen in Capel's three years here.

Was thinking some about K’s decision to zone Pitt. Wonder if the game Toney had vs them at Cameron last year might have had some influence on that? Toney slashed his way to 28 ponits (I think?) and allowed Pitt to stay right in the game. K may have thought the zone would limit X driving and AT’s slashing.

Thank goodness Champ was hitting the 3 last night. Probably something Duke didn’t anticipate. But it allowed Pitt to get off to a solid start and it likely bolstered the Panthers confidence.
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I don't begrudge this notion in the least. It's wise especially knowing we have gone into a swoon the last two year. But it's been four years since we could even entertain exciting thoughts. So even if we poop out in a couple weeks, I will have at least had these two couple of week to say I enjoyed to their fullest.
And I don't begrudge yours either. The gap between what I felt after the first game and now is as wide as the Grand Canyon. I want so badly to feel we are on the cusp of a great leap forward; just not there yet. Maybe it's a generational thing, Following Pitt athletic for fifty years I think you understand.
There’s nothing definite about it. Pitt could go and lose their next 4 games and it wouldn’t be statistically outrageous.

Let’s also not overlook that two of our big wins came after 39 minutes of losing.

Let’s hope our games go on as scheduled and we can keep the momentum.

Unfortunately both wise and true.
I don’t know if this is good or bad, but I am all in once again. I am on the edge of my seat....err couch with every possession. There was a brief period not long ago (KS Era) where I’d watch and want us to win, but it really got to the point that the outcome didn’t matter. I wasn’t emotionally invested. It might not be good for my heart, but I’m very excited Pitt basketball is back. H2P!

That's not good or bad. It's GREAT!!
Probably nothing to worry about, but it looked to me like Justin had a slight limp near the end of the game.
** Let’s just cut to the chase. We are BACK! There is NO doubt about it.

** I’m not getting ahead of myself. I’m not saying this is a great team. And I’m not thinking we should make Final Four plans.

** But we are once again relevant. Important even. We are now once again contenders. We are BACK!

** We will be able to once again argue about whether Joe Lunardi’s seed for the Panthers is as high as it should be.

** We should again be watching other tournament level teams from across the county so that we can start thinking about matchups in March.

** We can turn on college hoops shows on Saturdays and listen to them talking about how the Panther’s might be a tough out in the Dance.

** @NTOP even wants to start planning Gamewatches!

** It’s been awhile since we have been able to do these things. But we are BACK. And it’s GLORIOUS!

** I won’t even say we are back ahead of schedule. Hell … I don’t even care about the schedule anymore. I’m just so freaking happy to be here. Did I mention that we are BACK!

** OK … OK … OK … I’ll calm down now and talk a little bit about the basketball game that truly signaled we are back.

** There’s so many things to note about this game, so I’ll start with one that I don’t think others will. Coach K doesn’t play zone defense all that often. But he played it almost the entire game.

** Coaches played zone against the Panthers last year more than any other team in College Basketball except one.

** It would seem to me that Coach K came into this contest not believing this Panther team had turned the corner. He believed we were the same team we’ve been for the last two years.

** Turns out Hall of Fame K was wrong.

** For the first 45 minutes of this game, the Panthers ripped the Duke zone to shreds with penetration, execution, and a certain Panther named Justin who looks like he’s pretty good at this game of basketball.

** That’s as an impressive of a stretch as I’ve seen played by a Panther Team in quite some time. At least since a guy named Patterson strode the court. Probably before that even.

** But there’s a reason Coach K is a Hall of Famer and he countered by extending his zone much further out. I’m wondering if he actually switched to a 3-2 instead of a 2-3.

** Right around the same time, Xavier Johnson took a breather with his third foul and our 15 point margin soon after became just a bucket.

** Of course, Duke’s prize freshman recruit, among the 10 best in the country, had much to do with that. For the record, Jalen Johnson is really good.

** For most of the game, the Panthers defended really, really well. But there were times Jalen was better than the best we had to offer.

** But as good as Jalen Johnson is, he wasn’t even close to the game’s best player. Not even close.

** Ask yourself this. How many times didn’t you just shake your head in amazement watching Justin Champagnie today?

** If your answer is 5 or 6, you are either lying or you are really hard to impress. I think I lost count when I reached double digits.

** We’ve already marveled at Justin’s rebounding this year, and this game was no different. But today, he was nothing short of an offensive juggernaut, scoring in almost every way possible. There was not one thing Duke was able to do to stop him. In fact, I suspect that’s why Duke extended their zone, hoping they could keep him from getting the ball altogether.

** I’ve probably watched a little less College Basketball this year than I typically would have to this point. But nonetheless, that was the best offensive game I’ve seen any player play this year. Justin is playing for All-American at this point, and that’s no exaggeration.

** If there is any shame in Justin’s evening, it’s that it overshadowed one of the most hard-nosed, ultra-workmanlike Panther performances we have seen in a long, long time. Au’Diese is going to need to speed some time in whirlpool tonight. He’s got to be hurting, well beyond the cramp that scared the crap out of me in the final seconds.

** I remember some performances that really showed toughness. Think of Nasir and Brad at Villanova in 2011, Chevy at the Dome in 2005, or almost any game played by Jaron Brown. This was up there with any of them. Maybe beyond them all.

** Despite Justin the Superhero, AD scored 7 of our last 14 points, mostly just by powering to the rim and getting fouled.

** Rounding out our Big Three was another big effort by the guy who has clearly moved among the top point guards in the ACC. I suspect that Xavier made a few too many errors for some people’s tastes, but his aggression set the tone for the Panthers. We will continue to win lots of big games if he plays like this.

** And this year, he’s been making the plays when they count the most in crunch time.

** Let’s also give a shout out to our center “combo.” Terrell Brown had a nice impact in the first half, and AKC was really quite good in the second half.

** Of course I must mention my only real regret, which was that we couldn’t be there at the Pete to watch it. This game would have been right up there with the handful of great ones at the Pete we have been able to experience over the past 18 years.

** Side question -- @Atch … have you been invited to watch this or any other game in person? I hope so.

** While I’ve already stated that we are back, I’m hoping there’s one more poster who might chime in on the subject – that being @17-15 . Back in 2001-2002, early in that season he proclaimed “22-7 … at least” before so many of the rest of us saw such success. I wonder what he sees now.

** Of course, predicting an actual record for the season might be the hardest task at all, not knowing how many games we will actually be able to play. But I hope 17-15 and others will join in the idea that we are BACK!

** I’ll close with a short but meaningful thought to the man who promised be would bring us back. Thank you Jeff!

** One more time -- We’re BACK!

I do think we are back, Back not to just being good but back to the identity we had.

I have thought this from 3 games ago. I thought maybe the Hugley suspension could destroy that.

After the Duke game, it appears it did not.

3 thoughts from the game.

Up 12 near the end of the half and getting a steal, it was time to run offense, not turn it over and give up a three.

When we were having some slight offense difficulties, with Toney trying to do too much, I thought a Horton 3 could have had a huge impact. Horton played 33 minutes. He was largely ( rightfully) ignored by Duke. I would have liked to seen another three or two.

How can you give up an inbounds layup at that stage of the game?
Any victory over Duke's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ & ⭐⭐⭐⭐ recruits is a good victory.

I will not
apologize for this victory, especially with the announcers telling us, repeatedly, the Duke is young, and Pitt is old.
We keep saying that our center rotation isn't adequate but it's really time to accept the fact that it is, even without Hugley. It certainly isn't the prettiest looking rotation but it's very effective, in fact we dominated that position so thoroughly last night that Duke gave up playing a center in the second half altogether.

Coulibaly/Brown - 10 points, 7 boards, 2 blocks, 0 turnovers, 54.3% TS%

Brakefield/Tape/Williams - 0 points, 5 boards, 0 blocks, 2 turnovers

Obviously you're not going to take Coulibaly and Brown over Jay Huff, Day'Ron Sharpe, or Manny Bates but they've proven that they aren't overmatched against the rest of the conference because, as you've seen on our schedule, most ACC teams don't have one traditional big at all.

Tend to agree with this about Coulibaly and Brown. There don’t seem to be a whole lot of really big guys (taller than 6’9”) who are scoring a bunch. One team that could hurt Pitt with their sheer size is UNC. So we’ll see soon enough about them.

As far as rebounding, Pitt will just have to keep working. Getting results on the glass from several different guys. Boxing out will always be important. There were some lapses in the 2H last night that allowed Duke to be more effective in terms of OR’s than I’m sure Pitt would like.

But in my history of watching Pitt, some of the very best rebounders for the Panthers were not giants. They were in the 6’6”/6’7” range: Blair, Clancy, Lane, Troutman. Champ & Toney are the best rebounders on the team right now. But they can get help from others, like AKC & TB. And they’ll most definitely need that help, too.
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Tend to agree with this about Coulibaly and Brown. There don’t seem to be a whole lot of really big guys (taller than 6’9”) who are scoring a bunch. One team that could hurt Pitt with their sheer size is UNC. So we’ll see soon enough about them.

As far as rebounding, Pitt will just have to keep working. Getting results on the glass from several different guys. Boxing out will always be important. There were some lapses in the 2H last night that allowed Duke to be more effective in terms of OR’s than I’m sure Pitt would like.

But in my history of watching Pitt, some of the very best rebounders for the Panthers were not giants. They were in the 6’6”/6’7” range: Blair, Clancy, Lane, Troutman. Champ & Toney are the best rebounders on the team right now. But they can get help from others, like AKC & TB. And they’ll most definitely need that help, too.

You can see that in the way that we team rebound where Coulibaly and Brown really focus on making sure to get a body on their guy and let Champagnie and Toney attack the glass. It's very effective in the ACC where really only UNC and Duke bother to crash the offensive boards in numbers (and we held Duke below their season ACC average even with Johnson back in action).
Any victory over Duke's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ & ⭐⭐⭐⭐ recruits is a good victory.

I will not
apologize for this victory, especially with the announcers telling us, repeatedly, the Duke is young, and Pitt is old.

Agree ... we have some experience for sure, but "old?"
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** Let’s just cut to the chase. We are BACK! There is NO doubt about it.

** I’m not getting ahead of myself. I’m not saying this is a great team. And I’m not thinking we should make Final Four plans.

** But we are once again relevant. Important even. We are now once again contenders. We are BACK!

** We will be able to once again argue about whether Joe Lunardi’s seed for the Panthers is as high as it should be.

** We should again be watching other tournament level teams from across the county so that we can start thinking about matchups in March.

** We can turn on college hoops shows on Saturdays and listen to them talking about how the Panther’s might be a tough out in the Dance.

** @NTOP even wants to start planning Gamewatches!

** It’s been awhile since we have been able to do these things. But we are BACK. And it’s GLORIOUS!

** I won’t even say we are back ahead of schedule. Hell … I don’t even care about the schedule anymore. I’m just so freaking happy to be here. Did I mention that we are BACK!

** OK … OK … OK … I’ll calm down now and talk a little bit about the basketball game that truly signaled we are back.

** There’s so many things to note about this game, so I’ll start with one that I don’t think others will. Coach K doesn’t play zone defense all that often. But he played it almost the entire game.

** Coaches played zone against the Panthers last year more than any other team in College Basketball except one.

** It would seem to me that Coach K came into this contest not believing this Panther team had turned the corner. He believed we were the same team we’ve been for the last two years.

** Turns out Hall of Fame K was wrong.

** For the first 45 minutes of this game, the Panthers ripped the Duke zone to shreds with penetration, execution, and a certain Panther named Justin who looks like he’s pretty good at this game of basketball.

** That’s as an impressive of a stretch as I’ve seen played by a Panther Team in quite some time. At least since a guy named Patterson strode the court. Probably before that even.

** But there’s a reason Coach K is a Hall of Famer and he countered by extending his zone much further out. I’m wondering if he actually switched to a 3-2 instead of a 2-3.

** Right around the same time, Xavier Johnson took a breather with his third foul and our 15 point margin soon after became just a bucket.

** Of course, Duke’s prize freshman recruit, among the 10 best in the country, had much to do with that. For the record, Jalen Johnson is really good.

** For most of the game, the Panthers defended really, really well. But there were times Jalen was better than the best we had to offer.

** But as good as Jalen Johnson is, he wasn’t even close to the game’s best player. Not even close.

** Ask yourself this. How many times didn’t you just shake your head in amazement watching Justin Champagnie today?

** If your answer is 5 or 6, you are either lying or you are really hard to impress. I think I lost count when I reached double digits.

** We’ve already marveled at Justin’s rebounding this year, and this game was no different. But today, he was nothing short of an offensive juggernaut, scoring in almost every way possible. There was not one thing Duke was able to do to stop him. In fact, I suspect that’s why Duke extended their zone, hoping they could keep him from getting the ball altogether.

** I’ve probably watched a little less College Basketball this year than I typically would have to this point. But nonetheless, that was the best offensive game I’ve seen any player play this year. Justin is playing for All-American at this point, and that’s no exaggeration.

** If there is any shame in Justin’s evening, it’s that it overshadowed one of the most hard-nosed, ultra-workmanlike Panther performances we have seen in a long, long time. Au’Diese is going to need to speed some time in whirlpool tonight. He’s got to be hurting, well beyond the cramp that scared the crap out of me in the final seconds.

** I remember some performances that really showed toughness. Think of Nasir and Brad at Villanova in 2011, Chevy at the Dome in 2005, or almost any game played by Jaron Brown. This was up there with any of them. Maybe beyond them all.

** Despite Justin the Superhero, AD scored 7 of our last 14 points, mostly just by powering to the rim and getting fouled.

** Rounding out our Big Three was another big effort by the guy who has clearly moved among the top point guards in the ACC. I suspect that Xavier made a few too many errors for some people’s tastes, but his aggression set the tone for the Panthers. We will continue to win lots of big games if he plays like this.

** And this year, he’s been making the plays when they count the most in crunch time.

** Let’s also give a shout out to our center “combo.” Terrell Brown had a nice impact in the first half, and AKC was really quite good in the second half.

** Of course I must mention my only real regret, which was that we couldn’t be there at the Pete to watch it. This game would have been right up there with the handful of great ones at the Pete we have been able to experience over the past 18 years.

** Side question -- @Atch … have you been invited to watch this or any other game in person? I hope so.

** While I’ve already stated that we are back, I’m hoping there’s one more poster who might chime in on the subject – that being @17-15 . Back in 2001-2002, early in that season he proclaimed “22-7 … at least” before so many of the rest of us saw such success. I wonder what he sees now.

** Of course, predicting an actual record for the season might be the hardest task at all, not knowing how many games we will actually be able to play. But I hope 17-15 and others will join in the idea that we are BACK!

** I’ll close with a short but meaningful thought to the man who promised be would bring us back. Thank you Jeff!

** One more time -- We’re BACK!
Great post. I’ve been wondering. Why did Coach K uncharacteristically go zone after watching Pitt destroy Boeheim’s vaunted zone in back to back games?
Great post. I’ve been wondering. Why did Coach K uncharacteristically go zone after watching Pitt destroy Boeheim’s vaunted zone in back to back games?

they were two totally different zones. He ran an extended 3-2 and trapped. We don't have traditional "post" players, and this defense allows good post players to dominate. We don't have "post" players - we rely on dribble drive - this defense makes it tough on guards to penetrate.

Cuse runs a 2-3 and they pack it in - not allowing anything inside the paint. Or at least they try not to.
You can see that in the way that we team rebound where Coulibaly and Brown really focus on making sure to get a body on their guy and let Champagnie and Toney attack the glass. It's very effective in the ACC where really only UNC and Duke bother to crash the offensive boards in numbers (and we held Duke below their season ACC average even with Johnson back in action).

I recall a coach saying that there is more to rebounding than just the guy who grabs the ball. It's also the other guys who prevent the opponents from grabbing the ball.
wins are wins. One was without are best player. can't win every game by 20. the fact that they're winning close games shows we're good and not the same old Pitt team that gets close and then blows it.

I’m not discounting the wins, just pointing out that we have not in any way dominated. We haven’t beaten any ranked teams. We could easily finish #20 or #80.

The idea that we’ve clinched a bid in January is preposterous.

Worth pointing out:
Jan 14 2019: 12-5 (2-2) finished 14-19 (3-15)
Jan 22 2020: 13-6 (4-4) finished 16-17 (6-14)
Capel is 2-14 in February.
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I’m not discounting the wins, just pointing out that we have not in any way dominated. We haven’t beaten any ranked teams. We could easily finish #20 or #80.

The idea that we’ve clinched a bid in January is preposterous.

Worth pointing out:
Jan 14 2019: 12-5 (2-2) finished 14-19 (3-15)
Jan 22 2020: 13-6 (4-4) finished 16-17 (6-14)
Capel is 2-14 in February.
Caution is always warranted,

Eyes tell you though talent, toughness, chemistry appear to exist.
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We keep saying that our center rotation isn't adequate but it's really time to accept the fact that it is, even without Hugley. It certainly isn't the prettiest looking rotation but it's very effective, in fact we dominated that position so thoroughly last night that Duke gave up playing a center in the second half altogether.

Coulibaly/Brown - 10 points, 7 boards, 2 blocks, 0 turnovers, 54.3% TS%

Brakefield/Tape/Williams - 0 points, 5 boards, 0 blocks, 2 turnovers

Obviously you're not going to take Coulibaly and Brown over Jay Huff, Day'Ron Sharpe, or Manny Bates but they've proven that they aren't overmatched against the rest of the conference because, as you've seen on our schedule, most ACC teams don't have one traditional big at all.
Thank you!!
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Tend to agree with this about Coulibaly and Brown. There don’t seem to be a whole lot of really big guys (taller than 6’9”) who are scoring a bunch. One team that could hurt Pitt with their sheer size is UNC. So we’ll see soon enough about them.

As far as rebounding, Pitt will just have to keep working. Getting results on the glass from several different guys. Boxing out will always be important. There were some lapses in the 2H last night that allowed Duke to be more effective in terms of OR’s than I’m sure Pitt would like.

But in my history of watching Pitt, some of the very best rebounders for the Panthers were not giants. They were in the 6’6”/6’7” range: Blair, Clancy, Lane, Troutman. Champ & Toney are the best rebounders on the team right now. But they can get help from others, like AKC & TB. And they’ll most definitely need that help, too.
UNC is relentless on the glass -
It’s not their size I’m worried about -
It’s that Roy values rebounds
I’m not discounting the wins, just pointing out that we have not in any way dominated. We haven’t beaten any ranked teams. We could easily finish #20 or #80.

The idea that we’ve clinched a bid in January is preposterous.

Worth pointing out:
Jan 14 2019: 12-5 (2-2) finished 14-19 (3-15)
Jan 22 2020: 13-6 (4-4) finished 16-17 (6-14)
Capel is 2-14 in February.

All of these points are really well taken and I'm glad that you have appropriately added them to the mix of this thread.

And for what it's worth, I do not think we have clinched a bid at all.

My point is more that we are back (for now) to playing the kind of basketball that belongs in the tournament. We haven't played that way in quite some time.
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I think that this team is way different than last season's, or 2019.

Like what was said, Pitt fans need to express extreme caution but, this group is different from the past two seasons.
they were two totally different zones. He ran an extended 3-2 and trapped. We don't have traditional "post" players, and this defense allows good post players to dominate. We don't have "post" players - we rely on dribble drive - this defense makes it tough on guards to penetrate.

Cuse runs a 2-3 and they pack it in - not allowing anything inside the paint. Or at least they try not to.
I see. Just wondering because he NEVER plays zone and wondered why he thought that would be a better approach. Well, neither one worked!!
I’m not discounting the wins, just pointing out that we have not in any way dominated. We haven’t beaten any ranked teams. We could easily finish #20 or #80.

The idea that we’ve clinched a bid in January is preposterous.

Worth pointing out:
Jan 14 2019: 12-5 (2-2) finished 14-19 (3-15)
Jan 22 2020: 13-6 (4-4) finished 16-17 (6-14)
Capel is 2-14 in February.
The inference would be "if Pitt continues playing like this". We've been here before and have seen what could happen.
I’m not discounting the wins, just pointing out that we have not in any way dominated. We haven’t beaten any ranked teams. We could easily finish #20 or #80.

The idea that we’ve clinched a bid in January is preposterous.

Worth pointing out:
Jan 14 2019: 12-5 (2-2) finished 14-19 (3-15)
Jan 22 2020: 13-6 (4-4) finished 16-17 (6-14)
Capel is 2-14 in February.

ok we can point out box scores and standing all you want, but I have zero respect for your opinion if you think this team is even remotely comparable to 2019 or 2018. Are you serious?
All of these points are really well taken and I'm glad that you have appropriately added them to the mix of this thread.

And for what it's worth, I do not think we have clinched a bid at all.

My point is more that we are back (for now) to playing the kind of basketball that belongs in the tournament. We haven't played that way in quite some time.

a simple eye test will debunk the standings that are outlined. this team is light years ahead of 2018 + 2019.
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Cuse runs a 2-3 and they pack it in

Syracuse most certainly does not pack their zone in. They extend the wings out just about as far as anyone in college basketball. It is the reason why their three point percentage against is almost always good, and sometimes better than that. They play tall wings and they harass three point shooters.

Their zone looks more like a 2-2-1 than a traditional packed in 2-3.
they were two totally different zones. He ran an extended 3-2 and trapped. We don't have traditional "post" players, and this defense allows good post players to dominate. We don't have "post" players - we rely on dribble drive - this defense makes it tough on guards to penetrate.

Cuse runs a 2-3 and they pack it in - not allowing anything inside the paint. Or at least they try not to.
Yeah, when they were in a more passive 3-2 (or was it a 2-3) we were just carving it up and getting pretty much anything we wanted. Then they extended it and went to a more aggressive 3-2 and it caused us some problems and turnovers and helped feed their comeback.

But man, Femi out there really helps. He is a pretty heady player already and has the handle and size. Love how he would always show the ball to get defenders moving to create passing lanes and angles.

Especially when we go without a true 5, we will be a really hard to team to press.
Yeah, when they were in a more passive 3-2 (or was it a 2-3) we were just carving it up and getting pretty much anything we wanted. Then they extended it and went to a more aggressive 3-2 and it caused us some problems and turnovers and helped feed their comeback.

But man, Femi out there really helps. He is a pretty heady player already and has the handle and size. Love how he would always show the ball to get defenders moving to create passing lanes and angles.

Especially when we go without a true 5, we will be a really hard to team to press.
I don’t think we were passive -
They trapped the ball out front to stall Xavier and disrupt the offense
It’s okay to just give duke credit for adjusting and executing better
These last 5 years almost made me forget what it felt like to root for a team like this: a team with a chance. I have to say, it feels SO much better to have Pitt back!!
Couple of thoughts pertaining to the rest of the season:

1) Can Penny play better than he did last evening? I say no. Having said that, he has been pretty damn consistent over his last few before injury and the two after. Should we be worried about him becoming a mere mortal? I don't think so! Prognosis for the rest of the season is very good.

2) Toney has been as complete a player as we have had in some time. There are really no weaknesses in his game. I hope teams continue to play zone and extend it, it leaves the back line exposed for rebounds and Toney has been crashing the offensive boards with abandon! Prognosis for the rest of the season is excellent as there is no reason to expect his game to decline.

3) XJ has been money when it matters. I like that he and the team want to get out on the break whenever possible. I also realize that that style will induce some turnovers. He is the ACC assist leader and has played MOSTLY under control. Prognosis for the rest of the season is good.

4) Ithiel Horton was huge against the Cuse. He didn't do much last night. The one thing I have noticed lately is that his defense is better and he appears confident he can play at this level. He is going to have games where we need him to score and games when we don't. Prognosis for the rest of the season is questionable?? Will he be there when needed?

5) AKC + TB have been a passable duo at the 5. I think these two are going to be fine going forward except when we play NC. I believe NC is the only team with the type of inside game that can frighten us. They are huge and have depth. Each gives us something different defensively. Both have trouble finishing offensively when against bigger players. Prognosis for the rest of the season is average.

The point of this post is to show that this team is very likely to be able to continue playing at a highly competitive level. Obviously I am not predicting that we win all our games. We just have to keep playing defense and rebounding. With the big 3, and the added depth this year, there is no reason to believe this team will have a precipitous decline.
Couple of thoughts pertaining to the rest of the season:

1) Can Penny play better than he did last evening? I say no. Having said that, he has been pretty damn consistent over his last few before injury and the two after. Should we be worried about him becoming a mere mortal? I don't think so! Prognosis for the rest of the season is very good.

2) Toney has been as complete a player as we have had in some time. There are really no weaknesses in his game. I hope teams continue to play zone and extend it, it leaves the back line exposed for rebounds and Toney has been crashing the offensive boards with abandon! Prognosis for the rest of the season is excellent as there is no reason to expect his game to decline.

3) XJ has been money when it matters. I like that he and the team want to get out on the break whenever possible. I also realize that that style will induce some turnovers. He is the ACC assist leader and has played MOSTLY under control. Prognosis for the rest of the season is good.

4) Ithiel Horton was huge against the Cuse. He didn't do much last night. The one thing I have noticed lately is that his defense is better and he appears confident he can play at this level. He is going to have games where we need him to score and games when we don't. Prognosis for the rest of the season is questionable?? Will he be there when needed?

5) AKC + TB have been a passable duo at the 5. I think these two are going to be fine going forward except when we play NC. I believe NC is the only team with the type of inside game that can frighten us. They are huge and have depth. Each gives us something different defensively. Both have trouble finishing offensively when against bigger players. Prognosis for the rest of the season is average.

The point of this post is to show that this team is very likely to be able to continue playing at a highly competitive level. Obviously I am not predicting that we win all our games. We just have to keep playing defense and rebounding. With the big 3, and the added depth this year, there is no reason to believe this team will have a precipitous decline.
I must qualify this post by saying no injuries or any more criminal activity can be afforded!

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