Fake Slide shirts are live

These kinds of shirts were very popular when we were in college. Catholics vs Convicts is the most well known shirt.
Fake Slide T-shirts look cool when their logo is printed on a white or gray background. The blue T-shirts with their lettering and emblem look a little weird and pretentious, and I wouldn't wear a T-shirt like that. I also think they could change the design to a nice dragon design that would look more modern. Maybe I'm picking on them too much, and I need to be more humble about it, but I think I'm entitled to express such an opinion. As a fan, I can still see flaws in the design or the outdated look of the emblem, you know. Do you ever get the urge to show your idols that their clothes, emblem, and music album could have been made better and cooler?
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I liked the Not all penn state fans are A$$h@les, some are Richard craniums. From the 80s With the picture.