Mass Shooting in Squirrel Hill

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Why can’t it happen?
Why can’t an annual competency review be part of ownership?

Why can magazine limits be off limits?

Something- anything-
Besides the nothing we always do

None of those involve banning the semi automatic gun which is what I was saying would never happen.

I’m all for the things you stated.
Every healthcare professional has to perform annual education to maintain a license to practice.

There’s certainly a way

Hardly comparable, but the one institution who would enforce said action you have denegrated and basically called criminals, so if you don’t trust them, how would you expect them to go door to door to gun nuts collecting their weapons if they fail whatever the arbitrary exam is? If they (cops) murder people, I would say those gun nuts might have a point no?
Lol, your comments about cops are there. For this board to see. Embarrassed, or you care to double down on them?

That’s a bingo


If the demographics et al of the shooter were different this situation would be about as much a threat or worth talking about stopping it as someone sneezing.
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Administered by who, the cops you implied commit murder routinely?

What institutution is so trusted to conduct such a ludicrous compentency review?
Ludicrous is sitting on ass doing nothing as legislators and taking millions from Russian money filtering through the NRA... while again sitting on ass and doing nothing. But if continued mass gun shootings in the only civilized country that don’t occur anywhere else in the world isn’t enough to convince you ... it’s likely too damn late to pull yourself out of lazy denials
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He’s a kook.
A real kook.

If the demographics et al of the shooter were different this situation would be about as much a threat or worth talking about stopping it as someone sneezing.
Ya mean like a church in Texas?
Or country fans in Vegas?
Or first graders in Connecticut?
Or church goers in South Carolina?
Suburban kids in Florida?
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This is how he views the people who would be in charge of collecting weapons (below). He doesn’t trust them, but hey give up a constitutional right. Brilliant plan Sherlock.

<<<<So, you are saying you typically expect cops to murder People who they can apprehended, out of vengeance? Cool story bro


Yeah, particularly when that guy has shot 4 cops during the apprehension.

They have certainly killed others who Weren’t a threat>>>>
Wow, reading the bickering and insults in this thread and people wonder why there is so much disrespect and hate. Gee, its hard to figure.
Wow, reading the bickering and insults in this thread and people wonder why there is so much disrespect and hate. Gee, its hard to figure.

Perhaps there should be a competency test to use the board. Unfortunately, that would probably leave crazy paco here alone talking to himself about obscure Pitt trivia, and posting answers to himself.
Ludicrous is sitting on ass doing nothing as legislators and taking millions from Russian money filtering through the NRA... while again sitting on ass and doing nothing. But if continued mass gun shootings in the only civilized country that don’t occur anywhere else in the world isn’t enough to convince you ... it’s likely too damn late to pull yourself out of lazy denials

I neither own a gun, nor will I ever. Generally, I have little in common with those that do, nor do I care about NRA. So I don’t have a clue what denial I’m in.

My point again is if you propose an idea as was done here by another poster, it probably shouldn’t involve those broadly and recklessly accused of being murderers as the ones responsible for confiscating weapons from some arbitrary competency exam. The idea was stupid, As was the posters original statement about cops. One which I’ll note was never taken back.
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Ludicrous is sitting on ass doing nothing as legislators and taking millions from Russian money filtering through the NRA... while again sitting on ass and doing nothing. But if continued mass gun shootings in the only civilized country that don’t occur anywhere else in the world isn’t enough to convince you ... it’s likely too damn late to pull yourself out of lazy denials
I think when trying to find a cause for these we should consider variables that have changed rather than ones that haven't.
Calling other countries uncivilized is very bigoted.
I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for those in the hospital to have to care for this POS.
Especially when some of these countries they are referring to are not even 100 years old. What was America like at 100 years? Slavery and Civil War had just ended and women could not even vote yet.

I think when trying to find a cause for these we should consider variables that have changed rather than ones that haven't.
Calling other countries uncivilized is very bigoted.
"He's a kook".

We have no idea yet if he's insane or not. But I think it can be letting him off the hook to say he's just crazy, implying this is the action of a crazed loner with no context to any larger issue.

My guess based on his coherent but hateful Gab posting is he's lucid, knows the difference between right and wrong, and totally filled with hate for Jews and people of color. He bought into extremist tropes about how Jews are bringing in brown people to dilute the blood pool and those sort of beliefs are spreading dangerously and need to be confronted directly instead of being written off as kooky.
I’m not a gun advocate either I don’t own a gun nor do I feel the need to own one.

However there is a misperception about the AR15. Its NOT an assault rifle there are many guns that can fire as fast and are as deadly.

I’m all for stricter gun laws and background checks. But you’d have to ban all semi automatic rifles and hand guns if you wanted to make a difference and that’s not going to happen. You’d also have to make it illegal to possess one and confiscate every semi automatic gun in circulation. Again it’s not going to happen

That would not make a difference at all. To get guns off the street, one would need to invent a time machine and kill the inventor(s) of guns. So theoretically lets say this happens. All that means is people with bad intentions would find other methods. Lets face reality,a search online and a trip to Home Depot and Walmart and you have the ingredients for a bomb. Us sane people do not look for or think of such things, because we are sane therefore law abiding and value human life.

Let me put it this way. We are incapable of keeping drugs out of prison. We are incapable of keeping little children from being sold to sex traffickers. What makes you think we would be capable of keeping guns away from criminals and the criminally insane? Basically if one has enough money and ill intent, they can obtain what ever ingredients they need to carry out their sick twisted perversions. Why? Because they are mentally ill. They have no morals (religious or otherwise). They do not value human life the way normal people like us do.

That is the issue that needs addressed, the mental illness in this country is horrible. There are around 100 million law biding gun owners in this country. To blame guns and for the actions of 500-1000 or so criminals is beyond stupid when the great majority of gun owners do nothing of harm. It is as stupid as blaming every car owner for the deaths caused by drunk drivers which is a higher % of car owner to death than gun owner to death.
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Ludicrous is sitting on ass doing nothing as legislators and taking millions from Russian money filtering through the NRA... while again sitting on ass and doing nothing. But if continued mass gun shootings in the only civilized country that don’t occur anywhere else in the world isn’t enough to convince you ... it’s likely too damn late to pull yourself out of lazy denials

no those other civilized countries have better mental illness care than this country. That is the problem in this country. Also those other countries have their issues too. Did you forget the London bombing, Paris, Spain, etc etc.?
"He's a kook".

We have no idea yet if he's insane or not. But I think it can be letting him off the hook to say he's just crazy, implying this is the action of a crazed loner with no context to any larger issue.

My guess based on his coherent but hateful Gab posting is he's lucid, knows the difference between right and wrong, and totally filled with hate for Jews and people of color. He bought into extremist tropes about how Jews are bringing in brown people to dilute the blood pool and those sort of beliefs are spreading dangerously and need to be confronted directly instead of being written off as kooky.

I agree he knew the difference between right and wrong. I just think for him or anyone to go as far as he did, you have to be crazy. Normal people know not to cross that line.
I just don't understand, I mean if I don't like people or a place, or feel they don't like me, I just stay away from them. Why would you do this? Why?
I agree he knew the difference between right and wrong. I just think for him or anyone to go as far as he did, you have to be crazy. Normal people know not to cross that line.

I don't know how to define "normal" or "crazy" but there is no doubt that somewhat regular people get wrapped up in hateful ideology and turn to violence for reasons other than being insane. They fill their life with hate, much of it consumed online.
I don't know how to define "normal" or "crazy" but there is no doubt that somewhat regular people get wrapped up in hateful ideology and turn to violence for reasons other than being insane. They fill their life with hate, much of it consumed online.

Not sure what a hard line is between normal and crazy for most people but actively planning and carrying out mass murder tends to make me think a person is crazy/mad/insane. Again, that is not saying anything about their ability to know right from wrong, or even their intelligence, just that it is crazy/mad/insane to reach that level of action.
Whatever word you use to define it, people are being radicalized to this hate and I'd like to focus on that as opposed to the sort of "they're just nuts" response (not saying you originally gave that one.) Every society has mentally ill people, they don't all have mass shootings of minorities.
I don't know how to define "normal" or "crazy" but there is no doubt that somewhat regular people get wrapped up in hateful ideology and turn to violence for reasons other than being insane. They fill their life with hate, much of it consumed online.
Nazi Germany is a good example. Regular people bought into the fear-mongering and hate, and committed heinous acts, in the name of patriotism.
Whatever word you use to define it, people are being radicalized to this hate and I'd like to focus on that as opposed to the sort of "they're just nuts" response (not saying you originally gave that one.) Every society has mentally ill people, they don't all have mass shootings of minorities.

I believe this country is the worse at treating the mentally ill. We used to have "asylums" (let's face reality they were jails) for them. Then in the not so distant pass they got de-funded and those establishments closed and the inmates are now walking the streets without care. That is where the politicians (I do believe it was mostly Republicans but I could be wrong) screwed up. My dad owns an apartment building in the west end. He has a few tenants there that are mentally ill who's rent is covered by a charity that deals with the mentally ill. 20 years ago these people would be in Mayview, which is now closed, torn down, and a housing development is in there.
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Nazi Germany is a good example. Regular people bought into the fear-mongering and hate, and committed heinous acts, in the name of patriotism.

The scary thing is that only 7% of Germans were Nazi's. One of the first things Adolf Hitler did when he came to power? Register guns. One of the next step he did? Confiscate guns.
Wow, reading the bickering and insults in this thread and people wonder why there is so much disrespect and hate. Gee, its hard to figure.

That's part of the problem and these people in this thread who make the anonymous attacks on others are part of the problem. Some on here need to take a look in the mirror. This preponderance of the social media, twitter, Facebook, message boards gives these extremists and hateful people a venue to espouse their hate better than just sitting back in their rooms with no one hearing anything. But in a free society, there will be hate, it will be expressed by a lot of different people, and those people will act on that hate, sometimes violently.

In a truly free society, it's what happens. If we want to give up some of our freedoms, we may solve the problem. But then if we give up some of our freedoms, that gives the government the opportunity to remove more of our freedoms. Then we become Socialist or Communist. So how do we solve it? I don't know. But I do know that our "leaders" don't know either.
I believe this country is the worse at treating the mentally ill. We used to have "asylums" (let's face reality they were jails) for them. Then in the not so distant pass they got de-funded and those establishments closed and the inmates are now walking the streets without care. That is where the politicians (I do believe it was mostly Republicans but I could be wrong) screwed up. My dad owns an apartment building in the west end. He has a few tenants there that are mentally ill who's rent is covered by a charity that deals with the mentally ill. 20 years ago these people would be in Mayview, which is now closed, torn down, and a housing development is in there.

They were also awful places where schizophrenics like my Aunt were forced to live against their own will and were administered shock therapy and sexually assaulted by staff because of the lack of care society had for those in these institutions.
That's part of the problem and these people in this thread who make the anonymous attacks on others are part of the problem. Some on here need to take a look in the mirror. This preponderance of the social media, twitter, Facebook, message boards gives these extremists and hateful people a venue to espouse their hate better than just sitting back in their rooms with no one hearing anything. But in a free society, there will be hate, it will be expressed by a lot of different people, and those people will act on that hate, sometimes violently.

In a truly free society, it's what happens. If we want to give up some of our freedoms, we may solve the problem. But then if we give up some of our freedoms, that gives the government the opportunity to remove more of our freedoms. Then we become Socialist or Communist. So how do we solve it? I don't know. But I do know that our "leaders" don't know either.

Very fair and balance statement.

At the end of the day people need to decide if they want liberty or not. It really is one or the other. You can't be a little bit free or a little bit communist.
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They were also awful places where schizophrenics like my Aunt were forced to live against their own will and were administered shock therapy and sexually assaulted by staff because of the lack of care society had for those in these institutions.

I am sorry for your aunt and anyone else who where in that situation. Just because that stuff happened doesn't mean there should not be a facility to house people that are a danger to themselves and society and try treat them to cure their ills if possible.

I know the few people at my dads apartment need help and can be a danger but they are not receiving it. Maybe his tenants only hurt themselves. Maybe only 1 ore 2 others. Maybe they might be the next person we are talking about. One thing I do know is that they are going to hurt someone, because they are not getting the help they need.
I just don't understand, I mean if I don't like people or a place, or feel they don't like me, I just stay away from them. Why would you do this? Why?

Such a simple concept. Agree totally. And to go farther, if you hate the world we live in so bad, just kill yourself. Don't kill innocent people who have no parts in you being miserable.
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That's part of the problem and these people in this thread who make the anonymous attacks on others are part of the problem. Some on here need to take a look in the mirror. This preponderance of the social media, twitter, Facebook, message boards gives these extremists and hateful people a venue to espouse their hate better than just sitting back in their rooms with no one hearing anything. But in a free society, there will be hate, it will be expressed by a lot of different people, and those people will act on that hate, sometimes violently.

In a truly free society, it's what happens. If we want to give up some of our freedoms, we may solve the problem. But then if we give up some of our freedoms, that gives the government the opportunity to remove more of our freedoms. Then we become Socialist or Communist. So how do we solve it? I don't know. But I do know that our "leaders" don't know either.

Yep, we only see proposals to treat symptoms and not root causes.

Also, we shouldn't forget that because all media (of any political persuasion-or none) sensationalizes these types of tragic events (it sells the advertising that supports the media business) in our era of instant communications it serves to encourage more "crazies" to become copycats to gain their own moment of fame (infamy).
IMO today people are too isolated and social media dominates their lives.
People no longer join organizations and speak directly with others, attendance at sporting events a great way to socialize is down, instead of going to a show people hide in their homes and watch Netflicks and other media.
Mrs Buffett and I see people /couples or groups of people out at a restaurant, sitting at the same table all on their phones hardly recognizing let alone speaking with the people at their tables.
It's even worse for young people HS and below as they isolate themselves and use social media as their way to communicate with others.
A friend of ours told us about a Judge Judy case.
A young women was debating taking an action that was illegal. She asked her 2k or so friends on Facebook and they said do it.
She did and was arrested which came up in the Judge Judy case. Judge Judy explained to the young woman that most of your 2k friends are fake/BOTS. They not real people. And even if they were real people they don't know you so how could they be your friends.
The young woman was stunned to learn this???
It's sick and getting sicker.

Mods and Mr Peak in closing this thread should be moved to the Locker Room.
Oh I forgot there is no Locker Room so this thread is Off Topic and Political and should be deleted.
Thank you!

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go PITT & CSU Rams!
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"He's a kook".

We have no idea yet if he's insane or not. But I think it can be letting him off the hook to say he's just crazy, implying this is the action of a crazed loner with no context to any larger issue.

My guess based on his coherent but hateful Gab posting is he's lucid, knows the difference between right and wrong, and totally filled with hate for Jews and people of color. He bought into extremist tropes about how Jews are bringing in brown people to dilute the blood pool and those sort of beliefs are spreading dangerously and need to be confronted directly instead of being written off as kooky.

I hear you but IMO anyone who kills someone in cold blood is effing crazy. Thats not to say they should get to use insanity as a defense but the behavior is simply outside of human and normal behavior.
Tired of even reading about mass shootings. Obviously guns are the issue. It’s insane to think otherwise
Insane people are the issue.

A gun has never killed one person ever!

People kill people!

We live in a community that has 10 shooting ranges within 5 square miles and they're packed with couples, fathers & daughters, families, women, and we've never had issues with gun violence. In fact on Wednesdays it's Men, women, and junior pistol league night which is also packed just like golf leagues.
In our area there's no random gun violence. The community is responsible when it comes to firearms, they manage and protect their firearms, and at risk members of the familes from having the opportunity to act out and commit acts of violence similar to this.
Personal responsibility goes a long way in avoiding events like this!

Last week a woman in China stabbed close to a dozen kids at a school.
If it wasn't a gun it would be a lunatic using a car or truck like the disasters in Europe killing many more than these events.
The insane will use bombs, knives, cars and trucks to run down people in busy parking lots, in place of guns if guns aren't available.
The 1927 Bombing That Remains America’s Deadliest School Massacre
Ninety years ago, a school in Bath, Michigan was rigged with explosives in a brutal act that stunned the town

There was another deadly school bombing I believe in Norway that was one of the worst school Massacre's ever and guns are banned in Norway.

Mods and Mr Peak
in closing this thread should be moved to the Locker Room.
Oh I forgot there is no Locker Room so this thread is Off Topic and Political and should be deleted.
Thank you!
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That's part of the problem and these people in this thread who make the anonymous attacks on others are part of the problem. Some on here need to take a look in the mirror. This preponderance of the social media, twitter, Facebook, message boards gives these extremists and hateful people a venue to espouse their hate better than just sitting back in their rooms with no one hearing anything. But in a free society, there will be hate, it will be expressed by a lot of different people, and those people will act on that hate, sometimes violently.

In a truly free society, it's what happens. If we want to give up some of our freedoms, we may solve the problem. But then if we give up some of our freedoms, that gives the government the opportunity to remove more of our freedoms. Then we become Socialist or Communist. So how do we solve it? I don't know. But I do know that our "leaders" don't know either.

Great post. There is no easy button or simple solution that will reduce/eliminate this type of thing from happening.

In almost all cases the solutions will reduce or impinge on the freedoms we now enjoy. The Freedom we enjoy in this country is unparalleled by any other nation and is one of the reasons why so many want to immigrate to the US.

That is not to say we should not implement policies that improve our safety and civil order. We did that with TSA after 911. yeah its a bit more of a PITA to travel now but it seems worth it as the odds of someone terrorizing a flight have been greatly reduced.
I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for those in the hospital to have to care for this POS.

And the cruel irony is that while this Bowers POS was declaring that "all Jews must die", according to one news report I heard, three of the physicians treating him for his wounds were Jewish, including one who attends services at Tree of Life.
The scary thing is that only 7% of Germans were Nazi's. One of the first things Adolf Hitler did when he came to power? Register guns. One of the next step he did? Confiscate guns.
Your comment about Hitler confiscating guns is inaccurate:

"After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them."

After he came to power, he actually made it easier for German's to own guns, except for Jews of course.

This false argument has been made by opponents of any restrictions on guns for years, and you all continue to make it, even though it is proven false.
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