Myles Garret should be suspended for the year

my fiance is in law enforcement and was very adsmant about slapping the cuffs in hin.

i am not sure why noone is talking about that? you or i hsve charges in us if we do that. so sick of the nfl crap hole. burfuct should be banned for life this year not 12 games.

protect the shield my a$$
McSorely was charged criminally and convicted for his chop on Brashear. Dino Cicirelli was also charged for an on ice play.

I read a PhD thesis written on the topic of criminality and violence in sport. It was New Zealand centric but did refer to those NHL incidents. There have been a number of players criminally charged for incidents relating to rugby.

The thesis conclusion was basically that charges are appropriate for excessive violence that occurs outside of the usual and accepted game play. It bases much of this on the doctrine of implied consent. Fighting hockey players do so willingly and consent is therefore implied. A ball carrier being hit, or facemasked or usual game type activity has consented to that by virtue of participating.

This game was over. That play is outside of what is accepted and usual conduct of the game. In no way did Mason Rudolph give implied consent to be beaten with his own helmet.

If participating in football is implied consent for that, then there is a big problem.
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Some man touches my junk like Rudolph did, I would have beat his assss as well, would have not hit him with helmet but with my fist to his face.
It is akin to a hockey player pulling someone’s skate off then trying to cut them with the blade. Had Garrett just ripped his helmet off and threw it down the whole thing would’ve been no big deal.

It was really, really weak on his part. It made Garrett look like a little girl.
Yeah, people been saying MR grabbed Negan Garrett's junk, but I haven't seen it. I love the people on Social Media sites proclaiming MR started this all and should face EQUAL amount of punishment. Uhhhhh, did they not see Negan continue to bring down MR to the turf, long after the ball was handed off to that RB?!?! So what is MR supposed to do, turn all British gentleman like, "Oh Jolly Good Negan, you may continue to attempt to drive me into the ground while I offer no proper defense." No, he resisted it. And did so by grabbing what he could, which was a helmet.

I often wondered where league discipline and the law are separated in instances like this. I mean, this was not a part of the game's mechanics or dynamics. It seems like it's a separate entity, between two males who shouldn't be above the law at that moment. Clearly, swinging Lucille at MRs head is a criminal matter to me. Beyond the scope of NFL reach.