I just think in the future the number of TV sets in an area will not be the only criteria for conference acceptance.With cable companies eliminating sports channels in their packages it's going to be who will buy these channels. Its not like the old days when they could force a channel on people,times are a changing!
I’m sorry but this is a really silly point too.
It’s not like realignment happened 100 years ago, or even 20 years ago, it happened what, four or five years ago. You don’t think the networks that made the membership decisions were factoring in the changes that we’ve all seen coming for years now?
You don’t think the teams of analysts at ESPN, FOX, CBS, etc. knew that things were moving toward online content and what that would likely mean for markets? You don’t think that was at all a part of their analysis?
Nope, all of those highly paid Ivy-educated network executives with decades of experience and mountains of data points to make these multibillion dollar decisions, all failed to see this coming, but PizzaBoy and PantherFan127 and WVU4Life all saw it coming.
Um, that’s just patently absurd.
Isn’t it at least possible that maybe, just maybe, you are grossly underrating the University of Pittsburgh?
Hear me out here because this is probably going to sound completely crazy to you. However, if we were to remove all biases from this conversation and just looked at it analytically, we will likely have our objective answers.
From my perspective, two different conferences reached out to School X before one reached out to School Y - at the last moment. Another school, we will call it School Z, swooped in at the eleventh hour and nearly took School Y’s place in that conference. Had that happened, School Y would’ve been up a creek without a paddle.
Meanwhile, School X was left with the choice all along between which conference it wanted and ultimately chose the conference with the stronger academic profile, likely better future, and the one that was the most geographically friendly as well.
School Y, on the other hand, is having to make due playing teams that are regularly thousands of miles away from them and with whom they have no shared history. As an added bonus, all of the schools in that conference openly hate and distrust each other and it is constantly on the verge of nuclear winter.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d still rather be in School Y’s position than several others in the conversation. However, any reasonable analysis would conclude that School X sits in the significantly stronger position and likely always has.
Now, we could speculate all day as to why two conferences came to that same conclusion, but I would guess that means the analysis concluded that the fans/likely viewers of School X would bring in more advertising revenue than the fans/likely viewers of Schools Y or Z.
I apologize if that’s a little bit too on the nose, but I have read the WVU board enough times over the years to know that you folks like to indulge in fantasy talk and it always ends the same way – with Pitt finally being exposed as a fraud and banished to irrelevance and West Virginia finally gaining it’s rightful place among the nation’s elite – and that’s fine down in the holler, but not here in the real world.