next round of expansion..... your thoughts.

Pizzaboy , slapnuts ... why do you try to make people feel sorry for you... you are a lamb weirdo ... WVU sucks. beat it dude.
Pizzaboy , slapnuts ... why do you try to make people feel sorry for you... you are a lamb weirdo ... WVU sucks. beat it dude.
Why are you so mean?Please dont take my ignorance so personal.Seriously City what is a slapnut?If you saw my retirement check you would feel sorry for me.I should of went to Pitt instead of Cal State I'd of made millions more.
You like it? Pitt gets let out in the cold.
I like the thought put into it. Let’s be real here. As much as I love our Panthers, if you aren’t a blue blood, you aren’t making it in this situation. Heck, teams like oSu/Stanford/VT are getting left out.
BUT they have way more eyeballs watching the Mountaineers than Pitt has eyeballs watching them play.Your fan base isn't big and it's shrinking but you Pitters wont admit it.Times are a changing and it's going to be who is actually watching the games not how many TVs the area has.

The funny thing is that the people running the ACC who actually do know how many people are watching on television wanted Pitt over West Virginia, and likewise so did the people running the Big 12 who also actually knew how many people are watching on television wanted Pitt over West Virginia.
Joe this was before when all the sport's channel were being crammed down people's throats.Number of tv sets were the thing back then,times are changing.Conferences used the academic angle too but in reality now it comes down to how good are your teams right now.Wvu has been decent the last few years in all sports so that's going to play a big role if super conferences are made and noone will give a hoot about academics.It will be all about sports and teams that are winning will be invited and fan support will also be important.bwdik
Everyone seems to be forgetting that politicians are going to get involved, Texas isn’t going anywhere without Texas Tech and most likely Baylor, Oklahoma isn’t going anywhere without Oklahoma State and so on.

Look at history, Pitt would have been in the Big 10 after WW2 but politicians in Michigan forced U of M to vote for Michigan State, politicians in Virginia mucked up the ACC’s original expansion plans but making UVA withhold their vote until VT replaced Cuse, the Big 12 only exists because Baylor and Texas Tech alums held the highest offices in the state at the time the SWC fell apart.
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Paco your are the expert on these sorts of things I'm just a sports fan.But I'll ask you do you think more fans watch Pitt play football than Wvu has fans watching them.I don't care if the Tristate area has 20 million TV set how many people are watching Pitt play football.Heck you get 35,000 to a home game so how many are really watching on TV.

I answered that already. So did others. So did the power conferences that actually have the numbers because their preferences are clear. A table was posted earlier in the thread with actual ratings during one season which is unfortunately one of the few pieces of information publicly available on a per team, per season basis. You don’t like the answers that don’t match your preferences so you keep repeating he same question. You want to make an apples to oranges comparison based on one seasons’ gate receipts, which don’t equate to tv ratings in the first place (see Miami), during a season where Pitt was being blown out early and 4-7 heading into their last home game compared to one where WVU was 7-3 and ranked a good chunk of the season going into their last home game. When you look at seasons with more equitable results and expectations, average attendance is within a few thousand of each other. When you consider how these numbers in the context of one program being near the halcyon days of the program's entire history vs the other mired in decades of mediocrity and instability, at best, it is pretty staggering that West Virginia's state flagship program that competes with no other major college or pro sports teams doesn't draw better than it does.
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Not at all. They didn't want WVU and didn't want louisville either. But after MD left clemson and FL st made it known they wanted a football school and the ACC blue bloods(duke, NC, VA) couldn't afford to piss off those schools and have them leave. I don't think the new ACC schools (BC, Pitt, VT) care strongly either way, with Miami siding strongly with FL st and clemson. If expansion was to happen again I don't know which block would have a stronger backing. I don't see anyone moving unless they can land OU or TX. Those are the only schools in the B12 that are real needle movers. Most of the others will find homes after the big dogs leave, if they do leave. I think it really comes down to OU as they are the ones most likely to make a move. Maybe if VA, NC or VT can get out of the ACC contract the B10 could make a play but I don't know if those schools will make a move without a tag along school and the B10 likely won't take two from the same state.

No ACC schools are moving. Some had their chance to bolt, like UMD, before they all signed away their media rights for a decades and agreed to an exit fee that is 3X the annual conference distribution (which means it grows every year).
Everyone seems to be forgetting that politicians are going to get involved, Texas isn’t going anywhere without Texas Tech and most likely Baylor, Oklahoma isn’t going anywhere without Oklahoma State and so on.

Look at history, Pitt would have been in the Big 10 after WW2 but politicians in Michigan forced U of M to vote for Michigan State, politicians in Virginia mucked up the ACC’s original expansion plans but making UVA withhold their vote until VT replaced Cuse, the Big 12 only exists because Baylor and Texas Tech alums held the highest offices in the state at the time the SWC fell apart.

Not that it matters to the discussion, but I thought this was interesting history. Pitt was mentioned. But it wasn't politicians, it was other presidents and the media and MSU's post war stature.
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I answered that already. So did others. So did the power conferences that actually have the numbers because their preferences are clear. A table was posted earlier in the thread with actual ratings during one season which is unfortunately one of the few pieces of information publicly available on a per team, per season basis. You don’t like the answers that don’t match your preferences so you keep repeating he same question. You want to make an apples to oranges comparison based on one seasons’ gate receipts, which don’t equate to tv ratings in the first place (see Miami), during a season where Pitt was being blown out early and 4-7 heading into their last home game compared to one where WVU was 7-3 and ranked a good chunk of the season going into their last home game. When you look at seasons with more equitable results and expectations, average attendance is within a few thousand of each other. When you consider how these numbers in the context of one program being near the halcyon days of the program's entire history vs the other mired in decades of mediocrity and instability, at best, it is pretty staggering that West Virginia's state flagship program that competes with no other major college or pro sports teams doesn't draw better than it does.
I don't have the numbers in front of me but as I said in a earlier post when the B10 was considering expanding before adding NB, Pitt had something like a 3.1 rating. Of the dozen or so schools that were thought to be part of the b10's expansion targets only NB was above Pitt at around 3.5 or 3.6. Pitt was closer to NB than anyone was to Pitt I believe WVU or Missouri were next around 2.3. So like I said to pizza boy earlier unless the numbers have changed drastically Pitt does better in actual TV ratings than WVU. Thats a big reason why the b12(don't care about academics no reason to care about potential tv sets as their contract is based more on ratings) wanted Pitt over WVU.
I answered that already. So did others. So did the power conferences that actually have the numbers because their preferences are clear. A table was posted earlier in the thread with actual ratings during one season which is unfortunately one of the few pieces of information publicly available on a per team, per season basis. You don’t like the answers that don’t match your preferences so you keep repeating he same question. You want to make an apples to oranges comparison based on one seasons’ gate receipts, which don’t equate to tv ratings in the first place (see Miami), during a season where Pitt was being blown out early and 4-7 heading into their last home game compared to one where WVU was 7-3 and ranked a good chunk of the season going into their last home game. When you look at seasons with more equitable results and expectations, average attendance is within a few thousand of each other. When you consider how these numbers in the context of one program being near the halcyon days of the program's entire history vs the other mired in decades of mediocrity and instability, at best, it is pretty staggering that West Virginia's state flagship program that competes with no other major college or pro sports teams doesn't draw better than it does.
What ever you say Paco you are the expert in this field and I'm just out in left field.I'm stubborn and just can't believe that Pitt is up there with the elite when it comes to view ship of their games.You have the stats to back you up and I just have my eyeballs which deceived me in the amount of football fans that Pitt has.This will not be the last time I'm wrong on a certain subject.But at least when I'm wrong I admit it.Do you call all your millions of fans closet fans because we can't see them?
What ever you say Paco you are the expert in this field and I'm just out in left field.I'm stubborn and just can't believe that Pitt is up there with the elite when it comes to view ship of their games.You have the stats to back you up and I just have my eyeballs which deceived me in the amount of football fans that Pitt has.This will not be the last time I'm wrong on a certain subject.But at least when I'm wrong I admit it.Do you call all your millions of fans closet fans because we can't see them?

LOL. You're pathetic. What you are is worthy of an ignore button.
LOL. You're pathetic. What you are is worthy of an ignore button.
Paco I said I believe you about the number of fans Pitt really has and I underestimated that fact.Sorry if I upset you and when you are in Motown give me a holler and I'll buy.I'm done with this,like Custer should of done,I surrender!
You have the stats to back you up and I just have my eyeballs which deceived me in the amount of football fans that Pitt has.

The funny thing is that you think that your eyeballs can determine the number of people watching a game on television.

I think your trolling on this subject has pretty much played itself out with that one.