OT: Active shooter(s) on the loose after mass shooting in San Bernadino....

So are you asserting that these other countries do not have mentally ill individuals? I'm sure they do. What are they doing we aren't?

Face it. We're the only advanced country dealing with this problem. Why?

If the only underlining problem was mental illness, this phenomenon would be more global.

Is mental illness uniquely American?
You are wrong....lots of countries have higher rates of mass killings than us. But that destroys your argument.
Ok take the church shooting...clearly political...clearly racial...

Further... What makes you believe any terrorist can pass some mental health test... Do you believe people in ISIS are now of sound mental health? Hell it's been revealed through interegations of those who quit or fled ISIS that most of the young being recruited have never read the Koran and had no understanding of anything other than changing things through violence ... Are they mentally sound?

Also I believe this latest person was a US citizen born here in 1987... His wife of two years was not... Could he have been radicalized? Absolutely...

That's the thing... These problems are numerous and multifaceted... Not just whatever is in the last news cycle or whatever Limbaugh is moaning over...
Like the CNN commentator who declared that the CA horror looked like "militia" stuff??
Check for mass murder stats.....Europe is worse than the U.S.

Based on one study that used body count.

Those limp wristed ureos just rack up a bigger body count when they do it.
Like the CNN commentator who declared that the CA horror looked like "militia" stuff??
When CNN commentators male or female think about or see military or police they p-e in their pants with fear because the men or women have guns and might hurt someone.
Certainly terrorism. Just discovered that the woman pledged allegiance to Daiesh on Facebook after the attack. Was it coordinated by Daiesh? Who knows? But we certainly need to gain more Intel on the radicalization of Muslims in this country.
Certainly terrorism. Just discovered that the woman pledged allegiance to Daiesh on Facebook after the attack. Was it coordinated by Daiesh? Who knows? But we certainly need to gain more Intel on the radicalization of Muslims in this country.
Mosque (however its spelt) monitoring and infiltration which was being done but the libs objected and the program went away.All the terror experts are saying that and bring back the NAS type monitoring programs.
We're not going to get it until something really bad happens again in this country. But that may be to late!
Yet President clueless couldn't wait for the facts to come out thought was done by some fat white guy and jumped all over gun control and trashed the 2nd amendment. Chipmunk Cheeks Hillary followed suit prior to knowing anything about what happened.
Disfunctional leaders cause bad things to happen!
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Mosque (however its spelt) monitoring and infiltration which was being done but the libs objected and the program went away.All the terror experts are saying that and bring back the NAS type monitoring programs.
We're not going to get it until something really bad happens again in this country. But that may be to late!

It always humors me when people support warrant-less monitoring as a means of fighting terrorism; nothing says 'we are a free and democratic nation' quite like disregarding the national value of privacy and the constitutional right to due process. Fools like you enable terrorism with your cowardice and hypocrisy.
Politics is played in everything. By both parties. But this current Administration will not do what it takes to begin dealing with this issue. They lack the intestinal fortitude, because it goes against their core values. But at what point does self preservation prevail over your view of the world?

That is the question that needs to be asked in this next election.
It always humors me when people support warrant-less monitoring as a means of fighting terrorism; nothing says 'we are a free and democratic nation' quite like disregarding the national value of privacy and the constitutional right to due process. Fools like you enable terrorism with your cowardice and hypocrisy.
I'd disagree and say that open borders, inept screening processes, and lax immigration laws enable terrorism much more than taking extra precautions.
Politics is played in everything. By both parties. But this current Administration will not do what it takes to begin dealing with this issue. They lack the intestinal fortitude, because it goes against their core values. But at what point does self preservation prevail over your view of the world?

That is the question that needs to be asked in this next election.
Like, say...offering a bill to limit gun access to those on the terror watch list? Something common sense like that?
Yep, that bill failed because of the majority party, only 1 member voted in support of it.
I'll give you a hint who lacked the intestinal fortitude.
Then you are already beyond hope, and nothing I tell you will help. Good luck.
Not beyond hope.
Just beyond listening to reactionaries who want to parse tragedies depending on the religion of the shooter.
It's either all terrorism or it's not.
You don't have to scream Allah Akbar while shooting to qualify as terrorist.
WOW! Just wow, CNN news crew followed landlord into the apartment and they along with other reporters are pretty much destroying a crime scene. CNN reporting that police got what they want out of the scene, but what if they have to go back through something to look for something they may have missed. I mean, it's only a day after the apartment was searched and the video has the reporters going through everything in the apartment. Amazing! Must have all the info they need right off the bat...
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It always humors me when people support warrant-less monitoring as a means of fighting terrorism; nothing says 'we are a free and democratic nation' quite like disregarding the national value of privacy and the constitutional right to due process. Fools like you enable terrorism with your cowardice and hypocrisy.

No. You don't have to monitor the Ladies Auxillary of Helvetia, WV. Or the Elks in say Saxonburg, PA. It is simple police work. They survey organized crime figures or associates, or drug cartel figures, not you or me. Same here.

PROFILING is real. We do it every day. Everyone of us assesses someone and makes some sort of judgment based on feel, or better, empirical evidence. Simply put, you survey, bug, monitor, tail, research Muslims, especially those who come from certain areas, especially those where some intelligence indicates they may be doing "bad things".

That is not operating "in fear", it is called being smart and doing due diligence. We need to get political correctness out of our justice system. 99% of us knew this was the result of Radical Islamic terrorists, but the other 1% included Barack Obama, or at least his handlers and that didn't jive with how they wanted to use this tragedy for their bully pulpit. So the FBI and Police couldn't even suggest this in any interviews. Until today.

Do you liberals think this is the right way to operate?
But this current Administration will not do what it takes to begin dealing with this issue.
Recruits is Donald Trump! Mr. Trump, would you consider putting some of those billions you have toward the Pitt football program?

In all seriousness though, not mocking you, I think you're pretty accurate. I just that thought that one sentence sounded very similar to things Trump has said about this administration.
Not beyond hope.
Just beyond listening to reactionaries who want to parse tragedies depending on the religion of the shooter.
It's either all terrorism or it's not.
You don't have to scream Allah Akbar while shooting to qualify as terrorist.

But it is Islamic terrorists. Why is that so hard for you liberals to say? I am not getting your point of view (which is completely wrong by the way) except for the fact that Conservatives are against Islamic terrorism, so I have to defend it or minimize it being a liberal. Is that where we are in this country? Do you know how stupid and naïve that it is?

Why minimize the Islam part of this? What are you gaining? What truth are you seeking?
WOW! Just wow, CNN news crew followed landlord into the apartment and they along with other reporters are pretty much destroying a crime scene. Amazing!!
Not the first time a crime scene has illegally been destroyed. Agree though that that is incredible.
Politics is played in everything. By both parties. But this current Administration will not do what it takes to begin dealing with this issue. They lack the intestinal fortitude, because it goes against their core values. But at what point does self preservation prevail over your view of the world?

That is the question that needs to be asked in this next election.

Osama Bin Laden's sea water bloated body and the smoldering corpses of a couple thousand droned muslims, including an american citizen would stand in opposition to that sentiment.
But it is Islamic terrorists. Why is that so hard for you liberals to say? I am not getting your point of view (which is completely wrong by the way) except for the fact that Conservatives are against Islamic terrorism, so I have to defend it or minimize it being a liberal. Is that where we are in this country? Do you know how stupid and naïve that it is?

Why minimize the Islam part of this? What are you gaining? What truth are you seeking?

And, the hue and cry over the the repeated use of phrase Islamic terrorists is not a political tool of the right?
But it is Islamic terrorists. Why is that so hard for you liberals to say? I am not getting your point of view (which is completely wrong by the way) except for the fact that Conservatives are against Islamic terrorism, so I have to defend it or minimize it being a liberal. Is that where we are in this country? Do you know how stupid and naïve that it is?

Why minimize the Islam part of this? What are you gaining? What truth are you seeking?
Because the Islam part doesn't matter to me.

Just like the crackpot racism of the charleston shooter, or the anti-semitic nature of the KC shooter, or the christian conservative rationale of the PP doesn't matter.

I get it, you're afraid of muslims.
I'm not.

CRAZY people with access to ALOT OF WEAPONS go an kill others. Of all stripes.
Recruits is Donald Trump! Mr. Trump, would you consider putting some of those billions you have toward the Pitt football program?

In all seriousness though, not mocking you, I think you're pretty accurate. I just that thought that one sentence sounded very similar to things Trump has said about this administration.

I am not trying to be....I am just tired of the lies, the complications and the obfuscation of this event because it doesn't hold with the narrative of the current administration and their many media outlets. It is not complicated. The solution is. Identifying the problem is not. But first you have to admit it is a problem, and let's face it, Barack Obama cannot admit it. That's frightening and downright almost treasonous.

Now before you think I am some bible thumping conservative, I feel that would George W Bush and Dick Cheney did by turning our battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan into a war with Saddam and Iraq as worthy of being tried for war crimes. They completely destabilized this region for some personal vendetta.

But that is a whole another debate. Now, ISIS is here, and we have to deal with them, and I believe the only way to deal with them is propaganda and eradication. But my god, you can't even start to win the propaganda war if you cannot even say the name of the enemy, and that is the Radicalization of Islam.
Because the Islam part doesn't matter to me.

Just like the crackpot racism of the charleston shooter, or the anti-semitic nature of the KC shooter, or the christian conservative rationale of the PP doesn't matter.

I get it, you're afraid of muslims.
I'm not.

CRAZY people with access to ALOT OF WEAPONS go an kill others. Of all stripes.

And you're being stupid and I am not. Sorry.
Now before you think I am some bible thumping conservative, I feel that would George W Bush and Dick Cheney did by turning our battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan into a war with Saddam and Iraq as worthy of being tried for war crimes. They completely destabilized this region for some personal vendetta.
Like I said, I was agreeing with you. I just was having a little fun with it.
That above statement quoted from you, 1000% correct.
And, the hue and cry over the the repeated use of phrase Islamic terrorists is not a political tool of the right?

But in this case the Right is right? That is the problem with the current party. The more these guys (radical Islamists attack) they just keep on justifying the Republicans claims and making Barack Obama's claims of "contained" and "JV" look pretty silly.

Look people, I think it is time people stop viewing the prism of the world through a political party. Because when they come, they aren't asking who you voted for.
The issues are not mutually exclusive: our laws and regulations have regularly allowed people, whether they are jihadists or otherwise mentally troubled, nearly unfettered access to powerful firearms. Could the San Bernardino shooters still have gotten ahold of their weaponry under stricter gun laws/regulation? Sure; no laws are foolproof, and there will always be people who find a way to achieve their goals. But why make it so easy to obtain assault rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition?

To put it into perspective, here is a (non-comprehensive) list of high-profile shootings where the perpetrators bought there weapons legally and easily:

Fort Hood 1
Fort Hood 2
Washington Navy Yard
Sikh Temple (Wisconsin)
Virginia Tech
Isla Vista
San Bernardino

What are the odds that every single one occurs if the perpetrator has difficulty obtaining a gun? If even one person in these events lives because the shooter could only buy one pistol, or didn't have access to a high capacity magazine, is it worth it? Of course it is

Additionally, the guns used in Sandy Hook and Columbine, though technically illegal (because they were stolen/illegally held), were otherwise purchased legally by their original owners; no one needs to amass that amount of firepower, and doing so is at best pointless and at worst homicidal (lest the wrong person get access to them).

This Onion article is hopelessly true:

It is comical, pathetic, and also sad that average Americans can go buy a miltary-style high-power assault rifle. Those things are only good for 1 thing: killing humans. You dont need it for anything else. Why dont we sell tanks and bombs also?

You cant stop everybody that wants to be a killer but you can prevent some loss of life if assault rifles were made illegal. Isn't that a compromise? Go ahead, buy all the guns you want, but no more assault rifles. You dont need them for hunting, target practice, or self defense.
You cant stop everybody that wants to be a killer but you can prevent some loss of life if assault rifles were made illegal. Isn't that a compromise? Go ahead, buy all the guns you want, but no more assault rifles. You dont need them for hunting, target practice, or self defense.
Yes! I strongly support the constitution and the right to bear arms. But assault rifles? There is literally no need for them at all unless you are in the middle of a war zone, like you know, actually being in a war as part of the U.S. Military.
Yes! I strongly support the constitution and the right to bear arms. But assault rifles? There is literally no need for them at all unless you are in the middle of a war zone, like you know, actually being in a war as part of the U.S. Military.
I agree. But it would be damn cool to fire one of these though.
No, i'm being rationale.
You have no answers except fear.
You weren't worked up about the other dozen mass shootings this past few years. This one is worthy of drastic response?
Child, please.

Child, please. Cool beans Soufie. Let's act like a black lady so we can show how connected yinz liberals are to them.

Yes, the mass shootings are ridiculous. Yes, we need come seriously common sense gun control laws and yes, the NRA has bought and paid for and made a lot of our elected officials stupid. But this is an Islamic attack. Just like in France. Where they have uber restrictive gun laws. So, I am sure there are other threads where you can debate this and be completely on point. Just not on this incident.

And "fear", the latest Liberal narrative. The only thing I fear to be honest is my own government and its incompetencies. And if you don't, just look at our candidates...ON BOTH SIDES!
I am not trying to be....I am just tired of the lies, the complications and the obfuscation of this event because it doesn't hold with the narrative of the current administration and their many media outlets. It is not complicated. The solution is. Identifying the problem is not. But first you have to admit it is a problem, and let's face it, Barack Obama cannot admit it. That's frightening and downright almost treasonous.

Now before you think I am some bible thumping conservative, I feel that would George W Bush and Dick Cheney did by turning our battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan into a war with Saddam and Iraq as worthy of being tried for war crimes. They completely destabilized this region for some personal vendetta.

But that is a whole another debate. Now, ISIS is here, and we have to deal with them, and I believe the only way to deal with them is propaganda and eradication. But my god, you can't even start to win the propaganda war if you cannot even say the name of the enemy, and that is the Radicalization of Islam.

OK - this is another one of those things were I know it is probably a lost cause, but you show the slightest glimmer of hope with this sentence, which is WHY BHO does not use the term Radical Islamic Terrorist.

He knows that in the battle of propoganda he ENABLES what ISIS is doing by using the phrase, and by doing so publically pit America against every muslim by aligning every muslim with terrorism.

Or, you can go back to beliving he is some kind of secret muslim loving muncharin candidate who killed OBL and thousands of other jihidists just to serve the greater good of jihadism to do the MOST IMPORTANT THING of not saying radical islamic terrorisim
Yes! I strongly support the constitution and the right to bear arms. But assault rifles? There is literally no need for them at all unless you are in the middle of a war zone, like you know, actually being in a war as part of the U.S. Military.

Agree. But these people also had pipe bombs, IED's, and loads and loads of ammo. They were Islamic, they followed ISIS. Do you think a ban on assault weapons would have stopped them? Did it stop them in France?

Again...FOCUS people. FOCUS.

Should assault weapons be banned. Yeah, I can go for that. Would it have stopped this tragedy? Not likely.
I agree. But it would be damn cool to fire one of these though.
Indeed it would! But that is a huge problem. That should be a gun that any person would be lucky to ever hold one in their lifes (and by hold I mean someone trained that has one just let you hold it, unloaded!). I don't support very many stricter gun laws, but it's very, very odd a normal person can walk into a store and buy an assault rifle. Like what do you think the sales clerk thinks when he sees this happen?
OK - this is another one of those things were I know it is probably a lost cause, but you show the slightest glimmer of hope with this sentence, which is WHY BHO does not use the term Radical Islamic Terrorist.

He knows that in the battle of propoganda he ENABLES what ISIS is doing by using the phrase, and by doing so publically pit America against every muslim by aligning every muslim with terrorism.

Or, you can go back to beliving he is some kind of secret muslim loving muncharin candidate who killed OBL and thousands of other jihidists just to serve the greater good of jihadism to do the MOST IMPORTANT THING of not saying radical islamic terrorisim

You mean he is not?

Seriously, I think it IS time to turn up the heat in the Muslim communities. I do believe there are obviously more peaceful Muslims than not. But even 10% radicalized (and most reports believe far more than this are), there are over a million Muslims, that is over 100,000 possible jihadists who believe their Islam is best served by killing Westerners if they refuse to convert. I think it is time for us to encourage those in the communities where they live to be vigilant and forthcoming if they see or hear something that could be viewed as a potential threat. Not create an environment were people are afraid to say anything for being accused of being a racist.

It is simple. It worked after 9/11.
Indeed it would! But that is a huge problem. That should be a gun that any person would be lucky to ever hold one in their lifes (and by hold I mean someone trained that has one just let you hold it, unloaded!). I don't support very many stricter gun laws, but it's very, very odd a normal person can walk into a store and buy an assault rifle. Like what do you think the sales clerk thinks when he sees this happen?
probably the same thing the sales clerk thinks when I go into a hardware store and ask for a shovel, duct tape and lime.
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But in this case the Right is right? That is the problem with the current party. The more these guys (radical Islamists attack) they just keep on justifying the Republicans claims and making Barack Obama's claims of "contained" and "JV" look pretty silly.

Look people, I think it is time people stop viewing the prism of the world through a political party. Because when they come, they aren't asking who you voted for.

Yes, the "right" which has been wrong on everything related to this issue to this point is right on this ...

90s, Clinton was just using concerns about terrorism to distract from blowjobs.
Bush Pre 9-11, everyone was just covering their arses
The right post 9-11, Iraq and let OBL get away

BHO is killing muslims, terrorits and non-terorists by the handful very day, the right is babbling about three words.
You mean he is not?

Seriously, I think it IS time to turn up the heat in the Muslim communities. I do believe there are obviously more peaceful Muslims than not. But even 10% radicalized (and most reports believe far more than this are), there are over a million Muslims, that is over 100,000 possible jihadists who believe their Islam is best served by killing Westerners if they refuse to convert. I think it is time for us to encourage those in the communities where they live to be vigilant and forthcoming if they see or hear something that could be viewed as a potential threat. Not create an environment were people are afraid to say anything for being accused of being a racist.

It is simple. It worked after 9/11.

Dude, once again, he is blowing up muslims all over the fricken place.
Who cares what he says?
Bush babbled about "wanted, dead or alive" and a year later was babbling about not thinking about OBL.
BHO, against the advice of most of his advisors pulled the trigger on the OBL raid.

Liberals hate him for it

Muslims hate him for it

What more do you want?
Should assault weapons be banned. Yeah, I can go for that. Would it have stopped this tragedy? Not likely.
Absolutely correct. I posted about this earlier in this thread. This tragedy was not a result of gun violence, it was a terrorist act any way you try and spin it. These were terrorists.

On top of that, if all guns were illegal, terrorists will still get them at ease and still do these things. Does anyone really think a terrorist would not go out and acquire weapons because it is against the law? These people do not have laws, they are brainwashed and will always slaughter thousands of innocents yearly.
It always humors me when people support warrant-less monitoring as a means of fighting terrorism; nothing says 'we are a free and democratic nation' quite like disregarding the national value of privacy and the constitutional right to due process. Fools like you enable terrorism with your cowardice and hypocrisy.
Warrants aren't required for meta data gathering which was what the NSA was doing. They are required when the Feds decide to dig into someones conversations and that was the NSA process.
Survailance activities don't require warrants if a crime or wrong doing is suspected especially if the authorities are just observing.Anyone can enter a mosque, church, etc and be with those worshipping.
You liberals seem to want to give the bad guys all the advantages possible which makes me wonder which side you people are on?
Yes! I strongly support the constitution and the right to bear arms. But assault rifles? There is literally no need for them at all unless you are in the middle of a war zone, like you know, actually being in a war as part of the U.S. Military.

That's how I feel as well. They have no practical use except killing lots of people very fast. They are an instrument of war and should only be given to trained soldiers or law enforcement.