Why when I continue to approach you about the Islamic terrorists, you refuse to even engage in the possibility of this issue. You just keep on repeating yourself. Please leave us and take this over to your Hoopie board, where I am sure they will be much less kind in trying to debate.
You are perverting this incident to further a cause. I am asking you, do you think this was an terrorist act caused by radical Islamists, Jihadists if you will, or just some simple 'mericans who love their guns who decided to gun huntin' for some humans yesterday?
How would guns laws have stopped this? I don't want to hear about Germany, because I have asked you about France, and this happened in France about 2 weeks ago. They have strict gun laws. This will happen in Germany too. Or bombs, whatever.
Again, gun control debate has it merit and a time and a place. This is not the time and place. Please don't be a coward and tell me where anything I have typed is wrong.