OT: Anyone going to Levins Doorbuster

Next time you think of griping about someone’s OT post....don’t., do you want to look for a new table? May I suggest the Noguchi Table by Herman Miller?

Come on, it will be fun! Couches. Sofas. Beds. Dining Room furniture. Really a great time to be had by all.
Put the old sofa out on the front porch, Or lawn, and get a new one.
Dump the old mattresses on rt376 and replace those too.


This must be a PA furniture sale weekend since Eastern PA stores are doing the same thing.
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OT? This is a good suggestion for all the Comcast subscribers that refuse to get ACCN some other way as some weird protest. Meet up at Levin’s 7:30 or so tonight!
Unfortunately.................or maybe FORTUNATELY, since I just moved into a new house 3 years ago, I just went through all of this and really I am thinking I am going to sit this one out.
I am going to pass...... All I need is a big screen tv and a corduroy beanbag :)
Refrigerator too with an ice maker.

Our ice maker stopped working because we left the door slightly open.
It was a disaster for about three days using ice cube trays until it recycled and started working again.

How did we survive without ice makers?
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Unfortunately.................or maybe FORTUNATELY, since I just moved into a new house 3 years ago, I just went through all of this and really I am thinking I am going to sit this one out.

Then why post?

I mean.....if you were in the market for a new recliner or perhaps a guest bedroom set, then yea........
Furniture store sales promotions have become background noise. There is always a ‘big sale’ every week and most furniture prices can be haggled with the salesperson anyway.
Always going out of business everything must go but the next week they’re still there!

There was a furniture store (I can't remember the name off the top of my head) on rt 30 in North Versailles/East McKeesport that was going out of business for literally years. We used to drive past and joke about the fact that they were still open. And then one day a couple years ago we drove past and it actually was closed. So maybe there is like a five year statute of limitations on furniture stores going out of business.
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