OT: Ben interview on WDVE


Lair Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2007
They just interviewed Ben regarding the NFL draft and at the end of the interview they asked him if he had any interest at all in pulling a Tom Brady and playing one more year. His response was “first of all my coach and GM do not want me back.”

personally I wish the coach and GM felt that way a year ago and I beat that dead horse 1000 times here. But now that the year is over and it’s history, do any of you who were glad that he came back wish that he hadn’t? The year would not have been much different with Mason Rudolph and who knows maybe our draft position would be a slot or 2 higher.
Boo hoo Ben. Ben spent his career being a jerk and being cold with players, fans, reporters, etc. I did cheer for him on Sundays because I am only interested in the team winning and could care less if he acts like a jerk to others - I don't know him or interact with him so not my problem. However, now that his career is over, I wish he would just go away. Now, he wants to do all these interviews and things and keep his name relevant. Take a hike.
He stayed too long, they were happy to let him stay too long, it was an unfortunate ending. I think they all see it now, and maybe even saw it then but money played a part as well. Too bad. Not as ugly as how it ended with Bradshaw, at least.
Boo hoo Ben. Ben spent his career being a jerk and being cold with players, fans, reporters, etc. I did cheer for him on Sundays because I am only interested in the team winning and could care less if he acts like a jerk to others - I don't know him or interact with him so not my problem. However, now that his career is over, I wish he would just go away. Now, he wants to do all these interviews and things and keep his name relevant. Take a hike.

Still puzzling how anyone cared about such a pos. Good riddance.
Still puzzling how anyone cared about such a pos. Good riddance.
honestly, i find it puzzling why anyone over the age of 9 cares about any of these guys off the field. would you rather have a really nice guy playing QB who was mediocre? just weird to me that anyone cares about public perception of people they'll never meet..
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They just interviewed Ben regarding the NFL draft and at the end of the interview they asked him if he had any interest at all in pulling a Tom Brady and playing one more year. His response was “first of all my coach and GM do not want me back.”

personally I wish the coach and GM felt that way a year ago and I beat that dead horse 1000 times here. But now that the year is over and it’s history, do any of you who were glad that he came back wish that he hadn’t? The year would not have been much different with Mason Rudolph and who knows maybe our draft position would be a slot or 2 higher.
YES. The Steelers should have absolutely bit the bullet and not brought Ben back last year. But that is water under the bridge and the interviewer was plain dumb to ask Ben that question after watching how bad Ben's arm was last year.
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honestly, i find it puzzling why anyone over the age of 9 cares about any of these guys off the field. would you rather have a really nice guy playing QB who was mediocre? just weird to me that anyone cares about public perception of people they'll never meet..

Or maybe they know mutual acquainted people and have personally interacted with. Nonetheless, you can make the same statement about many in the NFL.

FWIW, he's been "mediocre" for a long time but a pos for much longer.
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honestly, i find it puzzling why anyone over the age of 9 cares about any of these guys off the field. would you rather have a really nice guy playing QB who was mediocre? just weird to me that anyone cares about public perception of people they'll never meet..
I mostly agree. I knew Ben was a jerk, but I cheered for the football team, not for him personally. That being said, when players like Cam Heyward, Aaron Donald, etc. are active in the community, donating time and money, treat people well, then I am appreciative of that and wish such people well both during their career and afterward. if Heyward wants go on the radio 3 times week after her retires, fine, I think he's earned it.

But Ben wanted to be cold and impersonal and not care about anyone while he played, fine, but then don't expect anyone to care about you when your playing days are over.
I mostly agree. I knew Ben was a jerk, but I cheered for the football team, not for him personally. That being said, when players like Cam Heyward, Aaron Donald, etc. are active in the community, donating time and money, treat people well, then I am appreciative of that and wish such people well both during their career and afterward. if Heyward wants go on the radio 3 times week after her retires, fine, I think he's earned it.

But Ben wanted to be cold and impersonal and not care about anyone while he played, fine, but then don't expect anyone to care about you when your playing days are over.
i liked Ben but im not gonna defend him against the haters, that's their right. but in my lifetime, i've seen so much mediocre QB play that i'll take a HOF qb with off field issues any day of the week over guys like Brister, woodley, Stoudt, Graham, Kordell, Mark Malone, Tomczyk, Neil O'donnell (this one is iffy) Maddox, Jim Miller...

I was a tad bit too young to watch Terry in his prime..
Tom Brady is back and will be 45 or something like that. Maybe Brady falls apart by mid October and embarrasses himself. That’s what many are rooting for. As for Big Ben, he was washed up three years ago. The Steelers whiffed on Rudolph and so here they sit with QB issues.
They just interviewed Ben regarding the NFL draft and at the end of the interview they asked him if he had any interest at all in pulling a Tom Brady and playing one more year. His response was “first of all my coach and GM do not want me back.”

personally I wish the coach and GM felt that way a year ago and I beat that dead horse 1000 times here. But now that the year is over and it’s history, do any of you who were glad that he came back wish that he hadn’t? The year would not have been much different with Mason Rudolph and who knows maybe our draft position would be a slot or 2 higher.

Ben had to come back in 2021 because of his contract. His dead cap hit was $40 million in 2021. It's still $10 million in 2022 even with him retired.

Sadly, given the resources available due his his contract, he gave us the best chance to win in 2021. I am not about tanking in any particular year, especially since they had a fairly good year and made the playoffs.

People get focused on draft picks but everyone wants to come work for an organization that's dedicated to winning. Can we get guys to sign here if we lose on purpose? Doubt it. And losing becomes a habit which causes you to pay more for players down the line. Look at the Jaguars giving $100 million or whatever to freaking Christian Kirk.

A winning culture is a precious thing. You don't want to blow it up just to move up 2 slots in a weak draft.
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Simply, Ben has no class, a "0" on the spectrum, there are many others (good-great athletes) with a semblance but varying amounts . I appreciate the athletes that are first class because I think they enhance a team/program beyond their talent and are good teammates. Men like Tre Tipton, Fitz, etc.
Simply, Ben has no class, a "0" on the spectrum, there are many others (good-great athletes) with a semblance but varying amounts . I appreciate the athletes that are first class because I think they enhance a team/program beyond their talent and are good teammates. Men like Tre Tipton, Fitz, etc.
yeah, teams win championships with talented and productive players like tre tipton.. and dont look too deep into it but larry fitz has a little off field domestic transgression as well..
yeah, teams win championships with talented and productive players like tre tipton
Where did I say teams win championships with less than talented players?

I said I appreciate athletes with lots of class. If fitz has personal issues he left them behind in his treatment of fans, teammates, media types, etc.,
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Where did I say teams win championships with less than talented players?

I said I appreciate athletes with lots of class. If fitz has personal issues he left them behind in his treatment of fans, teammates, media types, etc.,

Right. There are lots of guys who had some shortcomings/issues off of the field but were likeable otherwise. Not saying they should get a free pass but it is easier to look past things in those cases. And I agree with Zelda, it was easier to look past those things when Ben was winning. But not so much when you are unlikeable off the field and mediocre on it as he has been for so long.
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Ben played a year or two too long, but I'm fine with him coming back. His last game at Heinz Field was one of the coolest sporting events I've attended. They probably would've lost another game or two, though I'm sure a segment of the fan base would not be happy if they were higher up and closer to drafting a QB.
Ben had to come back in 2021 because of his contract. His dead cap hit was $40 million in 2021. It's still $10 million in 2022 even with him retired.

Sadly, given the resources available due his his contract, he gave us the best chance to win in 2021. I am not about tanking in any particular year, especially since they had a fairly good year and made the playoffs.

People get focused on draft picks but everyone wants to come work for an organization that's dedicated to winning. Can we get guys to sign here if we lose on purpose? Doubt it. And losing becomes a habit which causes you to pay more for players down the line. Look at the Jaguars giving $100 million or whatever to freaking Christian Kirk.

A winning culture is a precious thing. You don't want to blow it up just to move up 2 slots in a weak draft.
This is the correct answer, in my opinion. Big Ben gave them the best chance to win in 2021 and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

He got a much-deserved send off at Heinz, led the team on a game-winning drive in the regular season finale, and I got to watch his last ever game at Arrowhead in the playoffs. You couldn’t ask for more than that back in August.

As for the original post regarding his radio appearance, I think people are reading too much into it. Though he was likely serious, the comment itself was a joke and should be taken as such.
People have to distinguish between being accused of sexual assault (or any crime really). And actually getting charged for it and prosecuted. Yes he has privileges most would not have, and I really think there would be no chance in hades of him getting charged in Pittsburgh in his prime (indeed, the arresting officers would likely end up next to the Center County DA wherever his offal has been disposed). But both of Ben’s accused transgressions occurred in places far from Pgh where they aren’t Steelers fans in the least. And the accusations ultimately couldn’t stand up enough for him to get charged.

Did Rooney money get liberally distributed in those locales to prevent that? It well could have. But many here scoff at my assertion that college recruits are getting payola, so I reserve the same right to be dubious. I think if there were decent grounds to nail him in those locales, at least one of them would have taken it to the hoop criminally . Remember that the Steelers are popular but are also one of the most DISliked teams nationally. Georgia and Cali (or was it Nevada?) authorities and DAs aren’t likely to be Steelers fans. Unless ALL were happy to take bribes to pressure the women involved not to press charges…or whatever…it just seems not that likely.

That said he admitted himself he was a pig in his earlier days. He almost surely acted like a creep with these ladies. Lots and lots of guys are, especially wealthy athletes do the same, sadly, every single day. I don’t admire ANY of them but I don’t have justification to hate this guy MORE. I also wish Pitt’s best basketball player wasnt a car thief either, but he’s more guilty of that crime in the legal sense than Ben. So what is the right approach there?
People have to distinguish between being accused of sexual assault (or any crime really). And actually getting charged for it and prosecuted. Yes he has privileges most would not have, and I really think there would be no chance in hades of him getting charged in Pittsburgh in his prime (indeed, the arresting officers would likely end up next to the Center County DA wherever his offal has been disposed). But both of Ben’s accused transgressions occurred in places far from Pgh where they aren’t Steelers fans in the least. And the accusations ultimately couldn’t stand up enough for him to get charged.

Did Rooney money get liberally distributed in those locales to prevent that? It well could have. But many here scoff at my assertion that college recruits are getting payola, so I reserve the same right to be dubious. I think if there were decent grounds to nail him in those locales, at least one of them would have taken it to the hoop criminally . Remember that the Steelers are popular but are also one of the most DISliked teams nationally. Georgia and Cali (or was it Nevada?) authorities and DAs aren’t likely to be Steelers fans. Unless ALL were happy to take bribes to pressure the women involved not to press charges…or whatever…it just seems not that likely.

That said he admitted himself he was a pig in his earlier days. He almost surely acted like a creep with these ladies. Lots and lots of guys are, especially wealthy athletes do the same, sadly, every single day. I don’t admire ANY of them but I don’t have justification to hate this guy MORE. I also wish Pitt’s best basketball player wasnt a car thief either, but he’s more guilty of that crime in the legal sense than Ben. So what is the right approach there?

If you are going to mention all that, and you certainly can, then it might also be worthwhile to point out two things. In the Lake Tahoe case, after Roethlisberger's attorney assured everyone that the case would get laughed out of court and that the women's lawyer would get disbarred for filing such a frivolous lawsuit, the case didn't actually get dismissed until they decided to give the woman a sack of cash rather than actually go through with a trial. Now that sack of cash is, of course, not an admission of guilt. But if you had such a slam dunk case as Roethlisberger's attorney suggested this was then giving the woman a sack of cash was pretty dumb.

Secondly, the cop who investigated the complain in Georgia did such a bang up job that he was basically fired (he quit before they brought down the ax) before the investigation was even closed. Go back and read some of the stuff that that guy did and didn't do in the case. Again, doesn't prove guilt by any stretch, but let's just say that rather than him not being charged showing something towards his innocence, what him not being charged really shows is that rich people and athletes tend to play by different rules than most of the rest of us.
People have to distinguish between being accused of sexual assault (or any crime really). And actually getting charged for it and prosecuted. Yes he has privileges most would not have, and I really think there would be no chance in hades of him getting charged in Pittsburgh in his prime (indeed, the arresting officers would likely end up next to the Center County DA wherever his offal has been disposed). But both of Ben’s accused transgressions occurred in places far from Pgh where they aren’t Steelers fans in the least. And the accusations ultimately couldn’t stand up enough for him to get charged.

Did Rooney money get liberally distributed in those locales to prevent that? It well could have. But many here scoff at my assertion that college recruits are getting payola, so I reserve the same right to be dubious. I think if there were decent grounds to nail him in those locales, at least one of them would have taken it to the hoop criminally . Remember that the Steelers are popular but are also one of the most DISliked teams nationally. Georgia and Cali (or was it Nevada?) authorities and DAs aren’t likely to be Steelers fans. Unless ALL were happy to take bribes to pressure the women involved not to press charges…or whatever…it just seems not that likely.

That said he admitted himself he was a pig in his earlier days. He almost surely acted like a creep with these ladies. Lots and lots of guys are, especially wealthy athletes do the same, sadly, every single day. I don’t admire ANY of them but I don’t have justification to hate this guy MORE. I also wish Pitt’s best basketball player wasnt a car thief either, but he’s more guilty of that crime in the legal sense than Ben. So what is the right approach there?
Peoples hatred of him goes beyond that. I also know and met several people who encountered him and heard it first hand. He was a PRICK of the highest order. And it continued well after the motorcycle accident and the KDKA/Pompeani fluff piece. Could he have matured and changed somewhat? Maybe. Haven’t heard any stories in the last 5-7 years. But make no mistake - he was an enormous jagoff.
We all have skeletons in our closets. Was never a Big Ben fan, but he did seem to atone for his passed sins with a great family unit.
That being said, Big Ben was not my kinda guy as a hero or role model….
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In the pantheon of beloved Pittsburgh sports figures is Ben even in the Top 10? He might be a Hall of Famer, but he’s not even close to as beloved as Penguins like Sid and Mario, Pirates like Maz, Stargell and Clemente and at least a half dozen Steelers from the 70s and Ben’s era.

He may have matured, but I think he ruined his reputation very early and never recovered.
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Ben wants to be in the public light wouldn't be shocked if WDVE if the questions were prearranged by Ben
I enjoyed watching him play. I'm not someone who really cares what these guys are like. I will take a criminal who scores TDs over a role model who sucks. But once their career is over... who wants to hear Ben talk? Has he ever had anything interesting to say? Has anyone ever walked away from a Ben interview or press conference and remembered anything he had to say? He was a dickhead when he was younger, then reinvented himself as the most boring man on Earth.
honestly, i find it puzzling why anyone over the age of 9 cares about any of these guys off the field. would you rather have a really nice guy playing QB who was mediocre? just weird to me that anyone cares about public perception of people they'll never meet..
BINGO!!!! THIS^^^ You nailed it! These people are characters in a TV SHOW, ENTERTAINERS! Did you care that the rock star you idolized was under the influence of heroin when you went to the concert? I couldn't give a crap about these people, who they are, their "character" beyond how they perform on the field! Give me JERK BEN every day of the week over Tebow kneeling to pray.
Peoples hatred of him goes beyond that. I also know and met several people who encountered him and heard it first hand. He was a PRICK of the highest order. And it continued well after the motorcycle accident and the KDKA/Pompeani fluff piece. Could he have matured and changed somewhat? Maybe. Haven’t heard any stories in the last 5-7 years. But make no mistake - he was an enormous jagoff.

He hasn't changed. Don't let his gestures and nice words fool you. People seldom change over the course of their lives in terms of character. He's the ultimate fake and he has the media fluffing for him.
Simply, Ben has no class, a "0" on the spectrum, there are many others (good-great athletes) with a semblance but varying amounts . I appreciate the athletes that are first class because I think they enhance a team/program beyond their talent and are good teammates. Men like Tre Tipton, Fitz, etc.
I never understood what "CLASS" means, DEFINE IN GREAT DETAIL?
Ben is certainly ahead of Barry Bonds in the
In the pantheon of beloved Pittsburgh sports figures is Ben even in the Top 10? He might be a Hall of Famer, but he’s not even close to as beloved as Penguins like Sid and Mario, Pirates like Maz, Stargell and Clemente and at least a half dozen Steelers from the 70s and Ben’s era.

He may have matured, but I think he ruined his reputation very early and never recovered.
hes ahead of Barry Bonds. Similar as a human being, but he brought titles and stayed here.
Ben is certainly ahead of Barry Bonds in the

hes ahead of Barry Bonds. Similar as a human being, but he brought titles and stayed here.
Was Bonds a bad person too? I didn't follow him at all after 1993 when I quit watching baseball, other than knowing about the HRs and alleged steroid use, I think he should be in the Hall of Fame, HR Leader, IMO steroids didn't hit the HRs, I could get roided up, and you could too and we'd hit ZERO HRs, besides, the Steroid Era was the last time baseball had even minimal interest.
Barry Bonds is the only reason I stopped watching the Pirates!
Me too! But because they let him go. So you're saying you didn't like him before he left the Pirates? Can you explain why? 1988-1993 was really the last decent era of Pirates baseball, losing Bonds was kind of the end of Pirates baseball IMO.
To be honest, sports people, I just superficially watch them, I pay almost zero attention to anything about their personal lives or what kind of people they might be.
If you are going to mention all that, and you certainly can, then it might also be worthwhile to point out two things. In the Lake Tahoe case, after Roethlisberger's attorney assured everyone that the case would get laughed out of court and that the women's lawyer would get disbarred for filing such a frivolous lawsuit, the case didn't actually get dismissed until they decided to give the woman a sack of cash rather than actually go through with a trial. Now that sack of cash is, of course, not an admission of guilt. But if you had such a slam dunk case as Roethlisberger's attorney suggested this was then giving the woman a sack of cash was pretty dumb.

Secondly, the cop who investigated the complain in Georgia did such a bang up job that he was basically fired (he quit before they brought down the ax) before the investigation was even closed. Go back and read some of the stuff that that guy did and didn't do in the case. Again, doesn't prove guilt by any stretch, but let's just say that rather than him not being charged showing something towards his innocence, what him not being charged really shows is that rich people and athletes tend to play by different rules than most of the rest of us.
Regarding settling the case, you settle because you pay less to settle than you would to defend in open court. I know this may sound stunning, but for a high profile and stakes case, it can easily cost $100-200K or more the final month leading to trial, let alone the same cost when in trial. All of a sudden it is $500K cost for a case with little merit but you have to go through the motions of settling. That’s in addition to the prior cost of even getting to that point.

It makes a lot more sense to write a $200-300K check and be done with it. And, you lose the risk of actually losing and paying in the millions.

This is why a lot of cases settle and why settlements cannot be classified universally as a guilt admission.
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IMO it is pretty silly to try to gauge degree of like/ dislike for a sports figure, but to me the most telling item is the near total lack of commercials that have included BR, particularly after “the troubles” emerged last decade. Talk by fans and especially anonymous message boards posters is cheap; much louder is the evidence that companies that have to put their brands on the line to sell their product have overwhelmingly chosen not to have ever employed BR. In fact I’m not sure I can even think of an elite QB, who has played as long as he did, with multiple championships for one of the most prominent sports franchises in America, getting as few endorsement deals as he has.
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