With all sincerity, I'm surprised you are even here with your absolute disdain of the Pitt administration. It must be very frustrating - I know I couldn't be a fan if I felt like you did.
I actually don't know how some of you can be fans (especially paying fans) of such efforts. It's a really stacked deck.
I appreciate what the athletes are able to do (although some really shouldn't have been brought in at this level, especially the basketball players of the past year... in over they're heads... but that isn't their fault). In many ways Pitt teams have overachieved.
I even appreciate and understand the coaches, although cynically I realize most of them are mercenaries who will jump ship at next best opportunity. Its the system, bad or good.
I really don't get at all what the administration is doing however. And not just these particular characters, but going back to pulling the rug out of athletics periodically.
Conducting sports as they do really isn't doing the university much of a service. It loses money for the school and embarrasses it far too often, not with game losses, which happen ... but with big things like debacles with the coaches and ADs and more frequent ones like inconsistencies with the discipline, episodes of cheapness etc.
They'll bizarrely have instances that give hope, like the multiple ups for Dixon (which showed definite commitment to great basketball at the time), or the rare professionalism shown in hiring Narduzzi. I don't think he'd have signed on if he didn't think there was real intent to compete.
So they show positive signs. Only to then lapse.
So again, it's more bewildering than frustrating. What are they truly trying to accomplish?
Since I have a couple diplomas with the school name on it, it's in my best interest to be a "fan" ... and that they improve.
Getting harder each year to have any faith though.