OT: Han Solo movie


Board of Trustee
Jun 18, 2001
I was surprised. It was really good. The best Star Wars movie since the OT. I know there has been some controversy with the change in director, and the actor playing Han, but it turned out great. Actually 'feels' like a Star Wars movie. I highly recommend.
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I haven’t seen one since the late 70s or early 80s.
Rogue one was great, you don’t have to be a huge star wars fan to enjoy that plot.

The last one was silly, the one a year or two ago. All the damn characters keep dying except for leia, who is dead in real life. Solo dead, luke dead (I think), leia flying thru space beating death even though Carrie Fisher is dead.

Weird strategy.
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Well at the very least, we now have the back story of the infamous “kessel run in less than 12 parsecs” claim.
I enjoyed it and thought it was much better than the last three movies. Seems like the door was left open for a sequel. Not sure if there are plans, but I would love to see one with Darth Maul playing a big part.
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I saw it over the weekend. I had no expectations going in and came out loving it. It was a great movie, injection of Darth Maul into the plot at the end leaves the door open for Kenobi & Maul to battle during the Kenobi spin off . I think we now have our Darkside villain for some of the side movies. Really curious where Qi'ra is going to end up and if she is Rey's mother. I fell in love with her character.

So far the spin-offs have been much better than the third Trilogy if you ask me.
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I’m not a huge Star Wars fan but the timing seems off With Darth maul. Didn’t he kill Liam Neeson and eventually die to a very young OB obi one? If so wouldnt Han Solo have been just a small child or not even born yet.

I need someone to break out a timeline for me. Han was about 40 in the new hope where he meets young Luke and obi one at the bar. Let’s just say he’s about 20 in this movie. The timing doesn’t make sense
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I saw it over the weekend. I had no expectations going in and came out loving it. It was a great movie, injection of Darth Maul into the plot at the end leaves the door open for Kenobi & Maul to battle during the Kenobi spin off . I think we now have our Darkside villain for some of the side movies. Really curious where Ki'ra is going to end up and if she is Rey's mother. I fell in love with her character.

So far the spin-offs have been much better than the third Trilogy if you ask me.
I like the star wars movies but am in no way a huge fan but in my opinion, I've really disliked the new ones (Episode 1, 2, and 3) although the 3rd one (revenge of the sith) does tie up some loose ends and set it up nice for Episode 4. The first two were as bad a they get, completely unwatchable..

Regarding the newer spin offs, Rogue One was absolutely fantastic, I enjoyed This Han Solo one and the force awakes were worth the price of admission.

I am a tad disappointed in the 3D effects though of this Han Solo one. No reason whatsoever to see it in 3D where as Rogue One was a "Must see in 3D" (I should patent that saying).
I’m not a huge Star Wars fan but the timing seems off With Darth maul. Didn’t he kill Liam Neeson and eventually die to a very young OB obi one? If so wouldnt Han Solo have been just a small child or not even born yet.

I need someone to break out a timeline for me. Han was about 40 in the new hope where he meets young Luke and obi one at the bar. Let’s just say he’s about 20 in this movie. The timing doesn’t make sense
Apparently Darth Maul survived and was in some of the Star Wars animated series that are considered cannon. Him popping up makes me think they're going to do an Ben Kenobi flick with a big showdown between the two.
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happjack nailed it I think
ok, I just googled it. This is a whole "thing" with a very elaborate backstory to Darth Maul being alive. You guys were right here. With regards to him on appearance alone, he's one of the top "bad ass" looking bad guys I've seen in any movie. add in the double light saber and I wouldn't mess with him in a fight..
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I think Han is in his early 30s when he meets Luke and Ben Kenobi. I was figuring the timeline also. I assumed this Darth Maul is the one who survived being cut in half.

Anyway, these spin-off movies likely don't care to be following any timeline. Too bad Vader didn't make an appearance in that battle scene early in the movie.
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Re; Maul and a potential Obi Wan spinoff.

If they follow the resolution in Rebels, I think it would be rather anticlimactic.

Personally, I'm all for the Disney SW universe to branch away from the same characters we've been with for 40 years.

My dream is for an Old Republic movie.
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Cinemablend does a pretty good job recommending what is worth seeing in 3D.

I like the star wars movies but am in no way a huge fan but in my opinion, I've really disliked the new ones (Episode 1, 2, and 3) although the 3rd one (revenge of the sith) does tie up some loose ends and set it up nice for Episode 4. The first two were as bad a they get, completely unwatchable..

Regarding the newer spin offs, Rogue One was absolutely fantastic, I enjoyed This Han Solo one and the force awakes were worth the price of admission.

I am a tad disappointed in the 3D effects though of this Han Solo one. No reason whatsoever to see it in 3D where as Rogue One was a "Must see in 3D" (I should patent that saying).
Interesting that the movie is getting good reviews here, but it’s opening is a reason for Wall Street sell offs today.

Personally, I’m a lifelong Star Wars Fan who has been underwhelmed by episodes 7 and 8. I thought Rogue One was very good. Solo was ok but I have no desire to see it again, which makes me think that it really wasn’t ok but the fan in me wants it to be good.

I read that Maul perishes to Obi Wans sword on Tatooine in the Rebels cartoon. Rebels is canon, so if Maul appears in the kenobi film, it will have to take place before that.

I heard that the Solo actors signed on for multiple films. I don’t know if that’s standard protocol, but it does open the door for Lando, Han and Q’ira to be in future spinoffs (boba fett, Kenobi, etc)
Solo was awful. The first 30 minutes were fun, the reat was a snoozefest. Extremely predictable ending outside of the surprise appearance. And they're off to a bad start with that character. Donald Glover was good for what he was given, which isnt much. Solo was a character that is way too hard to recreate & they missed the mark. He wasn't funny, he wasn't cool. It was just bad.
Saw it with kids. Good but don’t bother seeing it in 3D, no reason too whatsoever. Rogue one was a must see in 3D, this one not at all.
A thumbs up from me, and I normally am not a big fan of Star Wars. Definitely better with the 3D... spend the extra $3.
A thumbs up from me, and I normally am not a big fan of Star Wars. Definitely better with the 3D... spend the extra $3.
I don’t recall anything special about this movie with the 3D. With rogue one, they had some cool stuff with the space ships fighting when they broke thru that barrier thing at the end.
I don’t recall anything special about this movie with the 3D. With rogue one, they had some cool stuff with the space ships fighting when they broke thru that barrier thing at the end.
How about Vader atvthe end? I didn’t see in 3D but always thought that lightsaber of his had to have some 3D effects.
Thanks to all for the reviews. Normally, being total fanboys, we see these movies the first weekend. But we are really, really busy right now, so I'm not even sure when I'll see this.

Looking forward to it regardless.
Thanks to all for the reviews. Normally, being total fanboys, we see these movies the first weekend. But we are really, really busy right now, so I'm not even sure when I'll see this.

Looking forward to it regardless.
I think if not for your personal diligence to the art form, movie theaters would go the way of video stores and K-mart.
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I think if not for your personal diligence to the art form, movie theaters would go the way of video stores and K-mart.
something still pretty nice about going to a movie. I admit I don't do it often, I have two little ones so any damn movie I see is either star wars or has talking animals in it but going to a theater is still pretty cool. only thing annoys me is those damn loud teenage punks talkin the whole time.
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I think if not for your personal diligence to the art form, movie theaters would go the way of video stores and K-mart.
Made me think of cinemas, and wonder what everyone routine attire is for taking in a movie. For me, regardless of the season, i wear pants and bring a hoodie or jacket. Hoodies are the preference though because I hate putting my head on the back of the seat (theaters are filthy), and the AC is always way too cold.
something still pretty nice about going to a movie. I admit I don't do it often, I have two little ones so any damn movie I see is either star wars or has talking animals in it but going to a theater is still pretty cool. only thing annoys me is those damn loud teenage punks talkin the whole time.
The dorks with the light sabers and Jedi robes don’t bother you when you’re trying to pay attention to the pre movie trivia on the screen and they’re arguing about who the most powerful Jedi is and what color lightsaber he has?
The dorks with the light sabers and Jedi robes don’t bother you when you’re trying to pay attention to the pre movie trivia on the screen and they’re arguing about who the most powerful Jedi is and what color lightsaber he has?
I went on Saturday at 1pm, there were 3 people in the whole movie theater, it was awesome. I don't go to movies at night. if I did that, I'd have to get babysitter and if im getting a babysitter, I sure as hell aint wasting it on a movie night.

but back to your question, I think that would be cool, people getting so pumped up for a premiere they are dressing up for it. well not cool but amusing. at least you know they'll be quiet in the movie. I hate when I get 20 high school kids behind me who have nothing better to do so they go to a movie to "hang out."

Don't kids drink beer in the woods anymore? What's wrong with youth these days, I LOVED drinking beer in the woods with my friends. if more kids drank beer in the woods in high school, they wouldn't be sneaking oxy's out of their parents cabinet and end up OD'in on Heroine in their mid 20s. you guys start following my advice, i'll fix all of our society's problems.
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The dorks with the light sabers and Jedi robes don’t bother you when you’re trying to pay attention to the pre movie trivia on the screen and they’re arguing about who the most powerful Jedi is and what color lightsaber he has?
on a side rant, the pre movie ads are getting out of hand. it wasn't this bad 10 years ago. commercials after commercials then the trailers then the movie. it's like 30+ minutes before movie starts. I like a good trailer and all but the "pre trailer" ads are WAY out of hand and that doesn't even include the trivia stuff that's going on before the lights dim down.
on a side rant, the pre movie ads are getting out of hand. it wasn't this bad 10 years ago. commercials after commercials then the trailers then the movie. it's like 30+ minutes before movie starts. I like a good trailer and all but the "pre trailer" ads are WAY out of hand and that doesn't even include the trivia stuff that's going on before the lights dim down.
It’s ridiculous. First is all of those trivia type things. Then when it’s “showtime”, they dim the lights to make you feel good, but then they run 5 minutes of commercials. And some of the commercials they run twice. Then it’s finally trailer time. The another night for Solo, I counted and there were 6 full trailers. When they were over, they played a couple more commercials, one of which they already played and then finally the film. It’s was 25 minutes after they dimmed the lights.
something still pretty nice about going to a movie. I admit I don't do it often, I have two little ones so any damn movie I see is either star wars or has talking animals in it but going to a theater is still pretty cool. only thing annoys me is those damn loud teenage punks talkin the whole time.
don't knock it as you will miss it last one is twenty now (Pitt Business) and I am trying to figure out how a 53 year old man can go to see the new Incredibles "kids" movie ( the only movie with Samuel L Jackson in it in history without the phrase mother f***er in the script) by himself without security being called...
don't knock it as you will miss it last one is twenty now (Pitt Business) and I am trying to figure out how a 53 year old man can go to see the new Incredibles "kids" movie ( the only movie with Samuel L Jackson in it in history without the phrase mother f***er in the script) by himself without security being called...
Our youngest is 22 and we still see animated movies all the time. The quality the last 15-20 years is amazing.

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