I used to live in south hills and work in Monroeville so I'd be "against" that parkway east traffic and shake my head seeing standstill traffic all the way back to monroeviille.. this would be at like 7:45am, people were about an hour from getting into the city.
It all stems from outdated and poor roads around the city. Blame it on hills, rivers or a road system build Pre WW2. In short, you need a beltway, to build that, you need money. Every major city has a beltway. If you live in the south hills (which I do) and you want to get to the east, you shouldn''t have to drive thru downtown to get there, that's not efficient to funnel your traffic into downtown.
I remember reading an article about proposed plans to build (or complete) this beltway but of course the hold up is funding. i'll see if I can find it. it was either a gazette or trib article about a year or two ago..