If you fly anywhere, it's likely you have been negatively impacted by the PHL airport. I have been stranded in Charlotte and Atlanta because the plane I was supposed to be on couldn't get out of PHL. Personally, avoid flying through there due to too many bad experiences.
PIT on the other hand is great since no-one else seems to fly out of there...
PIT on the other hand is great since no-one else seems to fly out of there...
I agree that Amazon is making sure they milk every city in contention for every concession possible. But I have no idea what they're looking for, so no idea if Philly is the "real" candidate.
Personally, if I'm an Amazon exec, I fly into PHL once and cross them off the list. That airport is a disaster not just for flyers but for pilots too. (Hear this constantly from a friend who is a pilot for American.) It was not built for all the traffic and wide body planes. JMO.