Paternos drop suit v NCAA

For PSU you should use

Can't see it and tried it a number of times, the Fonts and Colors are there why not use them is how I view it and don't mind the complaints? I highlight Black Link Articles with key points in Red for others to see what I found important, mostly quotes.

When comparing Conferences I use ACC-Blue, SEC-Cardinal Red, B10-Green, BIG-12-Light blue, and PAC-12-Magneta, for easy comparisons sometimes.

I also do it to separate my re-postings on others postings for discussion purposes.

Again, Rivals provide it, why not use it is my view, others can differ and so be it.
So be it, time to leave it, and Joe can be still be Honored in my view because he was lied to by Sandusky and overruled by Spanner that brought Sandusky back with access to abuse more children! I have always separated Joe's coaching & Building of PSU Programs over being lied too as well, but at some point, Facts Joe did know and admitted he did not do more to stop it. I get attacked by some Posters on Lair too, but I remain steadfast in that belief, even if others think I am wrong, and accept that too.
Honoring Paterno dishonors sexual abuse victims
SPORTS | Penn State and its football fans continue to overlook the coach’s connection to the Jerry Sandusky scandal
by J.C. Derrick
Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, at 4:52 pm

In Daniel Chapter 9, the Prophet Daniel came to understand his people and Jerusalem were in the midst of a 70-year judgment. This realization caused the exiled Israelite to fall on his face in prayer and confession:

“We have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules. … To us, O Lord, belongs open shame, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against you.”

Now, remember, it was not Daniel’s sin that had prompted God’s judgment and the exile, but he recognized himself as part of the larger community at fault.

I thought of this story after I passed Penn State University’s swanky Beaver Stadium during a reporting trip last week. On my way through State College, Pa., I saw copious support for the local school, including a huge yard sign that read, “I SUPPORT PENN STATE FOOTBALL.”

Based on the behavior of the fan base at large, it likely should have included a parenthetical reference: “(AT ANY COST).”

My jaunt through central Pennsylvania came only two days before Penn State honored former head football coach Joe Paterno with video tributes during the Nittany Lions’ game with Temple, marking the 50th anniversary of Paterno’s first game as coach.

To call Penn State’s exhibition both tone-deaf and irresponsible would be an understatement.

"This Saturday, in what is believed to be a first in the history of college football, a university will hold a game-day ceremony to honor the enabler of a child rapist,” Christine Brennan wrote last week in a biting USA Today column.

During the tributes, Temple fans at the game turned their backs in protest. “He turned his back. We’ll turn ours,” read one sign.

Paterno, who died in early 2012, was never formally charged for wrongdoing in connection with the dozens of boys his former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky, sexually abused, but he was fired in 2011 for not doing more to stop it. Paterno knew of the allegations at least by 1998 and allegedly as early as 1976.

I’ve long been on record saying it is right for Paterno to be held accountable for what occurred under his nose for decades. Even if you disagree, it’s difficult not to agree Penn State has an image problem. And rather than work to build the new image it desperately needs, the school bear-hugged the old one.

I don’t get it. Does school leadership not realize that in the eyes of millions, Penn State is synonymous with widespread sexual abuse of children?

Does school leadership not realize that in the eyes of millions, Penn State is synonymous with widespread sexual abuse of children?

It remains unclear when Penn State plans to play video tributes for the courageous survivors who exposed the scandal—almost certainly preventing further abuse by Sandusky.

Obviously, Penn State fans weren’t the ones perpetrating crimes against Sandusky’s victims, but how about a little community remorse or shame? Forget about it. Their misplaced priorities were on full display: The crowd gave the three tribute videos standing ovations and fans placed balloons and flowers at the former site of Paterno’s statue (removed in 2012, six months after Paterno’s death) outside the stadium. Some even wore T-shirts declaring, “Paterno was railroaded” and “Sandusky is innocent.”

This is, sadly, far from isolated: A legion of Penn State loyalists troll the internet harassing those who dare speak out against Paterno. (I have little doubt I’ll be targeted again for this column.)

We have a long way to go before our culture stops tolerating sex crimes—and stops idolizing sports teams and players above all else. From Penn State to Brock Turner to the emerging USA Gymnastics scandal, a disturbing number of sex crimes—and the injustice that often goes along with them—involve sports.

Penn State’s “total disregard” for victims illustrates what a mistake the NCAA made when it declinedto levy a multi-year death penalty against Penn State football in 2012. It should look for an opportunity to reinstate sanctions.

If the last five years have proved anything, it’s this: The football-worship culture that aided Sandusky’s crimes is still alive and well in State College, Pa.
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Honoring Paterno dishonors sexual abuse victims
SPORTS | Penn State and its football fans continue to overlook the coach’s connection to the Jerry Sandusky scandal
by J.C. Derrick
Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, at 4:52 pm

In Daniel Chapter 9, the Prophet Daniel came to understand his people and Jerusalem were in the midst of a 70-year judgment. This realization caused the exiled Israelite to fall on his face in prayer and confession:

“We have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules. … To us, O Lord, belongs open shame, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against you.”

Now, remember, it was not Daniel’s sin that had prompted God’s judgment and the exile, but he recognized himself as part of the larger community at fault.

I thought of this story after I passed Penn State University’s swanky Beaver Stadium during a reporting trip last week. On my way through State College, Pa., I saw copious support for the local school, including a huge yard sign that read, “I SUPPORT PENN STATE FOOTBALL.”

Based on the behavior of the fan base at large, it likely should have included a parenthetical reference: “(AT ANY COST).”

My jaunt through central Pennsylvania came only two days before Penn State honored former head football coach Joe Paterno with video tributes during the Nittany Lions’ game with Temple, marking the 50th anniversary of Paterno’s first game as coach.

To call Penn State’s exhibition both tone-deaf and irresponsible would be an understatement.

"This Saturday, in what is believed to be a first in the history of college football, a university will hold a game-day ceremony to honor the enabler of a child rapist,” Christine Brennan wrote last week in a biting USA Today column.

During the tributes, Temple fans at the game turned their backs in protest. “He turned his back. We’ll turn ours,” read one sign.

Paterno, who died in early 2012, was never formally charged for wrongdoing in connection with the dozens of boys his former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky, sexually abused, but he was fired in 2011 for not doing more to stop it. Paterno knew of the allegations at least by 1998 and allegedly as early as 1976.

I’ve long been on record saying it is right for Paterno to be held accountable for what occurred under his nose for decades. Even if you disagree, it’s difficult not to agree Penn State has an image problem. And rather than work to build the new image it desperately needs, the school bear-hugged the old one.

I don’t get it. Does school leadership not realize that in the eyes of millions, Penn State is synonymous with widespread sexual abuse of children?

Does school leadership not realize that in the eyes of millions, Penn State is synonymous with widespread sexual abuse of children?

It remains unclear when Penn State plans to play video tributes for the courageous survivors who exposed the scandal—almost certainly preventing further abuse by Sandusky.

Obviously, Penn State fans weren’t the ones perpetrating crimes against Sandusky’s victims, but how about a little community remorse or shame? Forget about it. Their misplaced priorities were on full display: The crowd gave the three tribute videos standing ovations and fans placed balloons and flowers at the former site of Paterno’s statue (removed in 2012, six months after Paterno’s death) outside the stadium. Some even wore T-shirts declaring, “Paterno was railroaded” and “Sandusky is innocent.”

This is, sadly, far from isolated: A legion of Penn State loyalists troll the internet harassing those who dare speak out against Paterno. (I have little doubt I’ll be targeted again for this column.)

We have a long way to go before our culture stops tolerating sex crimes—and stops idolizing sports teams and players above all else. From Penn State to Brock Turner to the emerging USA Gymnastics scandal, a disturbing number of sex crimes—and the injustice that often goes along with them—involve sports.

Penn State’s “total disregard” for victims illustrates what a mistake the NCAA made when it declinedto levy a multi-year death penalty against Penn State football in 2012. It should look for an opportunity to reinstate sanctions.

If the last five years have proved anything, it’s this: The football-worship culture that aided Sandusky’s crimes is still alive and well in State College, Pa.
I am a believer in Links that support other opinions and you provided one I will not refute and accept it as your support of your arguments and thank you.

I understand your position and respect it and others on BWi or Cult Dolt's won't but the difference is they can't refute it either.
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Honoring Paterno dishonors sexual abuse victims
SPORTS | Penn State and its football fans continue to overlook the coach’s connection to the Jerry Sandusky scandal
by J.C. Derrick
Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, at 4:52 pm

In Daniel Chapter 9, the Prophet Daniel came to understand his people and Jerusalem were in the midst of a 70-year judgment. This realization caused the exiled Israelite to fall on his face in prayer and confession:

“We have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules. … To us, O Lord, belongs open shame, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against you.”

Now, remember, it was not Daniel’s sin that had prompted God’s judgment and the exile, but he recognized himself as part of the larger community at fault.

I thought of this story after I passed Penn State University’s swanky Beaver Stadium during a reporting trip last week. On my way through State College, Pa., I saw copious support for the local school, including a huge yard sign that read, “I SUPPORT PENN STATE FOOTBALL.”

Based on the behavior of the fan base at large, it likely should have included a parenthetical reference: “(AT ANY COST).”

My jaunt through central Pennsylvania came only two days before Penn State honored former head football coach Joe Paterno with video tributes during the Nittany Lions’ game with Temple, marking the 50th anniversary of Paterno’s first game as coach.

To call Penn State’s exhibition both tone-deaf and irresponsible would be an understatement.

"This Saturday, in what is believed to be a first in the history of college football, a university will hold a game-day ceremony to honor the enabler of a child rapist,” Christine Brennan wrote last week in a biting USA Today column.

During the tributes, Temple fans at the game turned their backs in protest. “He turned his back. We’ll turn ours,” read one sign.

Paterno, who died in early 2012, was never formally charged for wrongdoing in connection with the dozens of boys his former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky, sexually abused, but he was fired in 2011 for not doing more to stop it. Paterno knew of the allegations at least by 1998 and allegedly as early as 1976.

I’ve long been on record saying it is right for Paterno to be held accountable for what occurred under his nose for decades. Even if you disagree, it’s difficult not to agree Penn State has an image problem. And rather than work to build the new image it desperately needs, the school bear-hugged the old one.

I don’t get it. Does school leadership not realize that in the eyes of millions, Penn State is synonymous with widespread sexual abuse of children?

Does school leadership not realize that in the eyes of millions, Penn State is synonymous with widespread sexual abuse of children?

It remains unclear when Penn State plans to play video tributes for the courageous survivors who exposed the scandal—almost certainly preventing further abuse by Sandusky.

Obviously, Penn State fans weren’t the ones perpetrating crimes against Sandusky’s victims, but how about a little community remorse or shame? Forget about it. Their misplaced priorities were on full display: The crowd gave the three tribute videos standing ovations and fans placed balloons and flowers at the former site of Paterno’s statue (removed in 2012, six months after Paterno’s death) outside the stadium. Some even wore T-shirts declaring, “Paterno was railroaded” and “Sandusky is innocent.”

This is, sadly, far from isolated: A legion of Penn State loyalists troll the internet harassing those who dare speak out against Paterno. (I have little doubt I’ll be targeted again for this column.)

We have a long way to go before our culture stops tolerating sex crimes—and stops idolizing sports teams and players above all else. From Penn State to Brock Turner to the emerging USA Gymnastics scandal, a disturbing number of sex crimes—and the injustice that often goes along with them—involve sports.

Penn State’s “total disregard” for victims illustrates what a mistake the NCAA made when it declinedto levy a multi-year death penalty against Penn State football in 2012. It should look for an opportunity to reinstate sanctions.

If the last five years have proved anything, it’s this: The football-worship culture that aided Sandusky’s crimes is still alive and well in State College, Pa.
HOF, you made a great point.....Once again, the Paterno's like Joe did many times with Half-Truths brings the Full Truths back on them, and they just remain silent.

NCAA: "We Did Not Settle With Paterno Family"
Updated on July 1, 2017 at 7:55 AM Posted on June 30, 2017 at 5:00 PM

By Charles Thompson
Here's a statement just released by the National Collegiate Athletic Association to the news that Joe Paterno's estate has ended its civil lawsuit against it. The association notes that the action by the Paternos comes just before it was due to file a 100-page motion seeking dismissal of the remaining counts in the suit.
The NCAA Statement:
The estate of the late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, his son Jay Paterno, and Bill Kenney today voluntarily dismissed their lawsuit against the NCAA. The NCAA did not settle the case and provided plaintiffs with no consideration--financial or otherwise.

"The Paterno family characterized this case as a 'search for the truth,'" said Donald Remy, NCAA chief legal officer. "Its decision today, after years of investigation and discovery, to abandon its lawsuit rather than subject those facts to courtroom examination is telling.

"We believe that the powerful record developed during discovery overwhelmingly confirmed what the NCAA has believed all along: the NCAA acted reasonably in adopting the conclusions of an eight-month investigation by Louis Freeh."

Remy noted the timing of today's decision by the Paterno family to voluntarily abandon its lawsuit was only hours before the NCAA was due to file a roughly 100-page summary judgment brief detailing the results of years of exhaustive discovery regarding plaintiffs' claims. He added the decision "represents a total victory for the NCAA."

"It is disappointing that so much time, effort, and financial resources have been wasted on efforts by the Paterno family in this litigation," said Remy. "We must not lose sight of the fact that the real victims are the dozens of innocent children abused by Jerry Sandusky."


Still, I limit my opinions and admiration for Joe to his Coaching and Building the Program, and not his manipulation attempts of telling half-truths that prior Sports Reporters, Coaches, and Players did call him on, but some PSU Fans, thought were accurate but refused to see their ignorance and arrogance.

I have posted the dealings with Ref Guman but there are a few more even the NCAA had ready to use at Trial. The Lawyers for Paterno tried to put on a Brave Face but really had No Case from the start and it was more Hype & Psych not Full Truths based on Facts!
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His old man taught him not to speak with his mouth full, so he doesn't have much opportunity to speak!
Scott and his Wife's Law Firm were part of the Case and were compensated as well. Family protects, promotes and speaks out to defend Family. Joe Paterno did help many people, players, and Sue Paterno was always lead Sponsor for Special Olympics. Yes, the family benefited by Joe being Head Coach at Penn State but they gave back too. Yes, mistakes and misjudgments were made but admitted too and his testimony was far more accurate and honest than Spanier, Curley and Schultz.

At the same time no one is perfect but truly devoted his entire life to his Family, Program, Players, and Penn State and like Jackie Sherrill that made amends with Joe & Sue and they with him and Jay, said Joe's only problem will be he won't know when to retire, that was far more accurate about Joe, then once Joe said very negative things about about Jackie in 1970-80s.

In the end, it was a Penn State Recruit, Player and Coach that abused his Family, scandalized Penn State Program, and Shamed Penn State Name and that was Professor Emeritus Penn State Alumnus Jerry Sandusky and lied to everyone including himself. Even some Cult Dolt's know that now and no longer believe or follow Ziegler that also bad mouth and condenm Scott and the Paterno Family, and Penn State.

By the way, Sandusky wanted to leave Penn State and applied and interviewed for the Pitt job, Pederson's greatest decision was rejecting him!
Scott and his Wife's Law Firm were part of the Case and were compensated as well. Family protects, promotes and speaks out to defend Family. Joe Paterno did help many people, players, and Sue Paterno was always lead Sponsor for Special Olympics. Yes, the family benefited by Joe being Head Coach at Penn State but they gave back too. Yes, mistakes and misjudgments were made but admitted too and his testimony was far more accurate and honest than Spanier, Curley and Schultz.

At the same time no one is perfect but truly devoted his entire life to his Family, Program, Players, and Penn State and like Jackie Sherrill that made amends with Joe & Sue and they with him and Jay, said Joe's only problem will be he won't know when to retire, that was far more accurate about Joe, then once Joe said about Jackie in 1970s.

In the end, it was Penn State Recruit, Player and Coach that abused his Family, scandalized Penn State Program, and Shamed Penn State Name and that was Professor Emeritus Penn State Alumnus Jerry Sandusky and lied to everyone including himself.

By the way, Sandusky wanted to leave Penn State and applied and interviewed for the Pitt job, Pederson's greatest decision was rejecting him!
Copy and paste from BWI?

BTW, I think you are confused regarding Sandusky applying for the Pitt coaching job.
I believe that was unindicted co-conspirator Tom Bradley you are referring to.
So, here's my lawsuit scorecard so far:

  1. Sandusky convicted of all but one count including the majority of counts related to the shower incident.
  2. Ped State spends tens of millions of dollars to keep the "victims" (or whatever people are calling them) out of court including ones who said Joe Knew back in the 70s.
  3. The Ginger wins a whistleblower lawsuit against Ped State
  4. Schultz and Curley plead guilty to charges
  5. Spanier fights charges and is convicted
  6. Paterno family suddenly drops their lawsuit right before the discovery was about to be made public, thus keeping anything found in the discovery process out of the public eye.
And wasn't there a defamation lawsuit against Freeh? Or was that just fundraising talk by Arabas or Ziegler?

But I'm sure the next lawsuit will end the false narrative and rush to judgement and redeem Joesus in an avalanche of truth.
"FreeportPanther, post: 1931263, member: 448"]Copy and paste from BWI?
No problem at all with your opinions, not challenging them and just as relevant from different view that also applies. I posted on 3 Boards in 1998 Lair-BWI-Mountaineers, but on BWi I was the one that said in 1998 Joe should have retired was getting bigger than the University when ended the Pitt-Penn Sate Series and got banned.
I was right then and now.

BTW, I think you are confused regarding Sandusky applying for the Pitt coaching job.
No I am not, Sandusky and Bradley were very close And Western Pennsylvania Natives, although Bradley wanted and had Pitt Connections (Father Pitt Graduate and Doctor) to interview so did Sandusky, and both agreed if either got the job they would come together. I agree Bradley being younger was always talked about being the primary candidate.

I believe that was unindicted co-conspirator Tom Bradley you are referring to.

You are correct that McQueary did state that Schiano and Bradley knew that Sandusky was abusing children, according to public Information, both denied it. Some Sports Writers Pundits think it is the one reason why both have not been hired for Head Coaching jobs now but that is the scuttlebutt. Johnson left Penn State for Ohio State and Schiano is there now.
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So, here's my lawsuit scorecard so far:

  1. Sandusky convicted of all but one count including the majority of counts related to the shower incident.
  2. Ped State spends tens of millions of dollars to keep the "victims" (or whatever people are calling them) out of court including ones who said Joe Knew back in the 70s.
  3. The Ginger wins a whistleblower lawsuit against Ped State
  4. Schultz and Curley plead guilty to charges
  5. Spanier fights charges and is convicted
  6. Paterno family suddenly drops their lawsuit right before the discovery was about to be made public, thus keeping anything found in the discovery process out of the public eye.
And wasn't there a defamation lawsuit against Freeh? Or was that just fundraising talk by Arabas or Ziegler?

But I'm sure the next lawsuit will end the false narrative and rush to judgement and redeem Joesus in an avalanche of truth.
Not a lawyer, but I believe the Paterno's dropped it in on the day that they had to produce supporting documents for their case vs. for the purpose of keeping any discovery hidden. Hence, after 5 years and the NCAA queued up for the fight, they had nothing to show. No smoking gun to "clear" Joe's legacy and restore the statue.
"ORD_Buckeye, post: 1931276, member: 8349"]So, here's my lawsuit scorecard so far:
  1. Sandusky convicted of all but one count including the majority of counts related to the shower incident. (3 Counts Not Guilty Not One 45 of 48 Counts Guilty)
  2. Ped State spends tens of millions of dollars to keep the "victims" (or whatever people are calling them) out of court including ones who said Joe Knew back in the 70s. (Well Over $10 Million It Was $93 Million Plus Attorney Fees & $62.4 Million Fines)
  3. The Ginger wins a whistleblower lawsuit against Ped State ( Most Successful PSU Graduate Paid over $12 Million by PSU Insurance and His Lawyers Fees over Million too)
  4. Schultz and Curley plead guilty to charges (Yep, Report July 15th, But got More Jail Time Curley asked for House Arrests just Last Week since dying of cancer)
  5. Spanier fights charges and is convicted (Yep, and Jail time too while on Appeal)
  6. Paterno family suddenly drops their lawsuit right before the discovery was about to be made public, thus keeping anything found in the discovery process out of the public eye. (If Praecipe to Discontinue without prejudice, then the Paterno Estate could refile the suit later. If it is Praecipe to Discontinue with prejudice, it means the case is closed for ever. If it is a Praecipe to settle and discontinue, the case is also closed forever)
  7. LINK:
And wasn't there a defamation lawsuit against Freeh? Or was that just fundraising talk by Arabas or Ziegler? (All Defamation Lawsuit against Freeh, NCAA Emment, and Ray Dismissed and Praecipe gone forever)

But I'm sure the next lawsuit will end the false narrative and rush to judgement and redeem Joesus in an avalanche of truth.
No more Lawsuits will be filed but it won't stop Penn State to Honor Paterno in the the future, and once done, that is all they care about now. I always argued, the Paterno's could raise millions in a minute for a Private Joe Paterno Museum in State College, not on Campus, and buy the Statue and put it there. That way it is just a Paterno thing and Penn State can share in providing the Football Properties anyway they want, and have some costs they spent reimbursed.
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Not a lawyer, but I believe the Paterno's dropped it in on the day that they had to produce supporting documents for their case vs. for the purpose of keeping any discovery hidden. Hence, after 5 years and the NCAA queued up for the fight, they had nothing to show. No smoking gun to "clear" Joe's legacy and restore the statue.
Some Ending Info:
1. NCAA claimed the Absolute Truth would prove them Right in the End. They were right. The Paterno's always claimed they wanted that Truth No Matter good or bad and will donate the money to charities.

2. My earlier postings last year said this case is dead, with the PMA Insurance Judge Ruling that allow the Redacted Deposition of an early known victim 1976 and his name is why it is still sealed to protect the Victims. This was going to be used for NCAA Defense if the Lawsuit went to Trial. Once put on record would mean it would come out as public information and very damaging.

3. The other thing Cult Dolt’s do not know is the 400+ Penn State Employees interviewed by Freeh are also under seal for their protection. They were the ones that exposed the Penn State Football Culture of Intimidation. Spanier, Paterno, Curley, and Schultz were a big part of it.

4. The Paterno’s Lawyers thought they were going to argue Graduation Rates but even those were never at 100% and in some 8 to 9 Years were under 70%, and Players were given special treatment and had Lawyers available to get Players out of Jail after being arrested. The NCAA had the Department of Education Investigation but they ignored Athletic Integrity Codes of Conducts and demanded Players be treated different from students on many Policies at Penn State.

5. The Federal Cases on Jay/Kenney against Penn State were tossed out for the same claim.

6. The real killer was when the NCAA demanded Discovery of Paterno Nike contracts, prior Trustees in Business with Paterno Corporate Ownerships Agreements, and would exposed the Financial Data that the Paterno’s were not hurt and the Facts that were not damaged financially.

7. The Paterno Report Paid Experts claims were deeply refuted in the PMA Insurance Cases and the Criminal Case Testimony by Curley and Schultz naming Paterno, as the coach in the emails they once disputed was Sandusky instead, but that turned out wrong. Even Clemente the Child Crime Investigator was refuted and he is being sued for $750 Million on the Jon Benet TV show he put out.

8. The Paterno Family's Report did not examine actual Direct Evidence that remains damaging to the late Coach's Reputation: Paterno was indeed aware that an eyewitness saw Sandusky sexually harming a child on university property many years ago. This was not made up by Freeh, but in Paterno's Own Words Under Oath. As well as, by the same admission of Penn State Schultz and Curley, did testify under oath at the Spanier’s Trial. The incident in question was not reported to Police Investigators or to Child Welfare Officials for a proper Inquiry, and more children were abused as a result.

9. Finally, the highly paid for Paterno Family Report contradicted its own claim to circumstantial evidence conclusions. Indeed again, these five Penn State officials understood Jerry Sandusky was sexually abusing a child on University Property as far back as 2001. Yet, the Family Paid Report actually hurt Joe’s Estate Commercial Disparagement Claims when it ended…. "It Can Be Argued That Joe Paterno Should Have Gone Further. He Should Have Pushed His Superiors To See That They Were Doing Their Jobs." That is from the Statement issued by the Paterno’s on the Morning that Freeh released his Report. They added: "We Accept This Criticism."

10. The Report was also put out to help Jury Nullification but once Plead Convictions happen and a Jury convicted Spanier, and revelations came out on Paterno, the only Report Discredited was The Paterno Estate Family Report and the Freeh Investigation Report stood up to Scrutiny in 3 Separate Investigations. The Paterno Report contradicted itself and in no way was Thornburgh or Clemente would want to go under any Cross-Examinations.

The only people looking very stupid today were all those Penn State Stalkers Fans that kept saying the Freeh Report was "TOTALLY DISCREDITED" they were badly misled and proven outright wrong and don't have the balls to admit it. On the Contrary.......The Truth of Freeh actually made the Paterno Family withdraw from the NCAA Lawsuit Quietly on a long July 4th Weekend, and in a strange way, actually set them "Freeh" from further Embarrassment on the Public Record and why Summary Judgement Sealed was its only out.

Now come the Movies, Documentaries, and Books!

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Not a lawyer, but I believe the Paterno's dropped it in on the day that they had to produce supporting documents for their case vs. for the purpose of keeping any discovery hidden. Hence, after 5 years and the NCAA queued up for the fight, they had nothing to show. No smoking gun to "clear" Joe's legacy and restore the statue.
An Additional Aftermath......some Long Ears hearing that Grambling University and the NAACP are not done. They will be asking for all NCAA History and Future Coaching Records to include Head Coaches Wins & Losses will be only counted if they were Actually Coaching at the Start of those Games.

Some prior Historical Coaches and includes Joe Paterno missed a few games and were not actually coaching at the start of those Games.

Therefore, 409 never really happen under Paterno and Eddie Robinson 408 prevails and Restored as the Highest Winning FBS Record in Wins.

This will include coaches that left, resigned, or fired from Programs before Bowl Wins as well, like Haslett, Bilema, Wannstedt, Andersen, Graham, CoachRod, and Chryst and will change the Records with more fair way of true unacceptability. The Sports Media will demand it be adopted too.

If you were not there to coach those Wins or Losses of those Games, Therefore Assistant Coaches that were get the credit for Wins and Losses under their own names as properly attributed to their own coaching.

We shall see if the NCAA does that, but like the Statue's in the South and Confederate Flags over State Buildings, and Civil War Monuments being removed in some locations, is happening, and the NCAA can correct Wins and Losses being removed when Coaches were no longer at the start of games and Publicly would be accepted as the Honorable Thing to do!
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An Additional Aftermath......some Long Ears hearing that Grambling University and the NAACP are not done. They will be asking for all NCAA History and Future Coaching Records to include Head Coaches Wins & Losses will be only counted if they were Actually Coaching at the Start of those Games.

Some prior Historical Coaches and includes Joe Paterno missed a few games and were not actually coaching at the start of those Games.

Therefore, 409 never really happen under Paterno and Eddie Robinson 408 prevails and Restored as the Highest Winning FBS Record in Wins.

This will include coaches that left, resigned, or fired from Programs before Bowl Wins as well, like Haslett, Bilema, Wannstedt, Andersen, Graham, CoachRod, and Chryst and will change the Records with more fair way of true unacceptability. The Sports Media will demand it be adopted too.

If you were not there to coach those Wins or Losses of those Games, Therefore Assistant Coaches that were get the credit for Wins and Losses under their own names as properly attributed to their own coaching.

We shall see if the NCAA does that, but like the Statue's in the South and Confederate Flags over State Buildings, and Civil War Monuments being removed in some locations, is happening, and the NCAA can correct Wins and Losses being removed when Coaches were no longer at the start of games and Publicly would be accepted as the Honorable Thing to do!

If Grambling and the NAACP are really doing this --- shame on them. They're just as bad as the 409ers in getting caught up in what is just a number.

Paterno did miss one game while head coach (a victory that he does get credit for). Syracuse in 1977. His son was in a coma in a hospital in State College. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten credit for that win, but decide that then. It would be ridiculous to take it away 40 years retroactively when he had a pretty valid reason for missing the game. Good grief.

Coach K is officially credited with 4 victories during his leave-of-absence from Duke this past January, FWIW.

Now, coaches who have left the program --- e.g., Rich Rod for the 2007 Fiesta Bowl --- they have never been credited for a win in that game. That victory is righteously on Bill Stewart's resume.
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Players were given special treatment and had Lawyers available to get Players out of Jail after being arrested. The NCAA had the Department of Education Investigation but they ignored Athletic Integrity Codes of Conducts and demanded Players be treated different from students on many Policies at Penn State.
exposed the Penn State Football Culture of Intimidation. Spanier, Paterno, Curley, and Schultz were a big part of it.

This is what causes me to cringe each time you mention Joe Paterno as a great coach, leader of men, etc. In addition to this JVP set up a kingdom where , for many years, he determined when and who his team played, giving him a great advantage over many coaches who don't have that luxury when trying to build a program.
"michnittlion, post: 1931376, member: 5996"]If Grambling and the NAACP are really doing this --- shame on them. They're just as bad as the 409ers in getting caught up in what is just a number.
If you recall, the President of Grambling wrote to the NCAA and used the Penn State Scandals calling for Paterno Vacated Wins. The College is suffering greatly financially and the NAACP has been behind the removal of Louisiana Civil War Monument Removal.

Paterno did miss one game while head coach (a victory that he does get credit for). Syracuse in 1977. His son was in a coma in a hospital in State College. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten credit for that win, but decide that then.
Did not know that thank you. But that is the point. It is more Honorable not to count any Wins or Losses when not coaching at the start of any game and this will apply to every teams in NCAA FBS History. This would still count Wins even when Joe was in the Press Conference, or Wheel Chairs or when his leg was broken in the game, he was still there at the start of those games. So, those don't get erased.

It would be ridiculous to take it away 40 years retroactively when he had a pretty valid reason for missing the game. Good grief.
Not really, you are looking at it just from Paterno perspective and not Grambling Eddie Robinson's. Joe was not at some games due to being sick and got credit for coaching them? If he did count his game when he was not coaching in 1977 that should not apply when later too. It would tie Eddie Robinson if it is just one loss win to 408.

Bobby Bowden had 15 Games Vacated from the NCAA as well. And the NCAA had no trouble in doing it. Bobby was on the Sidelines or Press Box at those games.

Coach K is officially credited with 4 victories during his leave-of-absence from Duke this past January, FWIW.
Again, you are making a case why they should not be counted, he did not do the coaching at game time if not at the start and not in the stadium. Coaching means Coaching Games not just under a Title?

Now, coaches who have left the program --- e.g., Rich Rod for the 2007 Fiesta Bowl --- they have never been credited for a win in that game. That victory is righteously on Bill Stewart's resume.
Yet, some Statistics still count that on their records and others got credit too and for not being there? George Gipp got a SS Ship named after him 20 years after he passed away?

I quite agree, the NCAA should think long and hard on it, but they are not known to always being fair. They can get too clever at times too, and did not take kindly to what Paterno's claimed they did out of dishonesty, and putting out a Paterno Estate Family Report Proven to contradict and refuted later under oath by those convicted.

Yet, in today's world of ESPN Societal Correctness and Covering Football Games with Celebrities Invites, Careful Hirings and Firings, one knows it can happen and just like the Monuments coming down in Louisiana and being vandalized in Gettysburg and else where. History Names are being changed too and even endowments have been removed in University Seals at Yale and Harvard.

If Paterno's 409 was beat out by a Coach that was in a Coma but still paid as Head Coach and get Credits for those Wins, Cult Dolt's would scream about it too.

I can hear the chants it now,.......If Not There For The Win Then No Record, Clean Away 409 And Credit 408!

You do know "Win One For The Gipper" was used by Knute Rockne, 8 years after Gipper had died, I did not see Gipper getting that Win in any ND or NCAA Statistical Record Book!


Wins Matter By Being There Not In Bed Or Dead!
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This is what causes me to cringe each time you mention Joe Paterno as a great coach, leader of men, etc. In addition to this JVP set up a kingdom where , for many years, he determined when and who his team played, giving him a great advantage over many coaches who don't have that luxury when trying to build a program.
I accept your views, facts, and do not challenge your own moral compass. No question you have made great points and I don't challenge them. I accept I may be very wrong, but I saw too many Games Well Won by just Hard Work and Focus even with some Advantages and Silence on Ref Guman that was pure subterfuge and unethical by any fair minded fan. Same to keep Silent after 2001 when other got hurt by that silence just because he wanted to keep his job and protect the Football Program like Freeh, PAOAG, and DOE proved.

I saw Great Coaching and any Advantages Joe gained by Building Up Penn State Football Program in the 1960s, with his Foresight and his Focus on Fortitude, while Pitt, Cuse, and WVU refused to do it is not Joe's fault. He did what was necessary to compete Nationally. I respect and credit that kind of foretaste, and don't mind if other disagree nor condemn me for my views.

When I get attack defending Pitt on the Lair from Nittany Liars on BWI with Facts they cannot refute they hate me and so be it, that is on their arrogance and ignorance and I just show the Full Truth with Links about PSU, and hated even more.

When I post about observing what "Paterno Knew" on Building a National Football Program, Expanding & Coaching while Pitt Sits and Watched, that not on Joe but Pitt and many disagree with me, and so be it too.

Pitt rebuilt their Football Program and did it even Faster in 1970s and Won the National Championship that really upset Paterno too while condemning Jackie Sherrill later with some of his underhanded off the Record PC, followed by Cuse and WVU in 1980s rebuilding too.

I respect what all University Programs do well and accept flaws and all and do not mind being corrected, the best way to learn, is to discuss and learn together, and I still believe Pitt, WVU and Penn State are better together playing each other.
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"michnittlion, post: 1931376, member: 5996"]If Grambling and the NAACP are really doing this --- shame on them. They're just as bad as the 409ers in getting caught up in what is just a number.
If you recall, the President of Grambling wrote to the NCAA and used the Penn State Scandals calling for Paterno Vacated Wins. The College is suffering greatly financially and the NAACP has been behind the removal of Louisiana Civil War Monument Removal.

Paterno did miss one game while head coach (a victory that he does get credit for). Syracuse in 1977. His son was in a coma in a hospital in State College. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten credit for that win, but decide that then.
Did not know that thank you. But that is the point. It is more Honorable not to count any Wins or Losses when not coaching at the start of any game and this will apply to every teams in NCAA FBS History. This would still count Wins even when Joe was in the Press Conference, or Wheel Chairs or when his leg was broken in the game, he was still there at the start of those games. So, those don't get erased.

It would be ridiculous to take it away 40 years retroactively when he had a pretty valid reason for missing the game. Good grief.
Not really, you are looking at it just from Paterno perspective and not Grambling Eddie Robinson's. Joe was not at some games due to being sick and got credit for coaching them? If he did not count his game when he was not coaching in 1977 that should apply when later too.

Bobby Bowden had 15 Games Vacated from the NCAA as well. And the NCAA had no trouble in doing it. Bobby was on the Sidelines or Press Box at those games.

Coach K is officially credited with 4 victories during his leave-of-absence from Duke this past January, FWIW.
Again, you are making a case why they should not be counted, he did not do the coaching at game time if not at the start and not in the stadium.

Now, coaches who have left the program --- e.g., Rich Rod for the 2007 Fiesta Bowl --- they have never been credited for a win in that game. That victory is righteously on Bill Stewart's resume.
Yet, some Statistics still count that on their records and others got credit too and for not being there? George Gipp got a SS Ship named after him 20 years after he passed away?

I quite agree, the NCAA should think long and hard on it, but they are not known to always being fair. They can get too clever at times too, and did not take kindly to what Paterno's claimed they did out of dishonesty, and putting out a Paterno Estate Family Report Proven to contradict and refuted later under oath by those convicted.

Yet, in today's world of ESPN Societal Correctness and Covering Football Games with Celebrities Invites, careful hirings and firings, one knows it can happen and just like the Monuments coming down in Louisiana and being vandalized in Gettysburg and else where. History Names are being changed too and even endowments have been removed in University Seals at Yale and Harvard.

If Paterno's 409 was beat out by a Coach that was in a Coma but still paid as Head Coach and get Credits for those Wins, Cult Dolt's would scream about it too.

I can hear the chants it now,.......If Not There For The Win Then No Record, Clean Away 409 And Credit 408!

You do know Win One For The Gipper was used by Knute Rockne, 8 years after Gipper had died, I did not see Gipper getting that Win in any ND or NCAA Statistical Record Book!


Wins Matter By Being There Not In Bed Or Dead!

Sparky Anderson missed a bunch of games with the 1984 Detroit Tigers - for the death of his father. MLB credits Anderson with the Tigers' wins and losses in his absence.

The Atlanta Hawks coach missed a game in 2015 - family death. He is credited by the NBA for the loss that the team incurred in the game he missed.

John Totorella missed a game against Nashville last January - because the family dog was ailing. The NHL credits Totorella for the loss in that game.

When it comes to coaches missing games due to family emergencies (or even family pet emergencies), the NCAA procedure is exactly similar to that of the major sports leagues.

I'm not a Paterno Loyalist -- but the NCAA would have no business taking that 1977 win off his record. That's been SOP for the NCAA (and for most other sports) for decades.
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"michnittlion, post: 1931457, member: 5996"]Sparky Anderson missed a bunch of games with the 1984 Detroit Tigers - for the death of his father. MLB credits Anderson with the Tigers' wins and losses in his absence.The Atlanta Hawks coach missed a game in 2015 - family death. He is credited by the NBA for the loss that the team incurred in the game he missed. John Totorella missed a game against Nashville last January - because the family dog was ailing. The NHL credits Totorella for the loss in that game.
No question up to each Sports and League!

When it comes to coaches missing games due to family emergencies (or even family pet emergencies), the NCAA procedure is exactly similar to that of the major sports leagues.
If it gets the Statue Back Up without the 409 Wins and Paterno's agree or propose it, based on the quote below, it will not matter much.

"Robinson recorded just one losing season between 1960 and 1990; however, after three consecutive losing seasons in the mid-1990s, pressure mounted for the now 78-year old coach to resign. Fellow college coach Joe Paterno is quoted in the Grambling State press guide as saying, "Nobody has ever done or ever will do what Eddie Robinson has done for the game... Our profession will never, ever be able to repay Eddie Robinson for what he has done for the country and the profession of football." In 1997 news escaped that Grambling was planning to dismiss him in mid-season. Public outcry—including condemnation from Louisiana elected officials like then-Gov. Mike Foster—led Grambling to retain Robinson's services through the remainder of the season."


I'm not a Paterno Loyalist -- but the NCAA would have no business taking that 1977 win off his record. That's been SOP for the NCAA (and for most other sports) for decades.
I quite agree, but this would not be targeting Paterno but apply to all Current and Prior Coaches. It would not be targeting Paterno or promoting Robinson just change how they will calculate past and future Statistic and Wins and Losses for all Past, Current and Future Coaches.

Also, it gets around the Consent Decree bringing back Joe's Wins and with just have an Asterisk and PSU Fans will be happy with it as well. Everyone at Penn State will still know Joe won 409 and will be happy if he ties or is behind Eddie by one or two.

You may know but didn't Joe miss some games due to Illness between 2006-2011 as well? Again, being in Coaching box is still counted as Coaching or on the Sidelines before the Game started would still count too.
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Yahoo Sports Weighs in and is very accurate, but the absolute hate written by over 500 comments nationwide is astounding. There is absolutely no support for Paterno Reputation or Legacy outside of State College. As seen in the Comment Sections. Joe is truly a Greek Tragedy, One Game Win 409 For All Time Ordain Hero Of College Football. One Week Later, Fired on National TV as Penn State Students Riot, and then learning he is dying. Pericles comes to my mind where he built a Great City of Athens and defended it, and then removed from Power and died from the very plague cause by the very Walls he built while under siege. Pacino Movie will depict similarities.
Penn State Football Scandal:

Wetzel: Last-Ditch Effort To Reframe Joe Paterno's Legacy Fizzles Out:
Dan Wetzel, Yahoo Sports:
With fiery rhetoric from high-powered attorneys and surrogates such as a former Pennsylvania governor, four years ago the family of the late Joe Paterno announced they were suing the NCAA. The suit sought to overturn NCAA sanctions against Paterno’s old Nittany Lion football program. It was mostly about what the family deemed unfair and irreparable harm the NCAA inflicted on Paterno due to its use of the Freeh Report in leveling the penalties................The Freeh Report, written by former FBI director Louis Freeh and commissioned by Penn State itself, took a harsh view of Paterno and others in allowing former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky to molest boys through the years................Deemed a search for truth and a continuation of JoePa’s dying wish to investigate the case, the high-profile lawsuit was billed as the family fighting back against a rush to judgment that had cost Paterno his job and his reputation.............Sollers said the case demanded “meticulous review.” After four years of presumably just that level of review, the case came to an abrupt conclusion. The family voluntarily filed a motion in Centre County Court Friday to discontinue the case “with prejudice,” meaning it’s over for good.........There was no settlement here. There were no considerations. This was a one-sided decision. After all this time, the family just gave up on this avenue. The NCAA was still muscled up for a fight. The timing wasn’t a coincidence. Plaintiff attorneys were facing a Friday afternoon deadline to file its discovery that backed up its claims on the case. Instead they quit........Whatever truth the Paternos hoped to shine on the situation never materialized. Instead the news of the retreat was buried late on a Friday before a holiday weekend...........The NCAA immediately declared “total victory.” It then put the family and its lawsuit on blast with a level of pent-up vitriol uncommon for the Association...........“We believe that the powerful record developed during discovery overwhelmingly confirmed what the NCAA believed all along...............This turn of events represents another bitter and humiliating chapter in this story for Paterno supporters. They have long slammed the Freeh report as overly conclusive and inconsistent – little more than a predetermined blame game in search of the flimsiest of proof. There was a measure of merit to the claim, as Freeh took leaps of logic to make conclusions that could certainly, at the very least, be debated............As such, there was long held hope among Paterno supporters that this lawsuit would cause the 267-page Freeh Report to come under continued assault, eventually leading to the softening of public opinion against Paterno. The ultimate goal was complete vindication and the return of a statue honoring the coach outside Beaver Stadium.............Other than that, though, there has been little success to be found in the courts for the pro-Paterno and pro-Sandusky factions. Be it criminal or civil, be it decision by jury or judge, almost everything has gone against the Paternos..............Additionally, the school’s civil suit against an insurer led to even more brutal headlines, as uncorroborated allegations of additional abuse were revealed that painted Paterno and Penn State in even worse light..........In the swirl after the scandal hit, causing Paterno’s once glowing career to end in controversy, there was a belief from those loyal to him that eventually the cool and calm of the court system would deliver vindication.............Fireworks were expected. “This matter will never be resolved until the full facts are reviewed in a lawful and transparent manner,” Sollers, the Paterno attorney, said at the outset. On Friday that review ended. In like a (Nittany) Lion, out with a whimper.

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I kind of love it. When more absurdity happens in State College, I tend to get the feeling alot of their Big Ten "rivals" peruse this board because you will get more truths here than on the PSU board. And remember folks, we have been telling you all for years that this "success with honor" crap was just that, crap. A complete fraud. And we were always the first to let the world know this. Now?
I kind of love it. When more absurdity happens in State College, I tend to get the feeling alot of their Big Ten "rivals" peruse this board because you will get more truths here than on the PSU board. And remember folks, we have been telling you all for years that this "success with honor" crap was just that, crap. A complete fraud. And we were always the first to let the world know this. Now?
Best Post :rolleyes:
Indeed, it was the reason that caught all of them in the end since it full of Self-Professed Hypocrisy, Arrogance and Ignorance. Penn State could and did not live up to the Standards of their Slogans.

Claiming to be more than they were and Professing, Promoting and Protecting the good name of Penn State? When they should have been standing up and Protecting Children from a very sick Alumnus and Coaching employee.

They got used to covering up their own Players Crimes and intimidating any other Penn State Employee that did not tow the line. When it all was exposed and came tumbling down they Double Down saying everybody else is to be blame and it was a Rush to Judgment. When the Undeniable Facts are on Friday was the Final Judgement about all of them learning and knowing the Full Truth had to Sealed and threw in the towel of Cowardly Lions.

Realizing now the World learns about Sandusky they would all be out of jobs and not living up to the very Standards they espoused. They constantly knocked down, lied about, and attacked other Universities, Coaches, and Players!

They were more Corrupt without Athletic Integrity than any other University Football Program in College Football History and required Jail Time for their Crimes and Fines for the University!:oops:
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He and Cardboard Joe just need a little quiet time together.
They can throw that away now, and it was a stupid idea from the outset! Funny, how Silence has returned to Franco when he once argued for Due Process, but Silence is written in the Sealed Paterno's Legal Praecipe an sealed explanation of Non-action?
Best Post :rolleyes:
Indeed, it was the reason that caught all of them in the end since it full of Self-Professed Hypocrisy, Arrogance and Ignorance. Penn State could and did not live up to the Standards of their Slogans.

Claiming to be more than they were and Professing, Promoting and Protecting the good name of Penn State? When they should have been standing up and Protecting Children from a very sick Alumnus and Coaching employee.

They got used to covering up their own Players Crimes and intimidating any other Penn State Employee that did not tow the line. When it all was exposed and came tumbling down they Double Down saying everybody else is to be blame and it was a Rush to Judgment. When the Undeniable Facts are on Friday was the Final Judgement about all of them learning and knowing the Full Truth had to Sealed and threw in the towel of Cowardly Lions.

Realizing now the World learns about Sandusky they would all be out of jobs and not living up to the very Standards they espoused. They constantly knocked down, lied about, and attacked other Universities, Coaches, and Players!

They were more Corrupt without Athletic Integrity than any other University Football Program in College Football History and required Jail Time for their Crimes and Fines for the University!:oops:

That's it. It is not just the Sandusky fiasco (though that is enough to discredit "success with honor"). It is the same insular, private, tightly held handlings of their player issues over the years so it rarely hit the public. Including media that was complicit to these coverups because they bowed at the pew of JoePa and also were mostly PSU grads (aka "fanboys"). They believed the garbage too. It is like telling a lie over and over again, eventually it becomes a truth to you.
That's it. It is not just the Sandusky fiasco (though that is enough to discredit "success with honor"). It is the same insular, private, tightly held handlings of their player issues over the years so it rarely hit the public. Including media that was complicit to these coverups because they bowed at the pew of JoePa and also were mostly PSU grads (aka "fanboys"). They believed the garbage too. It is like telling a lie over and over again, eventually it becomes a truth to you.
Great point Recruits.
That's it. It is not just the Sandusky fiasco (though that is enough to discredit "success with honor"). It is the same insular, private, tightly held handlings of their player issues over the years so it rarely hit the public. Including media that was complicit to these coverups because they bowed at the pew of JoePa and also were mostly PSU grads (aka "fanboys"). They believed the garbage too. It is like telling a lie over and over again, eventually it becomes a truth to you.
Another good point and I posted similar aspects many times on how the made mistakes defining their own University and Football Program while maligning others wrongly.

They thought the Outside World needed to be inform about how they believed in the real Penn State but now they know the only ones in Silence Today was what they learned about themselves, and in Hindsight can't refute anything.

Silence before 2001, Silence after 2001, and Franco Silent Today in 2017 with Withdraw of Civil Lawsuit & Convictions Jail Terms Begin July 15th!
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Some Ending Info:
1. NCAA claimed the Absolute Truth would prove them Right in the End. They were right. The Paterno's always claimed they wanted that Truth No Matter good or bad and will donate the money to charities.

2. My earlier postings last year said this case is dead, with the PMA Insurance Judge Ruling that allow the Redacted Deposition of an early known victim 1976 and his name is why it is still sealed to protect the Victims. This was going to be used for NCAA Defense if the Lawsuit went to Trial. Once put on record would mean it would come out as public information and very damaging.

3. The other thing Cult Dolt’s do not know is the 400+ Penn State Employees interviewed by Freeh are also under seal for their protection. They were the ones that exposed the Penn State Football Culture of Intimidation. Spanier, Paterno, Curley, and Schultz were a big part of it.

4. The Paterno’s Lawyers thought they were going to argue Graduation Rates but even those were never at 100% and in some 8 to 9 Years were under 70%, and Players were given special treatment and had Lawyers available to get Players out of Jail after being arrested. The NCAA had the Department of Education Investigation but they ignored Athletic Integrity Codes of Conducts and demanded Players be treated different from students on many Policies at Penn State.

5. The Federal Cases on Jay/Kenney against Penn State were tossed out for the same claim.

6. The real killer was when the NCAA demanded Discovery of Paterno Nike contracts, prior Trustees in Business with Paterno Corporate Ownerships Agreements, and would exposed the Financial Data that the Paterno’s were not hurt and the Facts that were not damaged financially.

7. The Paterno Report Paid Experts claims were deeply refuted in the PMA Insurance Cases and the Criminal Case Testimony by Curley and Schultz naming Paterno, as the coach in the emails they once disputed was Sandusky instead, but that turned out wrong. Even Clemente the Child Crime Investigator was refuted and he is being sued for $750 Million on the Jon Benet TV show he put out.

8. The Paterno Family's Report did not examine actual Direct Evidence that remains damaging to the late Coach's Reputation: Paterno was indeed aware that an eyewitness saw Sandusky sexually harming a child on university property many years ago. This was not made up by Freeh, but in Paterno's Own Words Under Oath. As well as, by the same admission of Penn State Schultz and Curley, did testify under oath at the Spanier’s Trial. The incident in question was not reported to Police Investigators or to Child Welfare Officials for a proper Inquiry, and more children were abused as a result.

9. Finally, the highly paid for Paterno Family Report contradicted its own claim to circumstantial evidence conclusions. Indeed again, these five Penn State officials understood Jerry Sandusky was sexually abusing a child on University Property as far back as 2001. Yet, the Family Paid Report actually hurt Joe’s Estate Commercial Disparagement Claims when it ended…. "It Can Be Argued That Joe Paterno Should Have Gone Further. He Should Have Pushed His Superiors To See That They Were Doing Their Jobs." That is from the Statement issued by the Paterno’s on the Morning that Freeh released his Report. They added: "We Accept This Criticism."

10. The Report was also put out to help Jury Nullification but once Plead Convictions happen and a Jury convicted Spanier, and revelations came out on Paterno, the only Report Discredited was The Paterno Estate Family Report and the Freeh Investigation Report stood up to Scrutiny in 3 Separate Investigations. The Paterno Report contradicted itself and in no way was Thornburgh or Clemente would want to go under any Cross-Examinations.

The only people looking very stupid today were all those Penn State Stalkers Fans that kept saying the Freeh Report was "TOTALLY DISCREDITED" they were badly misled and proven outright wrong and don't have the balls to admit it. On the Contrary.......The Truth of Freeh actually made the Paterno Family withdraw from the NCAA Lawsuit Quietly on a long July 4th Weekend, and in a strange way, actually set them "Freeh" from further Embarrassment on the Public Record and why Summary Judgement Sealed was its only out.

Now come the Movies, Documentaries, and Books!

Under 70%?

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Under 70%?Never.
Based on your postings, are you asking about your IQ? Check AFCA Academic Achievement Awards you need to educate yourself since you been lying and hiding behind your hate and just accept what happen to Joe's Legacy. Joe did it on his own, and dummies like you believed it, and when later it was exposed you just kept lying about it based on only your ignorance! So, you prove "NEVER", but you won't and can't and that is only on you, LOL!

There is much I respect of Joe and not ashamed to post it even if criticized, but your postings are not one them, since all you do is come, run, and hide and on BWI too, you are The Legacy of Shame of Penn State Football Name!
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Here's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it. The NCAA always knew Paterno was a fraud and his "Grand Experiment" was a myth. They knew how he manipulated graduation rates. They knew that his AD didn't have a compliance department and didn't report any Clery Act requirements. They knew the story behind the ouster of the Student Affairs VP. They kept it quiet because Paterno served a massive public relations service to them.

Every time an SMU or Barry Switzer scandal broke, they threw Paterno out to the public as a counter-story. Every time a fedex package full of cash from Kentucky to a recruit burst open on the conveyor belt, they threw Paterno out there as a counter-story. Every time a Fab Five or Reggie Bush or Tressel were exposed, they threw Paterno out there as a counter-story. But all the time, they had plenty of information on how things really went down in State College. When the Paternos went to war with them, they went full Dean Wormer and dropped the big one during discovery, and the Paternos crawled back into their hole rather than allow the real truth to be exposed.
Here's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it. The NCAA always knew Paterno was a fraud and his "Grand Experiment" was a myth. They knew how he manipulated graduation rates. They knew that his AD didn't have a compliance department and didn't report any Clery Act requirements. They knew the story behind the ouster of the Student Affairs VP. They kept it quiet because Paterno served a massive public relations service to them.

Every time an SMU or Barry Switzer scandal broke, they threw Paterno out to the public as a counter-story. Every time a fedex package full of cash from Kentucky to a recruit burst open on the conveyor belt, they threw Paterno out there as a counter-story. Every time a Fab Five or Reggie Bush or Tressel were exposed, they threw Paterno out there as a counter-story. But all the time, they had plenty of information on how things really went down in State College. When the Paternos went to war with them, they went full Dean Wormer and dropped the big one during discovery, and the Paternos crawled back into their hole rather than allow the real truth to be exposed.

It was the NCAA that wanted things sealed.
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Here's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it. The NCAA always knew Paterno was a fraud and his "Grand Experiment" was a myth. They knew how he manipulated graduation rates. They knew that his AD didn't have a compliance department and didn't report any Clery Act requirements. They knew the story behind the ouster of the Student Affairs VP. They kept it quiet because Paterno served a massive public relations service to them.

Every time an SMU or Barry Switzer scandal broke, they threw Paterno out to the public as a counter-story. Every time a fedex package full of cash from Kentucky to a recruit burst open on the conveyor belt, they threw Paterno out there as a counter-story. Every time a Fab Five or Reggie Bush or Tressel were exposed, they threw Paterno out there as a counter-story. But all the time, they had plenty of information on how things really went down in State College. When the Paternos went to war with them, they went full Dean Wormer and dropped the big one during discovery, and the Paternos crawled back into their hole rather than allow the real truth to be exposed.

Now we know Alex Jones' user name on the Rivals network.