I'm not sure about the gloating. I lived as a kid in central Pa for many years and I lived with pretty much all penn state fans. Even then as a kid I could see the how fake paterno was. And even then I could see the fans eating it up as it was gospel. All I heard was how penn state does things the right way.
I think that movie "Something for Joey", though I did like the movie, I believe started your school's and fan's arrogance. You began to act like you were above everyone. Because of Cappelleti and Paterno they began to think penn state had some kind of divine spirit about them. Then paterno saying he was staying put in penn state because he "didn't want to leave college football to the Switzer's and Sherrill's of the world." Meanwhile he is keeping quiet all the things his players were doing. He would discipline his players himself, he wouldn't let the school do it and he disciplined them by doing virtually nothing. Of course back in those days the media wasn't all over the place so he was able to hide everything that was going on and nobody outside of happy valley knew it.
All these years your fans and school had this attitude that you were above everyone else and the fact was you were no better than anyone, just better at hiding everything. And when it all began to fall apart there was an "I told you so" attitude from everyone outside of penn state. That may be gloating, possibly. But in my opinion it was relief that maybe you guys finally learn the truth about your school and you are no better than us.
But your attitude did not change, it got worse. You started to act like the victims and it really disgusted everyone. Young kids were being abused on your campus and YOU were the victims because it hurt penn state football. That is a sick attitude. And you cannot deny that. So your fans have been in the defense mode while we have been in the put your fans in their place mode. To me that is not gloating, its more like we have had enough. You, not you personally, but your fans disgust us and we don't want any part of you. That's not only a Pitt attitude, it happens to be the attitude of most fan bases now. OSU, Michigan, Iowa, etc.
Then to make matters worse, your fans think everyone hates you because of envy. That is a "WOW" moment when I hear that.
Do you understand where we are coming from?
Of course we were both embarrassed and ashamed that it happened. But while you see a lot of Penn Staters as arrogant for still being proud....we also see some outsiders as gloating that this happened. You cannot deny that. The people that already hated us threw that in our face. Here is the bottom line....Sandusky is the bad guy in all of this. Not me....not my friends who are PSU alums. That is the most important thing to keep in mind.
I am still very much proud to be a Penn Stater. Why not? I have a great graduate degree in a top 10 program. I am proud of the friends I made and the lifelong connections. I did not grow up in Pennsylvania but I love the Commonwealth now. There are so many great people throughout the entire Keystone state.
A lot of my buddies in Nashville gave me grief...just because they knew how much I loved Penn State. They were never like...you should be ashamed and wear a scarlet letter. I did nothing wrong. I am a husband and a father. I love my family more than anything. I feel bad for any kid that is abused or mistreated. Sadly, this is a nationwide problem. It happens way to often in every area and throughout all demographics. It is not a football issue and it is not a PSU issue. PSU got the attention because of their name but this is not isolated to central PA.
I would hope we can all do more to protect children.