Steelers vs Packers

Avocado Toast Porter gets away with an obvious hold then gives up a 1st down
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Huge downer to let the offensively challenged Packers come back and go right down the field.
Looks like he's out of bounds and doesn't control the ball.
Not sure why he didn’t just check it down to the guy in front of him. The one thing Kenny helps with is not turning the ball over.
The running game is vastly improved. I mean it has to be because Matt Canada is down on the sidelines?

Defense needs to nut up this series.
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Does Jones really make this much of a difference in the run game? If so no excuse from not having him in there since day 1.
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Washington and Jones blocking today is on another level. Everyone on the OL doing pretty well but those two stand out.
Apparently we all had the same idea at the same time. Run game night and day the last couple weeks from what we saw earlier this season.
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Well I'd say we can say we've seen the last of Chuks in a Steelers uniform. All week on 93.7 they've been talking about him being cut next year. Will save quite a few millions. I thought it was a bad re-sign to begin with, especially at that money.